South School Friday Updates
March 1st, 2024
Save the Dates:
Scholastic Book Fair - 3/5 - 3/7
PTO Meeting - 3/6 @ 7pm
Early Release & Parent Teacher Conferences - 3/7 @ 12:20
Term II Closes - 3/8
School Council - 3/20
Report Cards - 3/22
Fun Run - 4/3
PTO Meeting - 4/3 @ 7pm
Week of February 26th
Happy Friday South Community!
Hope you all had an incredible vacation week! This week culminated with our Leaders are Readers event at the South School. We had many visitors today!! A few pictures from the event are included below with many more to come next week!
A couple events to keep on your radar next week include Scholastic Book Fair Tuesday-Thursday, PTO Meeting on Wednesday night, Early Release Day on Thursday (12:20 dismissal) and Parent Teacher Conferences that same afternoon! If you have not already signed up, keep in mind conference sign ups close Tuesday, March 5th @ 9pm.
Save the date! There will be a community forum to learn more about the new elementary school building project on Monday, March 4 at 7pm at the Great Hall at Stoughton Town Hall (third floor, 10 Pearl St.). The schematic design as well as the project's cost and tax impact will be discussed.
If you are unable to attend in person, there will also be a virtual viewing option. Click here to register for the virtual option.
In the meantime, to learn more about this project, you can visit the project's website by clicking here.
- Principal Dore
Leaders are Readers Day 2024
New Building Project Updates
PTO Updates
1. Book Fair is COMING NEXT WEEK! Volunteers needed! Sign Up here: http://tinyurl.com/hyj398kd - Book Fair will be open during conferences next week!
2. Start saving your coins!! Pot of Gold Challenge will be hear before you know it! Funding this year will go towards a variety of upcoming enrichment opportunities!
MCAS Dates & Reminders
Update from Nurse Kaplan
Please remember to send in a change of clothing for your child to keep in the classroom or their backpack. There have been many students ( younger and older) recently who have needed clothing from the clinic. It is always more comfortable for students to have their own clothing when needed rather than trying to fit into clothing from the clinic that is too big or not their style. If clothing is borrowed, please launder and return it as soon as possible. Thanks so much.
- Nurse Kaplan