District Monthly Update
October 2022, Waltham Public Schools
Kennedy Student Council Field Trip to the Moving Wall
The student council members from Kennedy traveled to Bedford to experience the The Moving Wall - the traveling half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Students learned about the Vietnam Wall and were able to speak to veterans.
STEM Programming over Summer
During Robotics Camp this summer, students learned coding and built robots to their desired specifications and to overcome a variety of challenges. For example one student programmed his robot to stop and turn around when it reached the edge of the table with the use of laser sensors. During week 1 of Coding for Food Justice Camp, high school student counselors learned to build and program a SMART mini greenhouse, then in week 2 they lead middle school students through their own build. Both middle and high school students gained experience with programming, 3D printing, and laser cutting, and of course grew some delicious herbs for their kitchens in the process.
A big thank you to Professor Mike Barnett and his team at Boston College for bringing their innovative ideas to Waltham!
FREE After School Prep for WHS Math MCAS
Starting Monday, October 3rd, the High School Math department will offer free after school prep sessions for all students who are still in need of passing their Math MCAS test. Sessions will be held on Mondays in Room 142 from 2-3pm (Dates: Oct 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st, Nov 7th & 14th). *Note: We will also offer Math MCAS Prep sessions during Hawk Blocks for those who cannot attend after school. We encourage students to sign up with their advisory or math teacher today. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to Val Alfeo at valeriealfeo@walthampublicschools.org or 781-314-5513.
Exciting news! 📢⭐📢⭐📢⭐📢⭐📢 Massachusetts has extended free school meals for all students through the 2022-2023 school year! This means that breakfast and lunch will continue to be served at no cost to all Waltham students. Please feel free to share and spread this wonderful news. Information on back-to-school menus is posted on the Food and Nutrition page of our website. As always, we are grateful for the opportunity to provide delicious and nutritious meals to all students. If you have any questions contact: meals@walthampublicschools.org
As we prepare to welcome back students and staff safely to our schools, Waltham Public Schools would like to share the following Health Protocols. We acknowledge that while COVID-19 is still with us, for the majority, COVID-19 no longer severely disrupts daily lives. As a district, we will focus on vulnerable and symptomatic individuals.
- We are a mask-friendly district and support anyone who chooses to wear a mask. Masks will continue to be mandated in school health offices as directed by MDPH. All individuals visiting a health office should bring their own mask.
- Everyone should continue to follow daily health checks. Individuals should administer an at-home COVID test if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
- Individuals should stay home if they are sick, whether vaccinated or not. Colds, flu, and other viruses are still present. Individuals should not participate in any extracurricular activities if they are sick. Individuals that have been exposed to COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, should wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and test 5 full days after the last exposure (on Day 6). Exposed individuals may continue to attend programs as long as they are asymptomatic (without symptoms) and have a negative test on Day 6.
- Children and staff who test positive must isolate for at least 5 days. If they are asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving and they have been fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicine for 24 hours, they may return to school after day 5 and wear a high quality mask through day 10.
- Individuals who develop symptoms while in school will be assessed by the school nurse and may be sent home if their symptoms are consistent with the daily health check list below.
The Director of Health Services and Superintendent will monitor cases for patterns. They will consult with the Board of Health and determine appropriate notification at that time. Vaccines are the best way to protect from the effects of COVID-19.
Our continued success and safety are dependent upon everyone doing their part. This guidance is subject to change dependent upon community prevalence. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your School Nurse.
WPS families (and staff) should monitor their children (and themselves) for symptoms of COVID-19 every day before school.
Staff and students must STAY HOME if they experience any of the following symptoms:
- Fever (100.0° Fahrenheit or higher), chills or shaking chills
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- New loss of taste or smell
- Muscle aches or body aches
- Cough (not due to other known cause)
- Sore throat, when in combination with other symptoms
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea when in combination with other symptoms
- Headache, when in combination with other symptoms
- Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms
- Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms
If symptomatic, it is recommended that COVID -19 testing be performed. If you or your child test positive for COVID, isolate and notify your School Nurse.
Please see the following links for support for families who may need access to high-speed Internet:
Student registration using our online form can be found on the Registration Information page. In addition to instructions that will guide you in completing the form, you will find information on the Required Documents for Student Registration along with Frequently Asked Questions. In-person student registration is available by appointment only with the parent or legal guardian of the student. Please contact the PIC by phone 781-314-5524 (English) 781-314-5668 (Español) email pic@walthampublicschools.org or by submitting our contact form as soon as you have all the required documents needed for student registration. If you are unable to keep your scheduled time, or arrive late to an appointment, you will need to contact our office to reschedule. You may also request a phone, or video appointment for assistance with the registration process. We look forward to welcoming your child and working with your family throughout the registration process.
Openings are available for 3 & 4 year old children in our Preschool Programs at Northeast and Stanley Elementary Schools.
An integrated classroom is one in which less than half of the children have diagnosed special education needs. To provide these children with access to typically developing peers, children without diagnosed or suspected needs are invited to participate in classes on a part time basis. The classes remain small and are taught by highly qualified licensed teachers. This widely acclaimed and respected program has been under the direction of Waltham Public Schools for more than 30 years.
To qualify for program consideration:
- Children must be Waltham residents and 3 or 4 years old by September 1, 2022
- Parents must have access to their own transportation
The Waltham Public Schools recognizes its responsibility to provide a free and appropriate public education to eligible students with disabilities living or attending school within its geographical boundaries. The District has a "child find" process that is designed to locate, identify and evaluate children with disabilities residing or attending public or private school within its geographical boundaries preschool through grade 12 or through age 22 if they have not received a high school diploma.
If you know a child who lives or attends public or private school within the boundaries of the Waltham Public Schools who may be in the need of special education and/or related services, please contact the District's Special Education Office for further information regarding the referral and evaluation process. This specifically includes students residing in Waltham, children who reside in Waltham and attend private school in Waltham at private expense, children who reside outside of Waltham and attend private school in Waltham at private expense, and home schooled students residing in Waltham. If the student is a school aged student who lives in Waltham, but attends a non-public private school that is not located within Waltham’s geographical boundaries, the student may need to be referred to the school district in which the non-public school is located in order to receive services during the regular school year. Please contact that school district for information regarding time deadlines for requests for services.
Waltham Public School’s Child Find process extends to students with physical or mental impairments that substantially limit a major life activity. Such students may be eligible for services or accommodations pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Section 504 is a Federal civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and programs receiving Federal financial assistance. Please contact your child's school’s principal for more information regarding Section 504 eligibility and services.
Hispanic Heritage Month is observed annually from September 15 to October 15. It is a time to appreciate and celebrate the cultures, rich histories, contributions and diversity of the American Latino community. Here are a few resources:
Teach Central America Week
Are You Ready to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month?
National Education Association Hispanic Heritage Month
October 5, 2022
October 10, 2022
October 12, 2022
October 26, 2022
October 28, 2022