September, 2023
Monthly Parent Newsletter

Welcome to the New School Year!
Parent/Guardian Involvement is Essential to Student Success!
Cicero District 99 continues its efforts to engage parents and students in learning at home.
Through the Strategic Planning process, community feedback indicated that parents want support and resources to use at home with their children.
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide resources you can use at home to support students in extending their learning. Each month, the topics will align with classroom instruction.
Working together, we can improve outcomes for our students.
Math Resources
Students in grades K - 8 use iReady as the math curriculum resource. Students complete an adaptive assessment at the beginning of the year which provides data to determine your students' opportunities for growth, personalize their learning, and monitor progress through the year. In addition to classroom math instruction, students are expected to complete their individualized pathways which are online lessons based upon their individual skill level and opportunities for improvement.
The links below are resources you can use with your students at home to support math instruction this month.
Grades K-5: Fluency Flight Family Introduction - English
Grades K-5: Fluency Flight Family Introduction - Spanish
Kindergarten - Counting 0 to 5
Kindergarten - Números hasta 5
First Grade - Doubles and Near Doubles
First Grade - Dobles y casi dobles
Second Grade - Mental Math Strategies for Addition
Second Grade - Estrategias de cálculo mental para sumar
Third Grade - Add Three-Digit Numbers
Third Grade - Suma números de tres dígitos
Fourth Grade - Understanding Place Value
Fourth Grade - Comprende valor posicional
Fifth Grade - Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers
Fifth Grade - Multiplica numeros de varios dígitos
Sixth Grade - Find the Area of a Parallelogram
Sixth Grade - Halla el area de un paralelogramo
Seventh Grade - Understand Proportional Relationships
Seventh Grade - Comprende relaciones proporcionales
Eighth Grade - Work with Sequences of Transformations and Congruence
Eighth Grade - Trabaja con secuencias de transformaciones y congruencia
Literacy Resources
Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a language arts program for grades K-5 that combines a multi-sensory approach to phonics with rich texts carefully sequenced to build content knowledge, so that students learn to read and read to learn at the same time.
Every day in grades K-2, students complete one full lesson that builds foundational reading skills, as well as one full lesson that builds background knowledge. In grades 3-5, students start to master the skills of reading, further opening up their worlds.
Amplify Caminos is an authentic elementary Spanish language arts program for grades K-5, grounded in the science of reading and built from the ground up for the Spanish language.
Amplify Caminos, used in Dual Language Classrooms grades K-5, is designed around topics that interest kids, from science to world history to great literature and art. Students connect what they learn across units and grades, deepening their understanding and engagement each year.
Amplify ELA helps students in grades 6-8 read and understand complex texts that encourage them to grapple with interesting ideas and find relevance for themselves.
Below, you will find information regarding the unit(s) being studied this month as well as ways you can extend the learning at home.
Unit 1 - Nursery Rhymes and Fables
Unit 1 - Rimas y fábulas infantiles
First Grade
Second Grade
Unit 1 - Fairy Tales and Tall Tales
Unit 1 - Cuentos de hadas y cuentos exagerados
Unit 2 - Early Asian Civilizations
Unit 2 - Antiguas civilizaciones de Asia
Third Grade
Unit 1 - Classic Tales: The Wind in the Willows
Unit 1 - Cuentos clásicos: El viento en los sauces
Unit 2 - Animal Classification
Unit 2 - La clasificación de los animales
Fourth Grade
Unit 1 - Narrativas personales
Unit 2 - Empires in the Middle Ages, Part 1
Unit 2 - Los imperios en la Edad Media, parte 1
Fifth Grade
Unit 1 - Narrativas personales
Unit 2 - Early American Civilizations
Unit 2 - Las primeras civilizaciones americanas
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
7A: Red Scarf Girl & Narrative
7A: Red Scarf Girl y la narrativa
Eighth Grade
Social/Emotional Wellbeing
Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided by Cicero District 99 that helps families gain access to a dedicated Care Companion to navigate the mental health care system on their behalf, calling providers to find the right fit and availability. They help families with private insurance, Medicaid, and no insurance, and are available 24/7/365 in any language. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a mental health provider:
Call (888) 515-0595.
Visit caresolace.com/cicd99 and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email or phone.
Cicero District 99
Website: www.cicd99.edu
Location: 5110 W 24th St, Cicero, IL, USA
Phone: (708) 863-4856
Facebook: facebook.com/CiceroDistrict99
Twitter: @D99Cicero