Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
November 2019
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestra hoja informativa y necesita la traducción en español, por favor contacte a Erica Sánchez al 503 356 2560 opción 2 para español.
All current parents and guardians of CPMS students are automatically members of the PTC.
Our events, programs, school support, & enthusiasm
make up this vibrant volunteer community & are indeed, POWERED BY YOU.
1. Cedar Park PTC has been added to PayPal's "Make an Impact" list for easy online donation.
Cedar Park PTC Added to PayPal "Make an Impact"
Donating to your student’s success just got crazy simple!
The Cedar Park Parent Teacher Club has recently been added to PayPal’s “Make an Impact” list of nonprofits, meaning donors and community members can easily donate to the PTC from PayPal’s website or app with no fees attached. Straight from your phone, America. Easy. As. That.
To make a tax deductible donation, simply log into your PayPal account (website or app) and scroll down to the “Make an impact” search engine. Search “Cedar Park Middle School Parent Teacher Club” and donate directly from your PayPal account all year long.
Or, simply use this link: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/2192841
A tax receipt is automatically generated to the email of your PayPal account.
This is a PERFECT OPTION for those parents who missed setting up a Pledgestar page for our recent 5K effort. Remember, we haven’t QUITE hit that goal (so close!), so every dollar counts. #poweredbyyou
YOUR MONEY AT WORK: CPMS Students Take On Keith Haring
Bravo to all the awesome parents who volunteered to manage the minions and make our first Art Lit lesson a huge success. Special shout out to Melanie Odom, Melissa Manos & Maureen Louie for chairing this important PTC committee.
Art Lit is solely funded by your generous 5K donation.
Anyone interested in volunteering for art lit can email artlit@cedarparkptc.org. No art experience required, though all volunteers will need to have a background check through the mIP system.
Next up– Piet Mondrian!
FREE MONEY, BABY! Don't Forget to Match Your 5K Donation
Matching funds are a vital source of income for our PTC.
Unsure if your company matches? Head to www.cedarparkptc.org/matching and use the “Double the Donation” search engine to look up your company.
***Remember to submit matching funds requests to employers for your 5K donations promptly as some employers, such as Intel, have only a 60 day window to submit.
October 2019 Community Meeting Minutes & Treasurer's Report
Your Cedar Park PTC held its October meeting on Monday, 10/28/19. The PTC Board was on hand to give exciting school & PTC updates. We also welcomed special guest speakers Christina Mackin, to discuss the AVID program, and Linda Peterson & Sandra Miller, to give a Canvas/Parentvue overview.
Topics included:
- BSD’s need for AVID volunteers
- An overview of Canvas/Parentvue
- 5K updates
- Treasurer Report
- Approval of Erika Hammond as new PTC Vice President
THANK YOU to our CPMS volunteers who staffed the Beaverton Clothes Closet last month!
Huge thanks to Cedar Park’s Clothes Closet coordinator, Dana Stark, for making magic happen!
BSD Clothes Closet In Need of Shoes
The Beaverton Clothes Closet is in dire need of new or very gently used AND CLEAN shoes, especially athletic shoes, of all sizes.
The Beaverton Clothes Closet is a volunteer service organization that provides new and gently used clothing to BSD students (K-12). More info regarding this valuable BSD program can be found here.
Donations can be dropped off at the Clothes Closet, located at the Beaverton School District Administration Center, 16550 SW Merlo Road, Beaverton, OR 97006.
October 2019 Principal Coffee Recap: The Journey Continues
Dr. A’s Principal Coffee last month was a pretty straightforward affair. Read on to hear what’s upcoming for our little middle school angels. Topics included:
- Better, Not Bitter Assembly
- Middle School Boundary Roadshow
- Testing Takes Over: But Does it Matter?
- Other Interesting Nuggets You’d Know if You’d Been Here
Read the full recap right HERE.
See you all Thursday, 12/12 at 9am for the next exciting session with Dr. Anderson!
CPMS 5th Grade Open House Next Wed, 11/20
Current CPMS staff, parents & students will be on hand to answer any questions.
November PTC Meeting: "Keeping Our Kids Safe Online" Presentation on 11/25
Cedar Park's Safety Resource Officer, Matt Cline, will be discussing effective ways to keep our children safe online on Monday, 11/25 at 6:30pm.
Join him and the PTC Board at the November PTC meeting to learn tools, apps and other ways to monitor and protect your student's digital life. Join us to learn more about this important and relevant topic!
Cedar Park Onstage Presents the Giver & Gathering Blue this December
Admission rates include: Adult ($7), Student ($5), Children 10 & Under ($1), Family Rate of four or more ($20), BSD staff (free).
The Giver
Jonas' world is perfect. Everything is under control and safe. There is no war or fear or pain. There are also no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the community. But when Jonas turns 12, he is chosen for special training from The Giver—to receive and keep the memories of the community. The Giver is the only person who holds the memories of real pain and real joy. Now Jonas will learn the truth about life—and the hypocrisy of his utopian world. Through this astonishing and moving adaptation, discover what it means to grow up, to grow wise, and to take control of your own destiny.
Gathering Blue
In an apocalyptic future where children are kept like animals and human life is cheap, young Kira learns the ugly truth about the powers controlling her world. A gifted weaver, her talent catches the attention of the Council of Guardians. Under their custody, Kira is made to mend and embellish the ceremonial Singer's Robe—a garment that tells the history of the world. But the longer she works, the more she learns about the horrifying secrets that keep her community hostage. Can she use her knowledge and art to reshape the future? Based on Lois Lowry's companion piece to The Giver, Gathering Blue tells a suspenseful tale of the power of creativity to fight brutality.
The Giver and Gathering Blue are presented through special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing Inc. All authorized performance materials are also supplied by Dramatic Publishing.
Middle School Boundary Advisory Committee Meeting at CPMS, 12/5
Sunset High School Offering Campus Tours this Winter
SHS are offering campus tours this winter. Tours are conducted by a school administrator and are intended for those families seeking information about Sunset, who do not currently have students attending the school.
Tours will be at 4pm on:
- November 21
- December 5
- December 12
- December 19
- January 16
All opportunities are scheduled through the mIP system.
Pro Tip: Hit the "Opportunities" tab and filter by "Cedar Park Middle School" to easily see sign-ups.
Ongoing Opportunities:
- Student Store (M-F, 8:45-9:15am)
Event Opportunities:
Upcoming (look for sign-up soon):
- PACK Store
- December Staff Appreciation event
- Student Socials (1/24/20)
All parent and community volunteers are required to have an mIP profile. Head to www.cedarparkptc.org/volunteering for more details.
Organizers Needed for Cedar Park Science Festival
Help launch a brand-new CPMS event!
Two willing volunteers are needed to help organize the first ever CPMS Science Festival, which will be held end of January. No experience required, no science knowledge needed, just willingness to further educational opportunities for our kids!
Time requirement will be a few meetings before event for planning and organization, and then day of to assist with organizing set up. We will put out a request for set up, take down and reviewers in the next month or so.
Contact Julie Larson if interested at julieconnertodd@gmail.com.
8th Grade Choir Concert, Monday, 11/18, 7pm (Sunset High School)
5th Grade Open House, Wed, 11/20, 6-7pm
PTC Community Meeting, "Keeping Our Kids Safe Online"
Monday, 11/25, 6:30pm
NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving), 11/27-29
NO SCHOOL, Monday, 12/2
Middle School Boundary Advisory Committee Meeting @ CPMS
Thursday, 12/5, 6:30-8:30pm
Coffee & Tea with Dr. Anderson, Thursday, 12/12, 9am
Winter Band Concert, Thursday, 12/12, 6pm
Cedar Park Onstage Presents The Giver & Gathering Blue, 12/13 & 12/14
Spirit Week, 12/16- 12/20
Last Day of School Before Winter Break, 12/20
Students' First Day Back, Monday, 1/6/20
NO SCHOOL, Monday, 1/20
Cedar Park School Socials, Friday, 1/24
NO SCHOOL (Grading Day), Monday, 1/27
October 2019 Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
Cedar Park 5K Enjoys Success, Within $3000 of Goal
October 2019 PTC Board Meeting Summary: Off to Awesome Start
Cedar Park 5K: Where the Money Goes
Parent Input Needed for Student Success Act
Cedar Park Calendar Available Online
NEVER MISS A THING. Community members can subscribe to the PTC blog at www.cedarparkptc.org/news to receive the latest news on the day it posts.
Prefer social media? Find us on Facebook.
Cedar Park Parent-Teacher Club (PTC)
Email: secretary@cedarparkptc.org
Website: www.cedarparkptc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPMSPTC/?ref=bookmarks