D103 News
Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District 103; Apr 21, 2021
End of School Year Calendar Updates
We would like to inform you of some changes to the D103 calendar for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. We combined two partial planning days into one full day. Please see the changes below.
Thursday, April 22 will be a Full Day of School for Grades K-8; no school for Early Childhood (originally a late arrival day)
Friday, May 21 there is No School for Early Childhood through Eighth-Grade (Teacher Remote Planning Day - originally a full day of school)
Wednesday, May 26 will be a Full Day of School for Early Childhood through Grade 8 (originally a half day of school)
Monday, May 31, No School (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, June 1, Last Day of School for Eighth-Graders (Full Day)
Thursday, June 3, Last Day of School for Early Childhood (Full Day)
Friday, June 4, Last Day of School for kindergarten through seventh-grade students (Full Day)
Please watch for end of the year activities to come from your child's school.
Please visit the District 103 school calendar for updates on days when school is not in session for the 2021-2022 school year.
District News
Board of Education Meeting
The next regular Board meeting will occur on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. The notice and agenda can be found on the District 103 Board meeting webpage.
Virtual 5K Run/Walk
D103 PTO's virtual 5K run/walk event is now open for registration.
In order to keep our community safe and continue to raise funds for our school district, the D103 PTO will host its first ever (hopefully only) ​Run for D103 VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk. Please visit the Run for D103 website to learn more about the event and register.
Volunteer of the Year Award
The D103 PTO Executive Board appreciates all of our volunteers! We also like to acknowledge that one special person who has gone above and beyond the call of duty. If you know of a deserving person you would like to nominate for the 2020-2021 D103 PTO Scott S. Guziec Volunteer of the Year Award, please fill out the Google nomination form. Nominations are due by May 1.
Dawn Anderson Angel Award
Each year, the PTO recognizes a volunteer who exemplifies the commitment of Dawn Anderson to District 103. Dawn generously volunteered for District 103, the D103 PTO and in our community. We now award a volunteer that demonstrates that commitment.
Requirements for Nomination: The nominee must be someone whose youngest child is an eighth-grade student so that this volunteer will be "graduating" from District 103. The volunteer should be someone who has committed his or her time over several years to our District, including volunteering for the PTO.
Maybe this is a visible volunteer who has led many PTO events or a quiet contributor who we could always count on to fill in when needed. Like Dawn, this volunteer should have an infectious volunteer spirit. The deadline for submission is April 30. Please fill out the Google nomination form to recognize a volunteer.
Leave Your Legacy in D103
The D103 Learning Fund Foundation financially supports many programs in D103, including the library at Laura B. Sprague School. Their news fundraiser, the Legacy Brick Fundraiser, allows families to make a donation to support D103 schools and have their name engraved on a brick laid in a walkway at Daniel Wright. Watch Stripes and Principal Ann Hofmeier show how this fundraiser benefits Sprague students.
Community News
Wine, Dine, & Win in Lincolnshire
The Village of Lincolnshire is holding a Wine, Dine, & Win campaign during the month of April to do our part to help Lincolnshire restaurants. Check out the restaurants and how to win a $50 gift car on the Village of Lincolnshire website.
The D103 PTO is a completely volunteer-run organization, dedicated to enhancing and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please visit the PTO store to become a member.
Music Boosters
Upcoming Events
Leaders in Learning
Email: ask103@d103.org
Website: www.d103.org
Location: 1370 N. Riverwoods Road Lincolnshire, IL 60089
Phone: 847-295-4030
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolDistrict103/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @district103