Mills Elementary School
October 16, 2023 - October 20, 2023
The Mills Fall Festival is Coming!
In honor of Mills Elementary's 25th birthday celebration, we are celebrating with a larger than life Fall Festival on November 4th! The Mills PTA has been working hard to ensure that the fall festival is amazing and special for our students and families!
Spread the word and join us for Milo's Birthday at the fall festival!
Buy tickets: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/2023-mills-fall-festival?cart=165161b4-bf84-4e25-a036-c5805ff334ee%21%2165516258
Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094FA8AC2AA2F9C07-44471347-mills#/
If you have questions, reach out to PTA President, May Martin at may.millspta@gmail.com .
We hope to see you there!
Discussing World Events- War & Conflict
Our children are not immune from the current world news and headlines. When conflict or war makes the headlines, it can cause feelings such as fear, sadness, anger and anxiety in children and adults.
Children look to parents and trusted adults for a sense of safety and security, and to make sense of the world around them- even more so in times of crisis.
If your Mountain Lion has questions about the current events they may see or hear in the news, our Mills counselors are here to support you. Please do not hesitate to reach out
The school district has assembled a few resources below to help you facilitate conversations with your child, should they arise.
LOVE YOUR BRAIN Week (Spirit Week) 10/23- 10/27
Mills-Giving 2023
Mills-Giving lunch this year will be held on Thursday, November 16, during your child's lunch time.
If you are interested in attending Mills-Giving 2023, please make sure you RSVP by October 25th. Meal tickets are required to be purchased in order for the campus (and school district) to determine the number of meals that need to be prepared and served.
We hope you will celebrate this season of gratitude and togetherness with us!
RSVP Here:
Dates to Remember
Mark Your Calendars!
10/19- Cub Scouts Meeting, Cafeteria, 6pm
10/20- 5th Grade Monster Mash
10/23-10/27 Love Your Brain Week
10/28- Austin ISD Trunk or Treat, Nelson Field, 5pm-8pm
11/4- Mills Fall Festival 10am- 2pm
11/6-11/10- Book Fair Week
11/13- Student Holiday (No School)
11/15- 4th Grade Choir Concert
11/16- Fall Picture Retakes
11/16- PreK Thanksgiving Program
11/16- Thanksgiving Luncheon "Mills-Giving"
11/20-11/24- Thanksgiving Break
Family STEM Night Highlights- Thank You for Coming Out
*Be sure to select Mills Elementary Mountain Lions under the team name!