OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 12/13/21~
Mustangs Information
Mustang Families,
The holiday spirit can absolutely be felt throughout our building with our Countdown to Winter Break with Wellness in Mind! This has sprinkled some additional cheer in the air and maybe even had something to do with the Wintery warmup as we look forward to our next holiday break! Please encourage our scholars to participate in some school spirit as we count down the days to break with wellness on our minds! Pictured in the screenshot is our calendar of attire. This can also be found on our school website calendar linked here and listed below.
12/13 Bundle Up Like a Snow Person
12/14 Wear Something Green or Grinchy
12/15 Wear Your Favorite Festive Socks, Headbands and/ or Accessories
12/16 Wear That Hawaiian Shirt
12/17 Dress Like Your Favorite Holiday Character
12/20 Wear Your OLHMS Mustang Gear
12/21 Wear Red and Green With Your Holiday Bling
12/22 Wear Your "Cute" Holiday Sweater
Countdown to Winter Break
These holiday displays continued this week as began our school Countdown to Winter Break with Wellness in Mind! We have tried to add some cheer to the Wintery mix of weather as we look forward to our next holiday break! Scholars are welcome to participate in some school spirit as we count down the days to break with wellness on our minds!
Updates and Reminders
Here are a few updates and reminders:
Oak Lawn Special Recreation All-Star Games and Media Night: We are very excited to once again be hosting this incredible event in January! This week we will be hosting the Media night to initiate the excitement! Mark your calendar for January 22nd if you want to celebrate these great athletes!
Winter Band Demonstration Concert: Our up and coming stars will be performing this evening at 7:00pm.
Wintery Weather: Obviously, the weather has shifted and now, shifted back, please remind students to dress appropriately for this shift in weather. There will be times when students are standing outside waiting to enter at 8:25am, waiting for a bus before or after school or waiting to get picked up at the end of the day. Please make sure our students are prepared.
Morning and After school Drop Off: Keep in mind drop off in the morning or the afternoon must take place on Oak Center Drive in the back of our building. We need the front lot for bus drop off and pick up.
Bus Drop Off and Pick Up: We have appreciated everyone’s continued patience with the ongoing challenges of bus transportation. As we receive information about late buses, we will communicate with families.
Bus Reminder: Parents, please remind our scholars to be respectful, safe and responsible while riding the school buses to and from school. Students will be removed from riding the bus if they are not adhering to these expectations. This includes wearing a mask for the duration of the bus ride.
COVID Update: We have seen an increase in COVID positive cases since the return from the November break. We will continue to proactively utilize SHIELD testing while maintaining our layered approach to mitigate future cases. We appreciate everyone’s support and understanding as we continue to navigate together. Please remind scholars to wear their mask properly, wash and sanitize their hands and not to share food.
Covid Cards/ Student Status: Families now have an option in Skyward to post student status. Families will be able to enter and upload their child's Covid-19 vaccine information in Skyward Family Access (see attached/ linked below). Here is the link for directions- information/directions
SHIELD Testing: Testing at OLHMS will now take place on Mondays. We will not be testing next week. We have partnered with a new organization completing the tests in the same fashion. COVID-19 SHIELD testing at OLHMS is only for those that have already completed the OPT-IN form and signed their student up in Skyward Family Access.
The SHIELD Illinois program is a quick, simple, and non-invasive COVID-19 screening test. Students that have opted-in to the program will provide a small amount of saliva that is tested at a professional lab. Results of the test are then provided to families and our school district within the days following. The program offers students the opportunity to reduce or waive quarantine requirements in the event of close contact with a positive case or if the student demonstrates symptoms. You can opt-in to the program at any time by accessing Online Forms in Skyward Family Access. More information about the SHIELD Illinois program can be found at: d123.org/shield-illinois-testing-program
Scholars should not be eating or drinking 1 hour before being tested.
Registered families will only receive results in the event that a student tests positive.
Please reach out to the school if you have registered via Skyward and the system didn't accept it.
Lunch: Here is the link for the December Lunch Menu.
Breakfast: After this Winter break we will be returning to breakfast offered before school. Breakfast bags will no longer be sent home or available.
Oak Lawn Special Recreation All-Stars Games!
Oak Lawn Special Recreation All-Star Games!
January 22, 2021
Doors Open at 12:00pm
Opening Ceremonies at 12:30pm