Hometown School Newsletter
September 27, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
As the weather is changing, please make sure your children are dressed to go outside. We will be going out for recess until the weather is below 32 degrees.
Please see all of the grade level newsletters that teachers have sent to families discussing what is taking place in the grade level. I will be posting all of them next week in case you have missed them.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parents will be able sign up for conferences starting on Thursday, September 29th at 10am, Parents are able to sign up for three conferences. We encourage families to sign up for homeroom teachers, encore teachers such as PE, library, art, or music as well as interventionists. Parents are able to sign up for conferences until October 10th.
Lockdown and Relocation
Thank you to all of our students who participated in our lockdown and relocation drill today. Our students and staff did an amazing.
Title I Compact
Our school is a Title I school. Please remember to send the compact back signed. They were due today.
PTA Events
Please save the date for some upcoming events. We will host a book fair October 4th-6th. We will have family game night October 6th from 6pm-7:30pm and Mother/Son bowling on October 8th. Flyers will be going home next week. Please reach out to Kari Devine with questions at 708-691-3003. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Kari. We would like to have all of our events and if we do not get volunteers we will have to cancel them.
Health Exams
Book Fair
Students will be able to visit the book fair October 4th-6th. Please see the flyer to volunteer. Students will be bringing home flyers to look at some of the selections of books.
Family Game Night
Please join us for family game night on October 6th. See the attached flyer for details. Families will play the selected board games with each other.
If you are interested in bowing, our boys are invited to ask that special lady to bowl with them on October 8th. Please see that attached flyer for details.
Hometown Staff Spotlight: Mrs. Danielle Russell
How long and what grades have you taught?
I have been teaching for five years. I taught kindergarten for four years and now I teach CASE first and second grade.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
If I could travel anywhere, I would travel to Turks and Caicos Islands to explore the beaches and scuba dive.
What are you most excited for this year?
This year I am excited to get to know the students and teachers here at Hometown.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is pizza!
Who is someone you admire and why?
Someone I admire is my mom. She is one of the kindness people I know and is always willing to help anyone in need.
If you see Mrs. Russell around Hometown, please welcome her and say hello!
SNOW much fun!
Talent Show
Students will be able to participate in a talent show this school year. A flyer went home today explaining the event. Auditions will be October 12th. Please encourage your students to sign up to showcase their talents.
Calling Kindergarteners and First Grade Girls
A flyer went home today about Girl Scouts. We will host a social event for this group of students on September 30th. Please see the flyer for more details.
Follow us on Twitter
Did you know you can keep up to date on school news through our Twitter account? You can also see pictures of events that have happened at school as well as photos of daily activities in the classroom. Scan this code to follow our account or go to twitter.com and follow @D123Hometown.
Arab American Family Services
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik