Noticias de Palisades
August 26 2022
This Week We Go Over
- A Message from Principal
- Welcome to the New School Year/Key Dates
- Early Release EVERY Thursday
- Set Up Meal Account
- Smart Start Survey
- Kinder Orientation
- Breakfast and Lunch Updates
- Resources for Students and Families
- The Clothing Closet
- A Message from PTO
A Message from Directora Sarlos
We are so excited to welcome your children back to Palisades! We are working hard to get everything shiny and ready for you. Most importantly our hearts and minds are ready to greet them.
It was so wonderful to meet and connect with so many of you at Smart Start and Meet and Greet yesterday! YOU are what makes Palisades such a positive and caring community, and we are so excited to welcome everyone here on Monday.
Welcome to the New School Year/Key Dates
Here are some key dates to be aware of as we move into the fall:
8/29: First Day of School for grades 1-5 (August 23rd is Canceled)
8/29-8/31: Kindergarten Orientation (more information will be sent directly to Kinder families)
8/31: Kindergarteners receive "Welcome to my Class" email from their teacher
9/1: First Day of School for Kindergarteners
9/5: Labor Day - No School
Bienvenidos al Nuevo Año Escolar / Fechas Clave
¡El nuevo año escolar se acerca rápidamente! Esperamos que estés pasando un verano estupendo. No podemos esperar a ver a nuestros estudiantes. Esperamos co-crear un ambiente donde los estudiantes se sientan felices y orgullosos de estar en la escuela.
Aquí hay algunas fechas clave a tener en cuenta a medida que avanzamos hacia el otoño:
29/8: Primer día de clases para los grados 1-5
8/29-8/31: Orientación de Kindergarten (se enviará más información directamente a las familias de Kindergarten)
31/8: Los niños de kindergarten reciben el correo electrónico "Bienvenido a mi clase" de su maestro
1 de septiembre: primer día de clases para niños de kinder
9/5: Día del Trabajo - No hay clases
To-Do List Before School
- Find your child's bus route
- Enter their bus stop information in This Form
- Set up your student's meal account
Palisades Daily Schedule
First Bell 8:10 am
School Start Time: 8:20 am
Dismissal: 2:40 (Except Thursday 2:00 pm)
Drop Off
Many of our staff will be greeting students in front of the school if you prefer to just drive up and drop off. This may make for a smoother goodbye for many students.
Please note the arrows on the map above and familiarize yourself with the flow of traffic for efficient arrivals and dismissals.
Students will line up in front of the front doors with their classmates. At 8:10 am they will go inside to their classroom.
No supervision will be provided prior to 8 a.m. Beginning at 8 a.m., supervision will be provided for students who need to be dropped off early to allow for families to facilitate multiple school drop-offs.
Pick Up
Students will come out with their teachers and line up, while they are waiting for their responsible adult to pick them up.
Please note that if the student is not picked up by 2:55 pm Leticia will call. (2:15 pm on Thursdays)
Every Thursday is Early Release/Todos los Jueves es Salida Temprana
EXCEPT for Thursdays, school ends at 2:00pm
This gives teachers and staff time to collaborate in their Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
La escuela es de 8:20 a 2:40 todos los días de la semanaEXCEPTO los jueves, la escuela termina a las 2:00 p. m.
Esto les da a los maestros y al personal tiempo para colaborar en sus comunidades de aprendizaje profesional (PLC)
Set Up Meal Accounts, Applications
The universal free meals waiver with USDA expired on June 30, 2022. That means starting this school year LOSD will be serving meals under the free, reduced, and paid categories.
Please be sure to set up your student's meal account or apply for free/reduced meals. Look for Meals under Find it Fast on district and school website homepages for account setup and application information, and more.
Aplicaciones Cuentas de Comidas
Asegúrese de configurar la cuenta de comida de su estudiante o solicitar comidas gratis o a precio reducido. Busque Meals en Find it Fast en las páginas de inicio del sitio web del distrito y de la escuela para obtener información sobre la configuración de la cuenta y la solicitud, y más.
Thank you for participating in Smart Start. We hope your student and you feel welcome and prepared to start the school year.
Thank you to all who participated in Smart Start 2022. It was a wonderful opportunity specifically for our students with 504s and IEPs, and their parents/guardians, to make introductions with their teachers.
Smart Start is hosted every year, and feedback about your experience is very helpful for planning the event. Please share your input in the follow-up survey -- your responses are appreciated by Tuesday, Sept. 6. Smart Start 2022 Survey
Breakfast and Lunch Updates
School meals are no longer free. If you would like to purchase breakfast or lunch for your child you can put money into a SchoolCafe account for them. When they get their food from the line, your account will be charged. To enroll you need to know your child's school id number which can be found in ParentVUE (See below).
Be sure your child knows if you want them to have breakfast, since you will be charged $2.50 if they get breakfast at school (unless you qualify for free or reduced priced meals).
Teachers will ask students daily about their lunch choice to determine if they brought a lunch from home or they would like one of the following options:
- hot lunch - select one of two entrees
- yogurt lunch
- gluten-free lunch
- lactose-intolerant lunch
Here are the instructions on loading your student's meal account and here is the information to apply for reduced prices.
Resources for Students & Families
Need financial assistance? Please see the form linked here for various services our school counselor may be able to support you with. If you would like to be contacted about these supports, please email Erin Block at or complete this form and return it to the school.
You can also visit for additional resources
Recursos para Estudiantes y Familias
También puede visitar para obtener recursos adicionales.
2022-23 Kinder Orientation Assessments
Dear Families,
Please sign up for a 30-minute time slot for teachers to assess your child. We will be on a tight schedule therefore we ask that you please be on time.
You will only come one day for orientation, either Monday August 29 or Tuesday August 30, depending on what slot you have. However, we ask all parents to come and drop off supplies on Wednesday August 31.
Thank you!
Kindergarten Team
Evaluaciones de orientación de kínder 2022-23
Regístrese en un espacio de tiempo de 30 minutos para que los maestros evalúen a su hijo. Tendremos un horario apretado, por lo que le pedimos que llegue a tiempo.
Equipo de el kindergarten
The Clothing Closet
For more information, here is our website:
A Message from Our PTO
This invitation is for all parents. We look forward to seeing you.