South School Friday Updates
December 14th, 2023
Save the Dates:
4 & 5 Chorus & Band Concert - Wednesday, December 20th @ 9AM
Early Release - Friday, December 22nd @ 12:20
Winter Break - 12/24/23 - 1/1/24 (Classes Resume 1/2/24)
Week of December 11th
Happy Friday South Community!
Thank you to all of the families and caregivers who were able to join us today for the K-3 winter concert. The students sounded incredible! A huge shout out to our music teachers: Steve Curley & Yvonne Montgomery in their efforts to prepare students for this event. Thank you to the classroom teachers as well for fitting in some extra practice during the past few weeks.
As a reminder, Grades 4 & 5 will have a chorus and band concert on Wednesday, December 20th at 9 am. Please see the flyer below for additional information. The lower playground blacktop will be OPEN for parking for these events.
We have been participating in a kindness month throughout the month of December. We do have a fun spirit week that is continuing next week. Please see the calendar below for daily themes throughout next week. The week will culminate with a students sing along on our early release this Friday. There will be one more Friday Newsletter prior to the break. Have a nice weekend!
- Principal Dore
South Spirit Week
Update from Nurse Kaplan
As a reminder from Nurse Kaplan, student safety and wellbeing are some of our top priorities. We are still waiting for updated 2023-24 school year medication for many students along with current doctors orders. For students to participate in activities like field trips they need to be cleared by Nurse Kaplan.
Please remember to send in a change of clothing for your child to keep in the classroom or their backpack. There have been many students ( younger and older) recently who have needed clothing from the clinic. It is always more comfortable for students to have their own clothing when needed rather than trying to fit into clothing from the clinic that is too big or not their style. If clothing is borrowed, please launder and return it as soon as possible.
- Nurse Kaplan