The Weekly Cat Tales
August 11, 2023
- Tuesday, August 22nd: Supply Drop-Off from 12:30-2:00pm or 6:00-7:30pm.
- Wednesday, August 23rd: First day of school for Grade 1 - Grade 5 students HALF DAY(11:30 Dismissal)
- Thursday, August 24th: First full day of school for Grade 1 - Grade 5 students
- Friday, August 25th: 9:30-11:00-First day of school for Kindergarten students-
- Monday, September 4th: No School - Labor Day
- Wednesday, September 6th: Covington Open House: 6:30 P.M.
My husband and I have been married for 13 years and are the proud parents of two beautiful children. Bobby is 12 years old and loves Nascar and anything to do with racing. Georgia is 10 years old and loves to cheer and play softball. They are the joys of my life and I can't wait to introduce them to our new Covington Family.
We also are HUGE animal lovers. We have a Great Day named Walter,an English Mastiff named Bruce, a Bearded Dragon named Pete, a Holland Bunny named Biscuit, and 10 fish.
I am looking forward to an amazing year filled with learning and laughter.
Teacher Assignments and Schedules
School Supply Drop Off
A reminder that will be providing an opportunity for you and your student(s) to visit the school and drop off supplies in the classroom before our first day. Students and family members are welcome to come to Covington on Tuesday, August 22nd from 12:30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. to drop off supplies and meet staff.
If you cannot make it during the day, we also will have the option of coming to the building that evening from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. to drop off supplies in the classrooms.
****Please note though that not all staff will be in the building for the evening option. Your child's teacher may NOT be in their classroom.****
School Supply LIsts
Open House
Health Examination and Immunization Requirements
Attendance Procedures
When reporting an absence, our phone number is 708-423-1530. When doing so, please share the following information:
- Name of the person leaving the message
- Relationship to the child
- Child's name
- Teacher's name
- Reason for the absence
Student Device Insurance
The student device insurance policy provides full replacement cost coverage and protects the item worldwide (on and off school grounds) for only $25/year. The policy will be transferred to any replacement device that your child may be issued. Without insurance D123 families are fully responsible for the costs associated with the repair/replacement of their student's device. Insurance coverage is for the device only and does not extend to the case or the charger.
Families of students in all grade levels can sign up for this insurance program by adding the optional “Student Device Insurance” fee through Skyward Family Access. You have until September 30 to purchase device insurance every year. Additional information about the student device insurance program and deductibles can be found at: https://d123.org/about/technology/student-device-insurance/
Please view either the written or video tutorial on how to add Chromebook / iPad insurance to your student's account.
Food Services
Beginning with the 2023-24 school year on August 24th, families who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will have to pay for school meals. Students whose families are eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast or lunch will be able to access meals next school year at no cost or a discounted rate. The cost is as follows.
- Breakfast: $1.60
- Lunch (including milk): $3.15.
- A la carte milk: $0.65 cents.
***If you would like to apply for free or reduced priced meals, please click here.***
At this time, the federal government has not extended the waivers for next school year to allow free meals for all students. As a result, schools across the nation will be reverting back to free and reduced-price meals based on income eligibility guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Map
Students walking to and from school should utilize crossing guards.
Staff members monitoring student drop off at the designated grade level doorways enter the building at 8:25 a.m. Students arriving after 8:30a.m. must enter through the Main Office.
Students being dropped off by car at Door 2 will enter Door 2 and walk to their designated grade level door.
Students walking to school will line up by their designated grade level door
Traveling east on 92nd St past 52nd Ct is not permitted during drop-off times.
52nd Ct. is one way north from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m
Morning Arrival
There are groups of lines that are painted on the blacktop and sidewalk areas for each classroom around the perimeter of the building. There is one set of lines per class.
During a morning with weather that cooperates:
Students arrive between 8:10 A.M. and 8:25 A.M. and should go to their assigned line in their classroom grouping
Grade 2 and Grade 3 students line up on the blacktop near Door 5
Grade 4 students line up on the north blacktop nearest Door 6
Grade 1 and Grade 5 students line up on the south blacktop
Grade Kindergarten and PTP students will line up along an assigned sidewalk in front of either Door 6, Door 7 or Door 8
At 8:25 A.M., classroom teachers will walk their classes to their entry doors
During a morning with inclement weather:
Students will go directly to their entry door
Grade Kindergarten - Door 7
Grade 1 - Door 9
Grade 2 and Grade 3 - Door 5
Grade 4 - Door 6
Grade 5 - Door 8
Students that are dropped off at Door 2 will follow the same procedure of having their temperature taken as they enter Door 2; after this, they should line up with their class at either their outdoor or indoor assigned area (weather dependent)
Afternoon Dismissal
When a parent or guardian arrives to pick up the student, the teacher will dismiss him or her.
Students that will be walking home on their own will let their classroom teacher know, once they are on their line
At 3:30 P.M., students not picked up, are taken in the building
Lunch and Recess
11:30-11:50: 1st and 2nd
11:55-12:15: KDG
12:30-12:50: 3rd and 4th
12:55-1:15: 5th
11:30-11:50: KDG
11:55-12:15: 1st and 2nd
12:30-12:50: 5th
12:55-1:15: 3rd and 4th
Preschool News
Covington Elementary School
Website: d123.org/covington
Location: 9130 S 52nd Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1530
Twitter: @d123covington