New Tech News
Monthly School Newsletter - October
In this Issue...
- Advisory Olympics
- Finals
- Mock Elections - October 11th
- LCFF - Please complete
- Parent Power Hour
- Tree Planting at Argonaut
- Follow Us on Instagram
- Student of the Week (September)
- BTSN Success!
- SAVE THE DATE - Upcoming Events
Advisory Olympics!
Advisory teams will participate in activities that encourage them to collaborate and communicate effectively in order to complete the activity in the fastest time. Advisory classes have a little over a week to practice the activities and collaborate to discover ways to win each activity. Through this process students will engage in deep collaboration, debrief and trial and error skills and strategies.
The purpose of Advisory Olympics is to teach students about our 5 Learning Outcomes (Agency, Collaboration, Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Knowledge & Thinking) in a fun and competative way.
Advisory Olympics is a New Tech tradition that helps to solidify our positive campus culture. It's an event we look forward to each year!
Advisory Olympics will take place on Friday, October 7th during the school day. Be sure to ask your student about their experience at this event.
Finals: October 13th & 14th
All of the classes on the 4x4 block schedule will be having Semester 1 Finals on October 13th and 14th. These classes will receive grades and credits that will be be on the student's transcript and will count towards graduation.
These classes are:
- Math II
- Math III
- PE/Weight Training
- CS 1: Robotics
- CS 2: Programming & Media Design
- Media I
- Media III
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Academic Success
- Spanish I
- Journalism
- Theater
The classes on the 8 block are the combined classes. They will not have finals, but they will be given a progress quarter grade. Finals for these classes will be in December.
- iWorld (English 9 & Foundations)
- World Studies (English 10 & World History)
- American Studies (English 11 & American History)
- Political Studies (English 12 & Government/Economics)
- Math I/Math Support
- A.G.E. (Art/Geography)
Finals days are minimum days!
Here is the schedule:
Thursday 10/13/22
Per 1/2 8:30-10:51
Lunch 10:51-11:16
Per 3/4 11:19-1:40
Friday 10/14/22
Per 5/6 8:30-10:51
Lunch 10:51-11:16
Per 7/8 11:19-1:40
*Please note, students do not attend advisory class on finals days
CORRECTION!!! --- PSAT/NMSQT DAY - October 12th
This is a Standardized test that MUST be taken on the same day at every school across the nation.
Information about this test can be found at: https://parents.collegeboard.org/college-board-programs/psat-nmsqt
ALL 10th graders should be on time to school on this day. Students who arrive late may not be able to take the test. Testing will start at 8:30am.
Please help your students get a good night sleep the night before the test and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the test.
CA State Mock Election
The Political Studies class (Eng 12/Gov) will be taking this a step further and will be engaging in a project (PBL Style).
Be sure to talk to your student about their experience in this year's mock election.
Don't forget to register to vote! The actual election takes place on November 2nd. You must be 18 years old on the date of any election in order to vote. However, students can pre-register to vote at age 16!
We have been in touch with Voter and Polling Coordinators to have a poll place at New Tech for the 2024 Presidential Election! Although its a couple years away, we are excited about this prospect!
Things to do:
- Talk to your student about their experience in our Mock Election
- Go register to vote!
- If you student is 16, encourage them to register to vote
- on Nov 2nd - GO VOTE!
- For more information visit the CA Mock Election Website
Please Complete the LCFF Form
Families only need to complete ONE form for all SCUSD students in the same family. So, if you have children who attend multiple schools in our district, you only need to complete the form ONCE.
We do have paper versions of the form, however the easiest way to complete the form is online.
If you have not yet completed the form, please click here and take a moment to complete it. It only takes about 3 minutes to complete.
Tree Planting at Argonaut Park!
916 Day
Learning about tree planting!
Dig the hole and break up the roots!
1 of 15 trees planted at the park
Parent Power Hour
This month, we will talk about New Tech Graduation Requirements, Credit Recovery, and Internships.
You aren't going to want to miss this conversation with Ms. Kim, Mr. Jereb, and myself
Thank you to all the parents who attended the September meeting! We talked about how parents can earn all 30 of their participation hours in many different ways!
Monday, Oct 24, 2022, 06:00 PM
1400 Dickson Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Stay Informed and Connected on Instagram!
@sacnewtech - this account is managed by the journalism class and will cover school news and interviews by students
@principalmartin2020 - this account in managed by Principal Martin and contains school events, updates, and celebrations
@newtechturbo - this is Turbo's page and it managed by Ms. Rico. This page contains Turbo's interactions with the students, including birthday celebrations
@counselor_kim_snths - this account is managed by Ms. Kim and will contain information and resources about college and career opportunities for our students
September's Students of the Week!
September 5th-9th
September 12th-16th
September 19th-23rd
PTSA General Association Meeting
If you still haven't joined the PTSA, you can do so by clicking HERE!
You $10 membership will help the PTSA support our students in events and field trips!
Thursday, Oct 20, 2022, 06:30 PM
1400 Dickson Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Back To School Night SUCCESS!!
Mr. Huang's CS3
Soccer Team!
A Student explains Advisory
Thank you to all who joined us at BTSN!
If you ever have questions or concerns about how your student is doing in a class, please do not hesitate to reach out to our teachers. Teacher emails and contact information can be found on our school website: newtech.scusd.edu
SAVE THE DATE! - Future Events
- Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL - 11/11
- Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL - 11/21-11/25
- Parent Power Hour - 11/28
- Hour of Code - Schoolwide Event - 12/6
- Winter Showcase - 12/8
- Finals - 12/14-12/15
- Minimum Days - 12/14-12/16
- Fall Semester Awards - 12/16
- Winter Break - NO SCHOOL - 12/17-1/15
- MLKJr Day - NO SCHOOL - 1/16