Distance Learning at WCPS
March 26, 2020 update for families
Beginning Monday, April 6, WCPS will officially transition to a distance learning platform, where students can engage with teachers and access online lessons that will be completed and submitted for feedback. We are identifying March 30 - April 3 as a transition week.
Transition Week
Starting Monday, March 30, students will engage in grade level projects with material that has already been covered this school year. These projects will not be collected or graded, but we hope they will keep your child engaged in learning from home.
These learning packets can be viewed or downloaded from the Keep Learning @ WCPS website under "March 30 - April 3 Grade Level Projects." If you do not have internet access at home, please use a public access WIFI location to download the project.
Teachers will be reaching out during the week of March 30 to reconnect with students in the way that families have become most familiar prior to the closure. If you have not heard from your school by Thursday, April 2, please contact the school principal.
Internet Access and Distance Learning
For those currently without internet access in their homes, please call your local internet provider for possible free or discounted programs.
If your child is in grades 3 - 12 and did not bring home a WCPS-issued device, please contact the school principal to make arrangements to pick up a device from the school.
A Special Note for Pre-K - 2nd Grade
All families with children enrolled in pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade will be receiving learning packets in the mail with materials that will be used for ongoing lessons. Please keep these materials, as teachers will be referencing these in their lessons. There will still be opportunities for your child to connect with his/her teacher online.
A Message for Families
We recognize the struggles our school families are facing as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we do not yet know how this virus will directly impact our Washington County community, we know it can be overwhelming. We hope that in the midst of this adversity, you can encourage your child to continue learning. Additionally, we hope our tools and teacher support can make that initiative a little easier.
WCPS is committed to supporting our students to the fullest extent of our abilities and our resources. We understand nothing compares to being in school, where students have opportunities to directly engage with educators and collaborate with peers. This will be an adjustment for everyone in our school community - teachers, students, families, and administrators. Thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your support of your children through this challenge.
About WCPS
Email: COVID-19@wcps.k12.md.us
Website: www.wcpsmd.com
Location: 10435 Downsville Pike, Hagerstown, MD, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wcpsmd
Twitter: @wcpsmd