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Canyon Springs STEM Academy
August 9, 2019
Thank You!
I just wanted to thank the vast majority of our parents for doing so well with our pick-up and drop-off procedures, ensuring the safety of our students and the families all around us. The line really does move quickly when everyone is cooperative and following our procedures.
I would also like to remind families not to park on the road (45th Ave) prior to the entrance of the school. Families are lined up here to drop students off on campus. Please utilize the parking lot (spaces only) or the road past the entrance to the school and then walk students up to the cross walk.
While the school has no jurisdiction on the road, please be aware that when families drop off children while still on 45th Ave. in the drop-off line, this holds traffic up behind them. It also creates a safety concern when pulling out of the line into passing traffic.
Thank you so much!
Email Policy
Teachers and administrators will reply to emails within 24 hours during the work week. The staff at Canyon Springs STEM Academy will respond to emails, Class Dojo messages, GroupMe messages, and Remind messages between the hours of 7am and 5pm. Any messages sent after 5pm will be addressed within 24 hours of the next work day.
If you have a situation that requires awareness of a teacher or staff member prior to the start of the next school day, please leave a message on the teacher's classroom voicemail or the front office voicemail system. We truly appreciate your cooperation and support!
Early Release Days
August early release days (released at 1:30) are:
August 16, 2019- PLC’s
Grade level/content area teams will meet to discuss the Four Essential Questions of PLC.
August 23, 2019- STEM
Teachers will plan Integrated STEM Lessons with their teams.
August 30, 2019- Vertical Continuous Improvement Content Area Teams
School-wide ELA, STEM, Stakeholder, & Math CIP Teams will meet to discuss the Four Essential Questions of PLC.
Kinder Drop-Off
Please Join Us
o Tuesday, August 20
4/5 Ren. 4:30
5th Grade 4:30
6th Grade 5:00
5:00 Band Rental Night
Gifted 5:45
o Thursday, August 22
2nd Grade 4:30
7th & 8th 5:00
6/7/8 Ren. 5:00
o Monday, August 26
3:45 Volunteer Training
Kinder 4:30
1st Grade 5:00
1-2 Ren. 5:00
o Wednesday, August 28
4th Grade 4:30
3rd Grade 5:00
3rd Ren. 5:00