Pinewood Newsletter
August 25, 2023 - Pinewood Elementary School
Principal's Message
Hello Falcons!
Hope you're all doing well. We're soaring into another fun-filled week here at Pinewood and can't wait to see all the amazing things our students will accomplish.
This month, our schoolwide theme is our school as a welcoming place where every student feels like he or she belongs. In our morning announcements, we’ll be reminding students to welcome others and act and speak in safe, respectful, and responsible ways.
Soon, we'll begin teaching the Second Step program, which includes lessons that support these behaviors.
Help support your child at home in welcoming others and acting and speaking in safe, respectful, and responsible ways. Please tell your child’s teacher if you have questions about specific ways you can help your child with these behaviors at home.
Take care,
Heather Minton
Mark Your Calendars:
- August 28th -- 2:45 pm -- Parent Teacher Club Meeting
- September 4th -- Labor Day (No School)
- September 8th -- Fall Fundraiser Begins
- September 8th -- Spirit Wear Orders Due (See Flyer Below)
- September 13th -- Coloma Information Night (4th Grade Only)
- September 19th/20th -- Picture Days
- September 19th -- Chipotle Dine Out Event - Benefiting 4th Grade Coloma Trip
- October 9th -- No School
- October 12th -- Hearing Van
Focus Skill of the Week: Safe
Parent Teacher Club
Join Our Team! Employment Opportunities:
Pollock Pines Elementary School District currently has the following open positions:
- 7/8 Grade Social Science Teacher - Sierra Ridge
- Paraprofessional - Special Education - Pinewood
- Yard Duty - Sierra Ridge
To apply for any of these positions visit Edjoin.org/PPESD.
We're also looking to expand our Substitute Pool for this year. This is not just for people with teaching credentials. We have opportunities for all types of positions ranging from teachers, yard duties, library technicians, instructional aides, and custodial. The great thing about being a substitute is that you can be very flexible with your work schedule. If you are interested in learning more about subbing for our district, call the District Office at (530)644-5416. Start now to be ready by the start of next school year.
Parenting Classes - Hosted by El Dorado Hills Library
Dr. Paul Sunseri is conducting a series of no cost workshops for parents, therapists, and school staff. The second in the series, How to Improve Communication with Your Child or Teen is scheduled on September 23, 2023 11:00am to 1:00pm at the El Dorado Hills Library.
As you know, rates of depression, anxiety, and self-harm among young people have skyrocketed and this is unlikely to change anytime soon. The workshops are geared to the things families can do to reverse this trend and protect their child or teen against the various negative influences that are causing the problem (and despite what you hear, the problem isn't just social media).
Hope to see you there and please spread the word!
Chipotle Dine Out Fundraiser - Sept. 19th
Wellness Center
Family Engagement
Spirit Wear (Limited Edition)
Adaptive TRY-athlon for Kids
Important Links
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384