The IMS Connection
Volume 18, Issue 7: MARCH 2022
Greetings Islip Middle School Families,
It has been almost 2 years since our world was instantly changed. Perhaps the wonderful sunshine that has arrived with the month of March is a sign that things are truly getting brighter. I realize that there are many questions about mask optional guidance; we look forward to clarity as the protocols from the health organizations are refined. For now, our students, staff, and visitors need to remain aware of the physical distance and best practice guidelines still in place.
With choice, comes questions. We encourage our faculty to keep an eye on the behaviors of all towards one another as some people choose to wear masks, and others do not. We have made mention of this on several occasions in different venues as we began the "mask optional " phase. It's all about respect.
As the days are becoming notably brighter and longer, we encourage children to get outside and take full advantage of the changing season that is upon us. We are all ready to get back to where we were before this all began, and the great outdoors is a good place to begin.
Remember to Look Good, Feel Good, and Do Good as you stay healthy and well.
Warm Regards,
Timothy P. Martin
Please arrive to school each day by 8:15 am.
Arrival after 8:18 am will result in students' attendance being marked late.
Thank you
Renaissance Rave
The Luck of the Renaissance is spreading all over IMS!
It's not just luck that helps you be successful: Remember to keep studying and character always counts! The prizes have been purchased; the planning is well underway! We will be celebrating our 2nd quarter Renaissance cardholders soon. Stay Tuned...
Keep up your commitment and dedication, hard work pays off!
Greetings Islip Middle School Families,
As we welcome the month of March and the rapidly approaching spring season, it is hard to believe that there are only four months left in the school year. With spring around the corner, so is New York State Grades 3-8 Testing.
Please see below for additional testing information:
New York State Department of Education grades 3-8 testing.
IMS Administration Dates
NYS ELA Exam – March 30th & 31st
NYS Math Exam April 27th & 28th
Most students will test in their period 1 classroom while some period 1 classes will be relocated to a more suitable testing location.
Student assessments will be completed using their laptops, therefore they should be brought to school fully charged.
The assessment will be over by the end of period 2 and all students will report to period 3.
Please check us out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to view photos, videos, and news about amazing things going on at IMS. Our new Google Site has up-to-date info on everything you need to navigate your time at IMS. If any questions do arise, I invite you to reach out to me via e-mail at jcohen@islipufsd.org or call me directly at (631) 650-8515.
Jason M. Cohen
Advisory Theme of the Month...
This comes in all shapes and sizes. There can never be too much respect displayed to people in our schools, our families, or our community. Please share with your children how respect can go a long way towards making our world a better place.
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have
the most up-to-date information.
3 6th Grade Winter Concert, 7:00 p.m., HS Gym
6 Islip St. Patrick's Day Parade
9 7th & 8th Grade Winter Concert, 7:00 p.m., HS Gym
10 MS/HS Progress Period Ends
11 World Language Immersion Day, MS
14 MS PTA Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
16 Superintendent's Conference Day - No School for Students
21 MS/HS Progress Reports Posted to Portal
23 ENL Family Cultural Night, 6:00 p.m., HS
24 Student & Staff Badminton Tournament, 5 - 7:00 pm, MS Gymnasium
28 MS Spring Sports Begin
Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 pm.
Badminton Tournament Registration Form
Please re-check the district calendar prior to an event to ensure you have the most
up-to-date information.
1 NJHS Cornhole Fundraiser Tournament
(See details below)
8 MS/HS Marking Period Ends
12 Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* p.m., HS Auditorium
15-22 School Closed - Spring Recess
27 Budget Workshop/BOE Meeting 7:30* p.m., HS Auditorium
28 3rd.Qtr. Report Cards Posted to Portal
29 SEPTA Sweetheart Dance 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., MS
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:30 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
When: March 23rd 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Islip High School
Who: English Language Learner (ELL) Students/Families K-12
The event promotes and celebrates the cultural diversity that exists in our school district community. We will celebrate the cultural diversity of our district through three aspects:
Products: we will enjoy multicultural foods from around the world
Practices: we will celebrate different cultures through activities
Perspectives: we will understand the diversity of our district by engaging in social dialogues and interactions about our cultures and traditions
The 8th grade computer classes have been exploring the exciting world of Microsoft Excel! Students have been learning how to format worksheets, adjust columns and rows, input data, create charts, and write formulas. They are currently finishing up their Microsoft Excel projects which analyze sugar content of their favorite fast-food restaurants. Not only are they learning how to properly utilize Microsoft Excel, they also are learning about the nutritional data of their favorite fast-food meals.
Our next unit we will be exploring is Google Slides, where students will learn how to create their own Google Slides presentations.
Mr. Rovello
March is Music in Our Schools Month!
We are happy to be participating in The Harry Chapin Practice-a-Thon, a charity fund-raiser for Long Island Cares/The Harry Chapin Food Bank. This is a great way for the kids to understand the benefits of practicing their instruments while supporting a worthy cause. Sponsors pledge an amount of their choice per minute of the students practice time. Information packets were sent home with the students who chose to participate. It’s not too late to join in the fun!
NYSSMA Festival:
The festival will be held in-person on April 1 & 2 in East Islip. The music teachers will send home appointment times in mid March. Registration for the 2021-2022 NYSSMA Solo & Ensemble festival is now closed.
Chorus: Mr. Magale
The Chorus is home in room 120! We are excited to be performing a live show for a live audience this year. Our selections will bring some thoughts of the winter season that is passing us by, with the hope of spring coming soon.
General Music: Mr. Magale
Students in seventh grade are learning about the history of Blues and Rock and Roll music, listening to and analyzing music from the 1940’s and 50’s to the 1980’s.
Students in the eighth grade are learning to play the guitar by reading chord charts and various strumming patterns. They’re learning classic rock songs from the 1950’s onward.
Orchestra: Mrs. Shaiman/Mr. Butterfield
The orchestras are practicing various styles of music, from classical to popular. We continue to work on skills such as scales and sight-reading new pieces. Mrs. Shaiman and Mr. Butterfield enjoy sharing the conducting and playing along with the kids in rehearsals. The Chamber Orchestra works with Mr. Butterfield during period 0 in the library. All the students should be practicing with the help of Smart Music. Some of the students are preparing NYSSMA solos for this year’s festival.
Band: Mr. Muscara
The bands are working hard preparing for our March performances. This will be our first live performance in over two years, so to say these students are excited is an understatement! Students will be performing a variety of repertoire, ranging from holiday classics to up-beat rock songs. We look forward to seeing you there! In lessons, students have been working hard to master a variety of new notes, rhythms, and scales on their instruments. Although we continue to be spaced 6 feet apart, students are adapting and making the best of the current situation. Looking ahead, 23 band students will be performing at the annual NYSSMA Solo Festival in April. This is an exciting opportunity, as participating students will receive an objective performance evaluation from an experienced music educator. We wish these students the best of luck at NYSSMA!
Suffolk County Music Educators Association (SCMEA)
Congratulations to the following IMS students that have been selected for the SCMEA
All-County Honor Ensembles!
Division 1
Band- Ryan Brown, Megan Soto, Teagan Quinn,
Chorus- Allysa Williams, Mackenzie Rivera
Orchestra- Sara Pellegrino, Natalie Pantaleon, Avery Glaser, Shea LaGiglia
Division 2
Band- Nicholas Gulick, Lucas Jordan, Katerina Mennecke, Aiden Nassire, Brady Reinhart, Jadyn Zink
Chorus- Addison De Falco, Jacob Secor, Madison Turk
Orchestra- Avery Roche, Connor Oosterom, Isabella Conzo
Islip Arts and Music Parents (IAMP) is a non-for-profit 501(c)(3) District-wide (K-12) parent organization. IAMP values the visual and performing arts in Islip. We believe students who have experiences within the arts community develop life-long skills, an increased appreciation for the arts, and an enhanced involvement in community and society.
IAMP supports the goals of the Fine and Performing Arts Department in Islip schools. Through fundraising, parent volunteers, and support, IAMP will provide programs, performance/art showcase opportunities, student/parent resources, recognition awards, and scholarships.
For further information about IAMP or to join please visit their website at www.islipamp.org.
In Spanish classes, 8 Green students are competing in the international March Madness of Music tournament where they hear the songs of musicians from a variety of Spanish speaking countries. Students are introduced to different styles of music and cultures while they continue to acquire more Spanish and "level up" their written responses to express their opinions as they vote for the winning song in each match up.
Earth Science students are learning about the complex interactions between energy, water, and climate. Life science students are exploring the fascinating world of genetics!
In Algebra classes, students have been working on identifying different types of functions and discovering ways to move them on the coordinate plane. They will continue to deepen their understanding of Linear Functions, analyze slope and y-intercept, and relate them to real-world applications. Graphing calculators are used every day in class, and students should be using the Calculate84 App while completing their work at home.
In English class students are reading the timeless short story adaptation of “Flowers for Algernon” and exploring the themes of empathy and acceptance.
In Social Studies we are preparing to bring back our Holocaust Remembrance Day! This includes the Theater Three production of "From the Fires," and a very reverent experience with a Holocaust Survivor. The students and staff are all looking forward to having this incredible experience return to Islip Middle School.