Lincoln Bulletin
May 20, 2022
Monday, May 23, 2022
Legacy Walk (graduating Seniors return to Lincoln-9:00)
Field Day will be split into two sessions:
- Primary (KC, 1-2) in the AM 8:20 - 11:10 [5th-grade Leaders to support Primary]
- Intermediate (3-5) in the PM kinder 11:40 - 2:30
Running Club-5K at Mount St. Mary's Park
Kimmer’s Ice Cream fundraiser and social
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
2nd grade and 4th-grade picnics
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Volunteer Breakfast 8:30 am for all those that volunteered this year, to express our gratitude
All Day Kindergarten picnic
Spring Fling hosted by PTO
Lincoln School
Lincoln leopards are respectful, responsible, and safe---Roar!
Yearlong Theme-Rooted Together Branching Out!
Location: 211 South 6th Ave, St. Charles
Phone: 331-228-2501
Twitter: @LincolnD303
Highlights you will find:
- Dates to remember
- PTO Newletter (PDF)
- Principals Desk
- Returning Student registration
From the principal's desk
Many have developed strong friendships which I hope will continue to connect over the summer months. Encourage your son or daughter to get out and play, ride their bikes but also continue to read, write, draw and if they choose also work on iReady or Zearn a little bit to continue their growth and development, so we do not see what is referred to as "summer slide." Today in your child's backpack you will find your son or daughter's iReady report. Our school had impressive growth and attainment across all grade levels.
This week we welcomed our incoming kindergarten students and parents. These newest Lincoln Leopards were excited to visit our building, see their classroom and meet many staff members.
Next week on Monday we will have our field day. The day will also include our seniors who will once again walk the halls of Lincoln four our legacy walk. The day will culminate with our 5k for our runner's club at Mt. St Mary's and Kimmer's ice cream outing for all that choose to come and join.
Wednesday morning our school will honor all of our volunteers, if you have been a volunteer this year please join us for a light breakfast and gathering on Wednesday, May 25th at 8:30 am on the south lawn.
We will also have our final clap out of our 5th graders, Wednesday, May 25th at the end of the day, this will be beginning at 2:45.
Students will walk the building and then exit the kindergarten doors (on the southside) where parents can view and take photos and clap them out of Lincoln. The 5th graders will do a final walk around the playground, then the front of the building along the sidewalk for all to see.
Please line up along the outer perimeter of the blacktop or along the north sidewalk to officially clap them out of Lincoln.
Continued access to iReady and Zearn for summer learning! Zap the summer slide
There are several ways to keep your child learning this summer.
One of the best, and most important, things your child can do during the summer to keep a hold of all they have learned throughout the school year is to read. All classes visited the public library, visiting storytimes, and checking out books to read is a great routine to establish over the summer.
Your child can also continue learning during the summer with i-Ready lessons and Learning Games! i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their skill levels and needs, so they can learn at a pace that is just right for them.
Evite for Spring Fling
Reminders from the Health Office
Medication will need to be picked up at the end of the school year. Any medication left behind will be disposed of accordingly. Forms for next year are located on the district website if your student is needing medication during the school day..
All incoming 2nd graders will need a dental examination. Forms have been sent home or can be found on the district website. If you have received a request, please complete the forms and turn them into the health office.
We want to make sure that every child is safe and healthy for the school year!
Calling All Current Orchestra Members and new interested members (pdf attached)
Sign up for Summer Orchestra Camp! It is for two weeks in June, and will be a BLAST! See the attached flier for more details. Click on these links to enroll:
- Students entering 4th grade in fall: Junior Strings "Adventure"
- For students entering 5th grade in fall: Cadet Orchestra " A Medieval Tale of Dragons, Kings...
- Students entering 6th, 7th, 8th grade in fall: Bach to Beatles and Beyond
RETURNING STUDENT ONLINE REGISTRATION BEGINS 4/25/22--Please do this as soon as possible
Important Information
The district is going through enrollment numbers for the fall and is finding that several classrooms are approaching capacity. To confirm your student’s enrollment at Lincoln, please log in to your HAC account and complete the Returning Student Registration Forms for next school year. This can be found in the Parents/Community menu of the district website. Parents/guardians will use their Home Access Center (HAC) credentials to sign in and select individual students to complete each registration.
Registration fees for all grades will be available in Push-coin beginning July 5 and there will be an early bird discount if paid by July 29.
NOTE: If you are going to be moving out of the Lincoln boundaries or out of the District, please contact Debbie Fick at and provide her with your information.