Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Science, Math, and Technology
As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
December 1, 2021
Principal's Message
Greetings Eagle family,
December marks the ending of another year. 2021 has truly been one for the record books due to COVID-19 restrictions and education demands. However, we all persevered and are almost finished with 2nd Quarter. I want every student to finish strong! The faculty and staff work hard to provide our students with the best instructional strategies they have to offer, so students should dig deep these last few weeks. Every student should finish this quarter with high course averages and even higher expectations for 3rd Quarter. Let’s show this city and state why Clark-Shaw Magnet is the best school in Mobile County!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! Enjoy time with family because those are the precious moments that will forever remain frozen in your memory.
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.” Dr. Maya Angelou
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Wow! The Student Council Thanksgiving Food Drive was a huge success! In addition to canned food items, a total of $950.47 was donated school-wide. After buying turkeys and trimmings for five Clark-Shaw families, Student Council donated 34 full boxes of food and $700.00 to Feeding the Gulf Coast, which contributes to food pantries all across our area to help families in need. Thank you to Student Council and Mrs. Heather Mattern for organizing this event!
The final standings were:
6th grade Winner- Mrs. Bragg’s homeroom- 231 items!
2nd- Mr. Depinet- 88
3rd- Mrs. Collier- 84
7th Grade winner- Mrs. Van den Bosch’s homeroom- 303 items!
2nd- Ms. C. Roberts- 287
3rd- Mrs. Hester- 112
8th grade winner- Mrs. Holladay- 138 items!
2nd- Mrs. May 112
3rd- Mrs. Specker- 68
The winning homeroom in each grade can look forward to an upcoming Donut Party. Student Council would like to thank everyone for their generosity! What an awesome group of caring students, families, and teachers! Thank you!
Thanksgiving Food Drive
Help us "Stuff the Bus!"
It's time to play Santa! Bring in a new, unwrapped toy by Monday, Dec. 8th! When the MCPSS bus stops at our school, we want to help fill it up with toys for local children. Members of the National Junior Honor Society will be organizing the collection.
Thank you in advance!
'Tis the Season to get Tacky!
Scholars Bowl is on a Roll!
Scholars Bowl members, you make us proud! On November 18th, while most of us were looking forward to Thanksgiving Break, our Scholars Bowl members were engaged in their first competition of the 2021-2022 year. They took on the team from Alba Middle School and defeated them 250 to 40!
Team members are Madeline Borchert, Violet Borchert, James Colelli, Andres Gonzalez, Grant Langham, Garrett Langham, Max Norris, and Eli Weatherford, and they are coached by Mrs. Tracy Steiner and Mrs. Alecia Howell.
This year the competitions are all virtual with no spectators, but be sure to congratulate them on a job well done and wish them luck for the future. Their next competition is January 20, 2022 vs. Christ the King Catholic School. Way to go!
Scholars Bowl team in action!
Eagle Wings - Students with big hearts welcome!
Eagle Wings Community Service Club will meet on Tuesday, December 7th from 2:50-3:30. See your homeroom teacher ahead of time for a permission slip to stay after school. Eagle Wings seeks to spread positivity and to uplift others by performing community service projects in our school and our communities. Eagle Wings has sponsored supply drives for the Penelope House, local children's homes such as St. Mary's and Wilmer Hall, and Alabama Baptist Children's Homes. Eagle Wings has also donated personal care items for foster children during transitions from home to home, and to our Clark-Shaw students after house fires. For questions, please contact Mr. Brian Roberts, jroberts2@mcpss.com.
Eagle Wings is looking for students with big hearts and good work ethic!
Help Wanted!
Basketball Updates
Basketball Tickets
There are only a few more home games left! Come support our basketball teams! From here on out, the girls basketball team will play first, followed by the boys.
To purchase home game tickets, guests should type http://gofan.co/app/event/ID Number in their browser and show their ticket verification when entering the gym. For away games, go to the GoFan website and search for the school we are playing.
Here are the ID Numbers for home games:
427868 Dec 2 vs. Semmes
427880 Dec 9 vs. Causey
427889 Dec 16 vs. Burns
427896 Jan 10 vs. Hankins
427905 Jan 20 vs. Grand Bay
Come out and cheer for the Eagles!
Students, Get in Rhythm!
Archery keeps hitting the mark!
Our archery team's next tournament is Thursday, Dec. 2nd at the Bright Beginnings Academy Reindeer Games, which will be held at St. Mark's United Methodist Church on 439 Azalea Road in Mobile. Flight times are 6:00 and 7:00 pm, and names have been posted to Facebook.
Their next tournament will be at Semmes Middle School on Dec 9th-11th, and flights will be announced soon. All tournaments have a $2 spectator fee for adults, while children are free. To learn more, contact Mr. Jonathan Braswell at jbraswell@mcpss.com.
Legal Eagles!
Clark-Shaw is open for tours!
Softball Team
Kadence Coats (8th)
Alyssa Hall (8th)
Katelin Taylor (7th)
Aubri Thomas (8th)
Rachel Wood (8th)
Brenesha Battle (8th)
Boston Cheeseboro (8th)
Addison Everett (8th)
Jazlyn Taylor (8th)
Sarai Gaston (8th)
Chianne Anderson (7th)
Jordan Brewer (8th)
Stormy Rinks (8th)
Whisper Saunders (7th)
Jada Henderson (8th)
Softball Conditioning / Throwing will start on Tuesday, January 11th from 3:00 – 4:30. Players will get a schedule at the first practice. Players must have their own glove and cleats. If you have any questions, contact Coach Simmons at ksimmons@mcpss.com.
Faculty Spotlight
Mrs. Howell is an 8th grade history teacher who has been teaching for 6 years. This is Mrs. Howell's 2nd year at Clark-Shaw, but she was once here as a student-teacher! She's a native of Semmes and a graduate of MGM high school (Skol Vikings!). She earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in secondary social science education from Spring Hill College. She worked for a private psychologist for five years, and due to her personal interest in spies and espionage, she started a "history of espionage" elective at Clark-Shaw this year! She loves hand-on projects and using educational technology, and you can also find her helping with Scholar's Bowl and NJHS.
Some FUN FACTS about Mrs. Howell: she is married with a cute pup....she loves window shopping at antique stores..... she enjoys reading young adult (YA) and contemporary fiction.... she's an active vacationer who loves to wander and pack in lots of activities and search for things off the tourist path (especially in NYC!).... and she started a nonprofit organization with a friend from college called the Empowerment Approach. Ask her about it!
Mrs. Howell, thanks for being a dedicated teacher and colleague!
Baseball Try-outs
Hands-on Learning at Clark-Shaw
Our 7th grade students, under the instruction of Mrs. Denis Burch and Mrs. Patricia Houston, recently extracted DNA from strawberries during science lab. Ask them about what they learned! (photos below)
8th grade students in Mrs. Holladay's Accelerated Math 8 class recently solved systems of linear equations using a maze activity that was rumored to be extremely fun! (photos below)
Mrs. Angela Hansen's 6th grade students (pictured above) recently played "Amazing Race: Ocean Currents!" Students had to complete learning tasks while also receiving challenges such as building domino towers, solving puzzles, or speed-stacking cups. When students completed a center, they had to decode a secret message! Winning groups are pictured below.
Boys Track Try-outs
Soccer Try-outs
Try-outs for the girls soccer team will be held December 7th, 8th, and 15th from 3:00-4:30 pm. All paperwork must be completed in Dragonfly by Friday, November 19, 2021. A $10.00 tryout fee (non-refundable) should be turned in before trying out. ***You must have a physical in Dragonfly. *** Contact Coach Angela Taldon at 251-221-2106 or ataldon@ mcpss.com if you have any questions.
Science Fair: Are you ready?
The deadlines for Science Fair are just around the corner! Make sure you are making adequate progress and will be ready on the following dates:
Wednesday, December 1 - Data Checkpoint due
**Grade 8 must submit student-created Data Table plus minimum of 10 pictures
Monday, December 13 - 8th grade Display Board, Composition Log Book, & Abstract due (each component counts as a 3rd Quarter MAJOR GRADE)
**Grade 8 Math Component due to math teacher (3rd Quarter math test grade)
Tuesday, December 14 - 7th grade Display Board, Composition Log Book, & Abstract due (each component counts as a 3rd Quarter MAJOR GRADE)
**Grade 7 Math Component due to math teacher (3rd Quarter math test grade)
Wednesday, December 15 - 6th grade Display Board, Grade-Level Log Book, & Abstract due (each component counts as a 3rd Quarter MAJOR GRADE)
**Grade 6 Math Component due to math teacher (3rd Quarter math test grade)
"A - B - C ... Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!"
Signature Academy Deadline - December 10th
Important Dates
Dec. 18 - Jan. 3: Christmas Break - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, Jan. 4: Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, Jan. 5: 3rd Quarter begins
Monday, Jan. 17: Dr. Martin L. King, Jr Day - NO SCHOOL
PE Uniforms - beginning 3rd Quarter!
PE is going to start allowing students to dress out for PE when we return from Christmas break. Therefore, students will need to purchase a PE uniform. We will begin selling uniforms when we return from Thanksgiving break during your PE classes. Shirts are $10.00 and shorts are $10.00, for a total of $20.00. Students must have the correct Clark- Shaw issued PE uniform and tennis shoes to dress out in when we return from December break. Dressing out will be part of their participation grade in PE. When we get back from Thanksgiving break we will start issuing lockers and let students practice using a locker. We look forward to dressing out when the New Year starts!!
Deadline Approaching: 8th grade Personal Ads
2021 - 2022 Yearbooks
Cafeteria Menus - December
Eagle Eye News
Don't miss out! Catch the latest announcements, Dad jokes, lunch menus, student interviews, birthday announcements, and other entertaining features from Mr. Sikes' broadcast team. Click the link here or the button below to watch our daily broadcasts via YouTube. You can also participate in their weekly poll question on the Clark-Shaw homepage.
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH5jO4hJwMgEawGLisFn4Lw/featured
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com