South School Friday Updates
November 17th, 2023
Save the Dates:
Early Release - Wednesday, November 22nd
Thanksgiving Break - Thursday, November 23rd & Friday, November 24th
PTO Holiday Store - Tuesday, November 28th and Wednesday, November 29th
Scholastic Book Fair - Tuesday, December 5th - Thursday, December 7th
PTO - Wednesday, December 6th
K-3 Winter Concert - Friday, December 15th
4 & 5 Chorus & Band Concert - Wednesday, December 20th @ 9AM
Week of November 6th
Happy Friday South Community!
Hope you all have a great weekend! We had another busy, full week at the South. The school practice a lockdown drill on Monday, caregivers and students participated in a math night and chorus is getting into full swing a month(ish) prior to their upcoming concert (please see flyer below). Our lost and found is getting VERY FULL! Please take a look or remind your child to take a look at the table in the lobby. The items will be on display until Thanksgiving break.
One big announcement is we have started to prepare for a dismissal change that will begin on Monday, November 27th. Grades 4 & 5 will have a new dismissal procedure starting 11/27. Grades 4 & 5 students will be dismissed from the lower blacktop. You may have noticed cones in the parking lot yesterday as we are fine-tuning our setup for dismissal. The change comes as we have seen the front of the school become too congested with walkers and bussers. Moving forward the only dismissals through the front of the building will be bus transportation. Caregivers will be able to walk right up to the gate of the lower playground and teachers will dismiss students from that location. If you pick up siblings and would like your older child to be dismissed from K/1 or 2/3 pick up locations please email Mrs. Fitzgerald at c_fitzgerald@stoughtonschools.org and this will be their new pick up location.
Winter concerts are coming up in December! Grades K-3 will have a winter concert on Friday, December 15th at 9am. Grades 4 & 5 will have a chorus and band concert on Wednesday, December 20th at 9 am. Please see the flyer below for additional information.
As a reminder next week is a short one: Early Release on November 22nd (12:20 dismissal) and Thanksgiving Break on November 23rd and 24th. We will have a brief update next Wednesday.
- Principal Dore
Math with the Sharks: Dive into Learning - Thursday, November 16th @ 6 pm
Update from Nurse Kaplan
As a reminder from Nurse Kaplan, student safety and wellbeing are some of our top priorities. We are still waiting for updated 2023-24 school year medication for many students along with current doctors orders. For students to participate in activities like field trips they need to be cleared by Nurse Kaplan.
As we approach the winter season, please make sure to send students to school with hats, gloves and winters jackets. Please label your items as well! If you are in need of winter clothing support please reach out to Nurse Kaplan! #layers