Falcon Week at a Glance
October 18 - 24
Greetings Falcons,
Early voting starts on MONDAY, OCTOBER 18! Your vote is your voice! Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/page/bond to learn more about the 2021 Royal Bond proposals. Do your research, make your decision, and VOTE for what you feel is the best choice for all Falcon students.!
Make sure you review the daily schedule to see all the exciting events happening this week!
Photo: ...
Have a great week!
Royal ISD
Vote Early: Your Vote is Your Voice!
Growing, growing, growing!
Royal ISD’s buildings are near/at capacity, and Royal had an increase of 151 students in the 20-21 school year (+6.3% for the entire year, or .53 new students per calendar day based on 280 calendar days). Between 9/22/21 and 10/6/21 (15 days), Royal added an additional 27 students, or 1.8 per calendar day. The 21-22 school year includes 280 calendar days. Multiplied by 1.8 new students per calendar day, that means we will add approximately 504 students in the 21-22 school year, a growth of roughly 19.8%.
Boys Cross Country Spotlight
Home Game Ticket Purchases
ALL home athletic event tickets sales are online this year. Please note that tickets will NOT be available at the gate, so please make sure you go online before each game. To purchase tickets, simply visit royal-isd.net and click "Buy Athletic Tickets" in the top menu bar OR scan the QR code to the right. Thank you for your help! Let's go Falcons!
Royal Times Newspaper
Waller County Child Welfare Charity (WCCWB) Annual Sporting Clay Event Fundraiser
Attention Class of 2022 Parents!
Don't forget to recognize your student with an ad in the yearbook. Click HERE to purchase today!
Royal ISD Needs YOUR Help!
Now Available: Girls' Soccer and Basketball Schedules
October 18 - 24 Events
Monday, October 18
- RHS Volleyball Practice, V: 5:45-7:00 am / JV: 3:00-5:00 pm
- October 18-29, Early Voting
Photo: Work hard, play hard! Fun and competition for the Royal High School MJROTC!
Tuesday, October 19
- RJH Football, 8th Grade @ Clute, 7th Grade @ Royal
- RHS Volleyball, JV 5:00/V 6:00, Navasota @ Royal
- October 18-29, Early Voting
Photo: High School Volleyball Junior High night!
Wednesday, October 20
- RHS Volleyball Practice, V: 6:15-7:00 am / JV: 3:00-4:00 pm
- October 18-29, Early Voting
- UIL Region 27 Marching Band Competition, Waller ISD Stadium, 20735 Stokes Rd, Waller, TX 77484
Photo: World Teacher Day goodies for our "Pasta-tively Amazing" Royal ISD STEM team!
Thursday, October 21
- RJH Pep Rally, 3PM, RJH Gym
- RJH Volleyball, Needville @ Royal
- October 18-29, Early Voting
- RHS Volleyball Practice, V: 5:45-7:00 am / JV: 3:00-5:00 pm
Photo: Congratulations to our Falcon 8th grade team for placing 3rd in the Sweeney volleyball tournament!
Friday, October 22
- RHS Volleyball, V 5:00/JV 6:00, Bellville @ Royal, Senior and Teacher Appreciation Night
- RHS "Pink Out" Pep Rally, 3PM, Falcon Stadium
- Varsity Football: Bellville @ Royal
- October 18-29, Early Voting
Photo: Congratulations to Tom Shedd, Royal ISD Transportation Employee of the Month! (Pictured here with Steve Hendricks, Transportation Manager)
Saturday, October 23
- October 23, Waller County Child Welfare Charity (WCCWB) Annual Sporting Clay Event Fundraiser. Details: https://5il.co/v9j2. The WCCWB wants people to learn and be more concerned about children in foster care due to child abuse and neglect. WCCWB Board members work at the grassroots level to meet the needs of these children from our community.
- RHS Talent Show
- UIL Area D Marching Band Contest
- October 18-29, Early Voting
Photo: RES celebrates Hispanic heritage month!
Sunday, October 24
- No scheduled events
- October 18-29, Early Voting
Photo: Fun and competition for the Royal High School MJROTC!
Scam of the Week: The Ultimate Data Breach Database
With a year full of high-profile data breaches, one cybercriminal has created the ultimate database. The cybercriminal claims that the database contains over 3.8 billion records and is attempting to sell the information on the dark web.
Allegedly, the database is made up of scraped phone numbers that were then linked to Facebook profiles, Clubhouse accounts, and other sensitive information. Due to the nature of this data, we expect to see an increase in smishing attacks, hijacked accounts, and other social media scams.
Use the tips below to stay safe from these types of scams:
- Smishing, or text message phishing, is difficult to spot. When you receive a suspicious text message, ask yourself these questions: Were you expecting this message? When did you give the sender your phone number? Did you sign up for text notifications?
- Hijacking a social media account is an easy way for cybercriminals to spread disinformation or scam several people at once. Don’t trust everything you see on social media, and be sure to report any suspicious activity.
- For a high level of security, keep your social media accounts private. Only accept friend requests or follow requests from people that you know and trust.
The KnowBe4 Security Team
October 2021
- October 25, RHS Cross Country, Region III Cross Country Meet, Sam Houston Park, Time TBD
- October 25, 4-7PM: Houston Food Bank at RHS PAC
- October 29, SkillsUSA Member Fees Due
- October 30, Brookshire Youth Sports League "Run the Bases Fall Festival"
November 2021
- November 2, Election Day
- November 5, 7PM, Football; Wharton HS at Falcon Stadium
- November 6, RHS Cross Country, UIL State Cross Country Meet, Round Rock, Time TBD
- November 8, Regular School Board Meeting, 6:30
- November 22, 4-7PM: Houston Food Bank at RHS PAC
December 2021
- December 13, 6:30, Regular School Board Meeting
- December 27, 4-7PM: Houston Food Bank at RHS PAC
- January 10, Regular School Board Meeting, 6:30
- January 24, 4 - 7, Houston Food Bank at RHS PAC
- February 14, 6:30PM, Regular School Board Meeting
- February 14, Happy Valentine's Day!
- February 28, 4 - 7, Houston Food Bank at RHS PAC
- March 14, 6:30PM, Regular School Board Meeting
- March 28, 4-7, RHS PAC
About Us
Email: contactus@royal-isd.net
Website: http://www.royal-isd.net
Location: 3714 Farm to Market 359, Pattison, TX, USA
Phone: 281-934-2248
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/royalindependentschooldistrict
Twitter: @royalisd
The Royal Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.