Professional Learning Events
Offered by the Disciplinary Literacy Task Force
Disciplinary Literacy for Secondary Leaders
As schools continue to meet the dual challenges of learning loss and student engagement, authentic learning is more valuable than ever. Changes in College Board assessments and their reporting increases the need for innovative approaches to student learning. Getting (and keeping) kids engaged is the biggest hurdle. As a secondary administrator, DL4SL provides you the tools to support your teachers in moving toward more Leadership Network (GELN) and Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP) secondary leaders will explore how the 6-12 Essential Practices for Disciplinary Literacy Instruction in the Secondary Classroom, along with additional resources and tools, can support you as an instructional leader in this endeavor. Learn with people leading this work throughout the state of Michigan and walk away with actionable plans and next steps.
OPTION ONE: Register here anytime for the self-paced course (15 SCECH available).
OPTION TWO: Disciplinary Leadership for Secondary Leaders (w/ Action Planning Cohorts) Complete Six Virtual Learning Modules & Join three Synchronous Sessions.
Future dates TBD
Michigan Assessment Consortium Assessment Learning Network
The Assessment Learning Network (ALN) is a professional learning community open to educators and policymakers committed to improving student learning through effective use of high-quality, balanced assessment systems. The goal of the ALN is to increase assessment literacy among professional educators and of those who make policy decisions regarding K-12 education. Through engagement and shared perspectives, this learning community invests in Michigan’s children and educators by using assessment to cultivate capable learners.
ALN theme for 2024-25: Creating Coherence: Instruction and assessment in secondary classrooms that engages and motivates today’s learners
- March 11, 2025 webinar: Disciplinary Literacy and Student-Centered Assessment in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom, with Pam Harris
- May 13, 2025 – Illuminating Implementation of Disciplinary Practices and Student-Centered Assessment in the Secondary Classroom, with GELN’s Disciplinary Literacy Leaders, MAC Consultants, and Classroom Practitioners.
In 2024-25 we suggest teacher registrants attend at minimum, sessions 1 and 4, and add in either session 2 or session 3 (depending on your disciplinary interest); SCECHs will be offered for each session.
Click here for more information and to register!
In 2025-26, the series theme will continue with a focus on science, social studies, and disciplines beyond the core four.
Free Online EduPaths Courses
Disciplinary Literacy Courses 1 through 7 are now available on EduPaths (https://www.edupaths.org/ then search for “Disciplinary Literacy”) or use the links below. This FREE, online course series is intended for all secondary educators and instructional leaders looking to learn about the Essential Instructional Practices for Disciplinary Literacy in the Secondary Classroom: Grades 6 to 12 in an effort to improve adolescent literacy in every secondary classroom.
Click here for more information and to register!