#PointerNation News
January 16, 2023
Middle School Spelling Bee
Kaylee Hansen is the Mineral Point Middle School 2023 Spelling Bee Champion and Finn Coogan is Runner-Up! Congrats to all participants!
-- 8th Graders: Hank Allbright, Kylie Bennett, Justyce Gollmer, Emily Heisner, Jaycee Privett, Violet Renwick
-- 7th Graders: Easton Brunett, Boden Chambers, Henry Chapman, Braeden Coyier, Kaylee Hansen, Levi Jones
-- 6th Graders: Finn Coogan, Sophia Erickson, Rilyn Heins, Xander Parish, Jaxon Schultz, Gus Tucker-Sorum
Kaylee will now compete in the CESA 3 Regional Spelling Bee in the auditorium at Southwest Technical College on Wednesday, January 25. Finn will be the alternate. Four winners will advance from this contest to the State Spelling Bee to be held in Madison on March 11.
WCDA All-State Choir
My Own Two Hands
“I can change the world with my own two hands. Make it a better place with my own two hands. Make it a kinder place with my own two hands.” ~Ben Harper
4K students learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and the importance of being kind to one another. They talked about how we are all different and how we are all the same.
Artwork Spotlight
Here Comes the Sun
Story Time
Pump that Pointer spirit up!
Let's give a big shout out to our Pep Band, setting the stage for a great atmosphere at home games!
(Thanks to Pointer Media for the photos)
Mail Call
We can make a snowman
One Word
The Poles
Lunch Visits
We are Hiring
Mineral Point High School is searching for an Instructional Assistant! Come join the great place that is #PointerNation. Application info: https://wecan.waspa.org/Vacancy/163214
The Mineral Point High School Football team is looking for three Assistant Coaches (one JV Defensive Coordinator and two Program Assistants) for the 2023 Football season. Candidates must be available Monday through Friday after school for practices and games. They will have a staff meeting on Sundays as well during the season. Practice will start for the season on August 1st and will end in November. Coaches must be able to lead or assist in an offensive or defensive position group. Coaches must be good role models, have high integrity, and be able to communicate with all staff and students at a high level. Coaches will need to be able to lead the JV team and Freshman team if games are available for the Freshmen. Other duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: weight room supervision, locker room supervision, and bus supervision. Each position is paid by either the school or the Gridiron Club. Please send a resume and a letter of interest to Athletic Director Vickie Dahl at vickie.dahl@mp.k12.wi.us by March 1.
Our middle/high school has an immediate opening for a substitute custodian during the day shift. Come join the great place that is #PointerNation! Contact Dave DeVoe, Maintenance Director, at dave.devoe@mp.k12.wi.us or 608-987-0740 if interested.
Care Closet
If you would like to donate to the Mineral Point Middle/High School Care Closet, please reach out to Social/Emotional Learning Coach Dani Robb (dani.robb@mp.k12.wi.us) or School Counselor Erika Brunson (erika.brunson@mp.k12.wi.us). We are in need of snacks for students and personal hygiene items. Monetary donations will also be accepted which will be used for specific student and family needs.
If you would like to donate to the Elementary Students in Need Fund, please reach out to School Psychologist Katelyn Oellerich (katelyn.oellerich@mp.k12.wi.us) or School Counselor Alex Welsh (alex.welsh@mp.k12.wi.us). We are in need of boys pants children’s sizes 4T up to 14/16 and undergarments for boys and girls in all children's sizes 4T up to 14/16. We are also in need of snacks for students and monetary donations which will be used for specific student and family needs.
Week of 1/16/23
#PointerNation events coming up this week -- join us! (Please note these schedules are always subject to change)
Monday, January 16
-- No Classes: Teacher Work Day
-- Gymnastics vs. Southwestern/Cuba City/Benton/Darlington 6 pm. Livestream (floor only): https://www.youtube.com/@DodgevilleSchoolDistrict
Tuesday, January 17
-- Boys Basketball vs. Boscobel (JV 6 pm, Varsity to follow). Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@mptvpointers
-- Varsity Girls Basketball at Belleville 6 pm. Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@schooldistrictofbelleville1630
-- MS Girls Basketball vs. Iowa-Grant 4 pm
-- MS Wrestling at Dodgeville 4:30 pm
Wednesday, January 18
-- Early Release 2 pm (every Wednesday)
Thursday, January 19
-- Girls Basketball vs. Fennimore (JV 6 pm, Varsity to follow). Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@mptvpointers
-- Boys Basketball at Deerfield (JV2 & JV 6 pm, Varsity to follow). Possible livestream: 986.wdee.org/live-streaming/
-- MS Girls Basketball at River Valley 4 pm
Friday, January 20
-- JV & Varsity Wrestling at Riverdale 5:30 pm. Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@riverdaleschooldistrict1580
Saturday, January 21
-- Gymnastics at Southwestern 9:45 am.
-- WI Band Association Honors concert at UW-Oshkosh 7 pm
-- JV Wrestling at Wausau West 10 am
Please be aware of other companies claiming to livestream our games, especially if there are links different than posted above and ask for credit card and personal information -- these are scams. We will update this pinned post as available livestream information is relayed to us.
Mineral Point Unified School District
"Grounded by our history as one of the oldest publicly supported schools in Wisconsin, Mineral Point Unified School District is the heart of a small community that educates and inspires our students for a bright future in a big world."
Email: joelle.doye@mp.k12.wi.us
Website: mineralpointschools.org
Location: 705 Ross Street, Mineral Point, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 987-0740
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MineralPointSchoolDistrict