Maple Grove Fox Report
August 28, 2023
Principal's Corner
We have lots of new and fun learning ahead of us this year! Maple Grove Charter School will continue to utilize our 3 year implementation grant with professional development and supplies around environmental, agriscience, and literacy. It will be an outstanding start to the year and can't wait to see all the new adventures in store for our learners this year.
Our Staff
Principal/Sped. Teacher: Robin Hanson
Admin. Assistant:Kaylin Byer
Kindergarten:Sabrina Riehle
1st Grade: Treva Etten
2nd Grade: Dana Blume
3rd Grade: Jessica Barrick
4th Grade AM: Chris Czech
5th Grade: Emily Szutkowski
Title Reading: Mary Hessefort
Paraprofessional: Kristin Natzke
Paraprofessional: Kerri Zamzow
Art: Melissa David
Music: Stan Smith
Phy Ed.: Courtney Cyrtmus
Library Media Specialist: Emily Triebold/Dee Brewster
Agriscience Consultant: Jessica Bunkelman
Sandy Benton: Field Edventrues Consultant
Psychologist: Samantha Boivin
Speech Therapist: Vanessa Mann
Counselor: Karissa Denton
Custodian: Justin Bloch
Cook: Tari Williams
Health Aide: JoLynne Frydenlund
Field Edventures and Agriscience
New this year we will also have Jessica Bunkelman, Agriscience teacher from Athens Middle School/High School joining us some Fridays each month to incorporate agriscience lessons in our outdoor labs with all grade levels. We are so excited to add this next level of learning into our curriculum.
This is made possible from our Charter School Implementation Grant.
Arrival and Dismissal
- if you are picking up or dropping off and want to walk your child to and from Door #1 please make sure they are by you as you walk. Please do not allow them to run ahead of you or let them walk down themselves as there are cars coming through that area they have to cross and walk alongside. Student safety is our number one priority.
- The afternoon bus will be there at 2:55 waiting please make sure you pull in behind the bus as we will load that first.
- If driving through please pull ahead to the end of the building to stop so more cars can get in the drop off line.
- If your child cannot buckle themselves please feel free to pull into our playground area and stop to buckle them in so our line can can continue moving efficently.
- Please do not stop on Hwy L, and wait in line as this is a safety issue and Marathon County Police has asked we don't do this. Please Pull up on Schoolhouse Rd. and turn around by our gardens.
- Take turns pulling into the pick up line from both directions on Schoolhouse Ln.
- Thank you for your understanding and flexibility with this process. Once it is down packed we will have everyone picked up in about 10 min.
Change of Transportation Plans
Reading Logs
Each month we will have some type of fun whole school activity planned that those who reached their monthly goal will be able to participate in. Please work with your child to encourage them to meet their goal.
FaceBook Pages
Please follow the following 3 Facebook pages to keep up to date on the latest happenings.
- "Athens School District" where you will get district information as well as things that are shared about our individual schools.
- "Maple Grove Charter School PTO" where you will get reminders of what's coming up and meetings.
- "Maple Grove Foundation Inc"-This is an outside organization made up of community members who raise money from outside sources to support the charter school.
Breakfast and Lunch
The School District of Athens offers healthy meals every school day.
Meal prices are:
Breakfast - $1.50
Lunch for grades PK-5 - $2.65
Lunch for grades 6-12 - $3.05
Reduced price is $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch.
All students will be provided a meal card. When a student chooses to eat breakfast and/or lunch at their respective school, they will need to have their meal card available to be scanned. This lunchroom procedure will be taught to all students during the first week of school.
Students may qualify for free or reduced price meals. We encourage all families to fill out the free and reduced online application by logging on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (found at athens1.org), click More, then Meal Benefits. Paper applications are also available at the school office or by printing the attached PDF.
Food Service accounts must have a positive balance for students to participate in the hot lunch program (this is a prepaid system). Families will be notified when their food service account balance drops below $15.00. NOTE: Ala carte items are NOT part of the school lunch program and must be paid at full cost. Students eligible for free and/or reduced lunches, will be charged the full cost for all ala carte items.
Payments to food service accounts should be made in advance by:
Online payment through the Campus Parent Portal or cash or check (payable to School District of Athens) brought to the student's respective school. Please make sure it is a labeled envelope.
Here are the steps to add online payment via Campus Parent Portal:
1. Go to the Infinite Campus Website.
2. Click on "Parent Portal".
3. Log in with your username and password.
4. Click on "Lunch Account"
5. Click on "Add Money"
6. Enter the amount of money you want to add.
7. Click on "Submit"
For questions regarding lunch account balances, contact Mary Dlugopolski at 715-257-7511, ext. 101.
For questions regarding school nutrition services, contact Heather Krueger at 715-257-7511, ext. 136.
Additional Learning Pieces over the Summer
Chicken Coop
You may have noticed our new and improved chicken coop! Our learners can walk right in now and observe and care for these birds. This project was made possible by our implementation grant.
Our flock we currently have our 8 hens and 1 rooster from the batch our 1st graders hatched in May this year. The care of our chickens is a whole school project but is led by our first graders since they have the study of birds throughout their literacy units. Learners will rotate throughout the grade levels throughout the year to help feed, water, clean the run, and collect the eggs each morning.
Trout Tank
A HUGE shout-out to a grandparent of a learner at our school, Bob Lange, who designed and built our beautiful trout tank stand. THANK YOU!
Sneak Peek at Our Outdoor Classroom...
Upcoming Events
August 30th: First Day of School
September 4th: Labor Day - No School
September 11th: PTO Meeting 5:00, Governance Board Meeting 6:00
September 15th: 4th Grade School Forest
September 18th: Athens Board Meeting 5:00
September 25th: Apparel Sale Fundraiser begins! *Will end on October 4th
September 25th: Picture Day for all staff & students!
September 28th: 3rd Grade School Forest, 2nd Grade with go with Mrs. Sandy to School Forest
October 4th: Apparel Fundraiser due to MGCS
Maple Grove Charter School
Email: rhanson@athens1.org
Website: www.athens1.org/o/mgcs
Location: 135594 County Road L Hamburg, WI 54411
Phone: (715) 257-2199
Facebook: facebook.com/AthensSchoolDistrictWisconsin