Irving Elementary
Irving's Support Staff are "Eggcelent"!
Irving Selected for a National Showcase School
Irving Elementary School received the prestigious National Showcase School Award on Friday, May 5th. Because of the rigor of our evaluation process, the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools® Award is both a high aspiration and an exemplary recognition of excellence. Capturing Kids’ Hearts® is proud to recognize the outstanding educators who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the lives of our children.
*Because of the rigor of our evaluation process, the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools® Award is both a high aspiration and an exemplary recognition of excellence. Capturing Kids’ Hearts® is proud to recognize the outstanding educators who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the lives of our children.
*For the 2022-2023 school year, the Capturing Kid’s Hearts National Showcase Schools® Award was granted to 468 school campuses across the United States.
Celebrating Irving's Award!
Savannah Tapia Receives Irving Scholarship
Winfield's 150th Celebration
Collection of Pop Tabs
Mrs. Wall's 1st grade class is class of the month for "Courage"
K-2nd grade students recognized for "Courage"
3rd-5th grade students recognized for "Courage"
Ms. Hillebrand 5th Grade is class of the month for "Courage"
Mrs. Stone's 3rd Grade Class of the Month for "Perseverance"
3rd-5th Graders Recognized for "Perseverance"
K-2nd Graders Recognized for "Perseverance"
Mrs. Goyer's Class of the month for "Perseverance"
Masons Present Awards
Beverlynn Aurio Receives Mason's Award
Ms. Lewis Kindergarten Teacher
William Gulick Receives Mason Award
Congratulations to Mrs. Bowker on her retirement after 43 years in our district! We wish you all the best!
5th Grade Annual Tug-of-War Contest
Mr. Keller Wins Kiss the Farm Animal Contest
Mr. Keller 1st Place-had to kiss a chicken
Ms. Bionca 2nd Place-had to kiss a goat
Mrs. Dougherty 3rd Place-had to kiss a rabbit
Pizza Bingo Night!
4th graders held their annual "egg drop". Irving students had a great time watching as the Winfield Fire Department helped.
Field Trip Fun!
First Annual Glow Art Show a Success!
Art Happenings
A lot of exciting things going on in art this month!
K-4 th grades have been working in the dark. They have been working under a
black light creating amazing glowing art.
Kindergarten recreated Jeff Koon’s Balloon Dog Statues.
First grade created Glowing Cock-a-too birds.
Second grade created insects with glowing bodies.
Third grade are making vines with chameleons.
Fourth grade are constructing a cave diorama with an explorer hanging in mid-
Fifth grade are working on their final piece—a multi-layer canvas abstract art
All grades learned about the stages of a chicken embryo while we had eggs in an
incubator for 21 days. We had 11 chicks hatch out. First grade did an art project
of a mother hen sitting on a clutch of eggs and hatching them out.
Kindergarten’s final project will be the life cycle of a butterfly, so all grades
watched as Painted Lady caterpillars grew, created a chrysalis, and came out as a
Mrs. Stone’s third grade collaborated with art class to publish a book that they
wrote and illustrated. It was so exciting to see it in print!
During exploration day, 33 students worked really hard to turn dyed and carded
wool into sheets of felt through a process called WET FELTING. It was unanimous
that it was something they wanted to do again next year in art!
Last month in art class, all students designed an entry for a drawing contest
sponsored by Winfield Arts and Humanities, William Newton Hospital Auxiliary,
and USD 465. The theme for the contest was “How do you deal with BIG
feelings?” There were over 800 entries in the contest. Irving had 5 winners and 11
honorable mentions. Way to go IRVING students! You know how to deal with big
Feelings! Our winners were: Hadi Briles, Bryhahna Martain, Emma Norris, Kenzzi
Guadalupe and Isis Romero. Our honorable mentions winners were: Kylie
George, Lyncoln Lewis, Owen Norris, Ellis Pipes-Ternes, Oliver Munn, Erica Rax,
Jewley Insley, Amelia East, Avery Peppers, and Maggie Jones.
Irving Field Day
A great big THANK YOU to USD 465 Foundation Grants for suppling the funds to purchase supplies to make this day a success.
Exploration Day Fun!
STUCO Wrapping Up The Year
Book Fair Success!
Ms. Jo from the Winfield Public Library visited to tell students about summer activities!
Winfield Public Library Cards
William Allen White Team of Readers
Irving Students Participate in Choir Event
On May 2nd Mrs. Camp had the opportunity to take 6 students to an Honor choir hosted by the Southwestern College Children's Choir. Students from Irving, Whittier, Lowell, Holy Name, and Ark City Elementary schools, rehearsed all day preparing 5 songs for a concert held at Richardson Auditorium on the SC campus. The choir was led by Ark City elementary music teacher Nikki Kirk.
The students that participated were, Ivonna, William, Ty, Rilynn, Kendyl, and Mileena.
Rehearsal started at 9, and continued through 5 pm, with breaks, concluding with the concert a 6 pm.
Our students represented Irving very well!! They had a super day, and in addition to the experience of it all, the" hit" of the day was the SC cafeteria lunch!! :)
They were "big" eyed and amazed at their choices of entrees, an ice cream machine, and other baked treats!! But you should have seen the SC students' reaction with 100-ish elementary kids running around!
2nd Grade News
2nd graders went on a walking field trip to get a tour of the Winfield Public Library. Ms. Jo let students play and then read the book, The Garbage Barge. The students all had such a great time and we hope they visit Ms.Jo over the summer!
Mrs. Dougherty's class is holding something green…Ms. Jo gave all the students biodegradable trash sacks to use at home!
Mr. Brewer reading to 2nd graders.
Irving Elementary
Email: jeff_everett@usd465.com
Website: https://irving.usd465.com/
Location: 311 Harter Street, Winfield, KS, USA
Phone: 620-221-5140