#PointerNation News
June 20, 2022
#PointerNation is heartbroken to share that Blue, one of our therapy dogs, tragically passed away Thursday, June 16, 2022.
Even though Blue was only with us this past school year, he made an incredibly positive impact on our school culture and will be deeply missed. Blue helped brighten the lives of all he encountered and left paw prints on the hearts of many. He primarily worked at the middle/high school, but would often make visits to the elementary and Options in Education as well.
Blue, a Golden Retriever gifted to the school from Sleepy Valley Kennels, lived with School Liaison Officer Bill Ottoway’s family. Please keep them in your thoughts as we mourn this loss. If support services are needed, please reach out to the school.
Field Day Fun
- Deb Molle (winner), 3rd Grade
- Katelyn Dunham, 1st Grade
- Erin Leonard, 4K
- Keri Radtke, 2nd Grade
- Lynn Ross, 4th Grade
- Jenny Singer, 3rd Grade
- Kristin Staver, High School English
A sincere thank you to everyone who took the time to make a nomination. Link: https://www.nbc15.com/2022/05/17/here-is-every-teacher-nominated-crystal-apple/
State Champ in Agricultural Mechanics Repair & Maintenance
State Runner-Up in Turf Grass Management
State Runner-Up in Grain Production
4th in Beef Production-Entrepreneurship
5th in Beef Production-Entrepreneurship
5th in Goat Production
Top Senior Math Student
Top Senior English Student
Top Senior Business Student
Scholarship Spotlights
We are excited to showcase our #PointerNation Seniors with Scholarship Spotlights! A sincere thank you to generous donors who helped our graduates earn nearly $1 million in scholarships!
Makenna Ferrell
- Malcolm Stack Foundation Scholarship
Grace Engels
- Farmers Savings Bank Scholarship
- Mineral Point FFA Chapter Scholarship
- MP Key Club Scholarship
- Mineral Point Lions Club Scholarship
- MP Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship
- Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance Scholarship
Laurianna Dannenberg
- Pointer Pride Scholarship
- Southwest Tech Charger Scholarship
Jazmine Cool
- MP Alumni Foundation Scholarship
- State of Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship
- John N. Graber Scholarship Trust
- Wisconsin Elks Association Scholarship
- Yahara River Chorus Linda Johnson Scholarship
- Lawrence University Light More Light Scholarship
- Lawrence University Lawrentian Award
- Lawrence University Main Hall Green Award
- MP Music Boosters Scholarship
- Thomas B. Jones & Grace Stevenson Jones Scholarship
Eloise Chambers
- MP Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship
- The University of Alabama Scholar Merit Scholarship
- Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) Scholar Athlete Award Winner
- Cummins Inc Scholarship
Colbi Carey
All-District Baseball & Softball
-- Leyten Bowers, First Team
-- Kennedy Wenger, First Team
-- Dominik McVay, First Team
-- Baseball: https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/document/4f2f-2719022/2022_All_District_Teams_L.pdf
-- Softball: https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/document/451b-2719839/2022_All_District_Teams_-_District_3.pdf
Where in the World is #PointerNation?
Alumni Alert!
Pets of #PointerNation
-- Pets of #PointerNation -- who doesn't love pets? Email joelle.doye@mp.k12.wi.us a photo of your pet and please include name(s).
2022-23 School Calendar
Week of 6/20/22
#PointerNation events coming up this week: (Please note these schedules are always subject to change)
Monday, June 20
-- National Skills USA Conference in Atlanta, GA
Tuesday, June 21
-- National Skills USA Conference in Atlanta, GA
Wednesday, June 22
-- National Skills USA Conference in Atlanta, GA
Thursday, June 23
-- National Skills USA Conference in Atlanta, GA
Friday, June 24
-- National Skills USA Conference in Atlanta, GA
-- Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Association Senior All-Star Game in Oshkosh (Dominik McVay participating)
Saturday, June 25
-- Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Association Senior All-Star Game in Oshkosh (Dominik McVay participating)
Mineral Point Unified School District
"Grounded by our history as one of the oldest publicly supported schools in Wisconsin, Mineral Point Unified School District is the heart of a small community that educates and inspires our students for a bright future in a big world."
Email: joelle.doye@mp.k12.wi.us
Website: mineralpointschools.org
Location: 705 Ross Street, Mineral Point, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 987-0740
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MineralPointSchoolDistrict