Our Voice
Issue #17 | July 6, 2020
We hope this letter finds you healthy and safe as we enter July. We want to connect with our teachers and staff as we continue our planning for starting school Aug. 13. We know our new to district teachers and staff will start on Aug. 3 and many of our school-based team members will start on Aug. 6.
For support staff who work a schedule including the summer, we are working with our district’s leaders to create plans for each building so employees start returning to buildings next week, July 13. If this group includes you, your supervisor will be sharing details, procedures, and precautions later this week.
Thank you for your partnership in these uncertain times as we continue to monitor the public health crisis to COVID-19, including the on-going guidance and orders from both the governor and the Texas Education Agency (TEA)’s commissioner.
Based on the rules being set by the state of Texas regarding school funding and our ability to support teachers and school operations, we will be offering families the following two choices for next school year:
100% enrollment in our Virtual Empowered Learning program where teachers will lead both live and self-paced instruction for students; and
100% in-person instruction where we will adhere to the safety and public health guidelines set by our local and national public health agencies, including face coverings, minimizing large gatherings, personal hygiene, contact-tracing, health screenings, and facility sanitization.
Earlier this summer, we were exploring the possibility of a third option for families in middle and high schools to include a “hybrid 50/50” approach, combining in-person and at-home learning. At this time, based on guidance from the state, feasibility, and concerns about teacher workload, we are not pursuing a hybrid 50/50 option.
Teacher and Staff Survey
As you may already know, we collected some general feedback from families last week to help guide our expectations for planning. Later this month, families will need to select through a registration process either 100% Virtual Empowered Learning or 100% in-person learning for their student(s). This process will be offered in multiple languages and in multiple formats (not exclusively electronic) so we can include all families.
As we continue to plan for educating students in the fall, our LISD employees’ health and safety is of the utmost importance. A great deal of planning is taking place behind the scenes as we work to finalize the return of students and staff. We are asking that you complete this short survey in order to help inform us.
Next Steps to Learn More
If you would like to hear from our district leadership and ask questions about our planning, you can register for a webinar on Zoom for staff this Wednesday, July 8 at 12 p.m. We also have opportunities for all staff to comment, discuss, and engage on Slack.
In addition to this update, you will receive the update we are sending to parents later today which includes more information about social distancing, campus safety, and teaching and learning. We’re continuing to update this webpage as new information becomes available. We will have another update this Thursday.
Edcamp Leander: Virtual Edition is coming!
Unlike a traditional Edcamp, where session boards are built the morning of the event, sessions are suggested in advance and the board will be built the week before. Instead of one person standing in front of the room talking for an hour, people are encouraged to have discussions and interactive sessions.
Register here!: bit.ly/Edcampleander2020
Benefits: Download FREE Headspace App for Mindfulness Tools
Distractions are everywhere. But 4 weeks of Headspace has been shown to increase focus by 14%, making any task at hand that much easier to handle. Stay on track with a Work & Productivity meditation. Details are on LNET.
About Us
Website: www.leanderisd.org
Location: 204 West South Street, Leander, TX, USA
Facebook: facebook.com/leanderisd
Twitter: @leanderisd