LASD Board Highlights
June Board Meeting Summary
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Citizens' Advisory Committee for Finance 2023 Report
The volunteer-run Citizens' Advisory Committee for Finance is comprised of members of the community who oversee and analyze the district's finances. Each year, CACF publishes a report with its findings and recommendations for the Board to consider in its short and long term budget planning.
The CACF report made several suggestions based on current financial circumstances. It recommended the Board renew its parcel tax to ensure financial stability for academic programs, classroom teachers and to retain teaching staff. Depending upon the future outlook of property tax revenue and renewal of the voter-approved parcel tax, CACF recommended considering cuts to balance the budget if revenues continue to decline.
CACF also recommended creating a new master plan for facilities to consider the cost of school maintenance and improvements, including the cost of the new 10th school site.
To review the full report, check out item H.1 on our agenda online.
Planning for Every Student's Success in LASD
The Board unanimously adopted the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Budget Overview and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Both documents are meant to share the district’s plans to fund educational programs and services with our community. The LCFF gives school districts more flexibility in deciding how to use state funds. In exchange, school districts must work with parents, educators, students, and the community to develop a Local Control and Accountability Plan (the LCAP) that shows how they will use these funds to serve students.
This LCAP represents LASD's goals, actions, and services to support our work for the 2021-2024 school years. The focus on district goals is critical to the success of all students by providing the foundations to learn, lead, and innovate in high school and beyond. The LCAP outlines the district's successes based on data from the California School Dashboard and identifies needs for improvement and LASD's educational goals for all students. Goals for this 2021-24 LCAP were determined through an extensive community input and engagement process, which include:
1. Ensure all students have access to equitable conditions for learning
2. All LASD students will experience high quality instruction that results in equitable outcomes and expected yearly growth.
3. Provide tiered supports and systems that promote and sustain strong academic growth and positive social/emotional development for all students.
4. Ensure a safe, healthy and respectful school environment to maintain engagement, involvement, and satisfaction of students, staff and parents.
For the full report, please check out item H.2. on our agenda online.
Measure N Citizens' Oversight Report
In 2014, local voters approved a bond measure to allow for 10 sites for 10 schools and improve facilities in the Los Altos School District. To ensure all funds were spent for voter-approved purposes, Measure N included a Citizens' Oversight Committee to annually review all expenditures. Measure N's expenditures are analyzed each year by the Measure N Citizens' Oversight Committee, who, in turn, provide a report to the Board of Trustees. The committee reviews expenditures to ensure they are used for the intended purposes as outlined in the text of the bond measure. Based on an independent audit of expenses, the Committee agreed that all expenditures were used appropriately.
For more information, please check out item H.5. on our agenda online.
Next Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is on Tuesday, July 18 at 6:00pm. The Board will be reviewing the results of a survey of local voters and discussing the feasibility of renewing its expiring voter-approved parcel tax on an upcoming ballot. It will also discuss the potential parcel tax renewal at its August 7 meeting at 7:00pm.
Los Altos School District Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos in our Board Room. To attend meetings remotely, please visit our Board web page and use the provided zoom link. Please note: public comment can only be provided in person at the Board meeting or via email at trustees@lasdschoos.org, but cannot be made online.
If you would like to stay updated regarding upcoming Board meetings, please email mbirnie@lasdschools.org, providing your name, email address and a request to be added to the email list for Brown Act updates, including upcoming meetings and agendas.
Los Altos School District
Website: www.lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LASDK8/