Anderson Weekly News 8/18/23
Welcome to the Team!
Dates to Remember
- Wed, Aug. 23rd PTO Family Picnic and Meeting 5:00-6:30
- Sat, Aug. 26th PTO Dine Out Fundraiser at Oberweis 11am-11pm (see flyer below)
- Wed, Aug. 30. Early Release - Students are dismissed at 2:10 PM
- Fri. Sept. 1st No School for Students - Teacher Inservice Day.
- Mon, 4th No School. Labor Day!
- Wed, Sept. 6th Picture Day!
- Sat, Sept. 9th PTO Dine Out Fundraiser at Chipotle in S Elgin 4-8pm (see flyer below)
- Mon. Sept. 11th, Open House Night for 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grade 6:00-7:30 PM
- Tue. Sept. 12th, Open House Night for Kinder, 2nd, and 4th Grade 6:00-7:30 PM
- Tue. Sept. 12th, PTO Meeting following the Back to School event. 7:30 PM.
- Wed, Sept. 27th - Early Release - Students are dismissed at 2:10 PM.
Load these dates on your phone/computer calendar. Subscribe to the Anderson School Calendar
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Let's Party! Let's Celebrate!
Now, please don't think that we are sucking all the fun out of these events. Trust me, I love a bag of Swedish fish, chocolate-covered pretzels, and over-frosted cupcakes just like our students. However, I do know, and am confident, that we can celebrate in fun, meaningful and memorable ways without shoving food into our mouths.
Dates for these parties are coming soon. Just wanted to share this shift in practice now before the party planners out there started stockpiling gummy bears and Twizzlers.
Anderson Attendance: Call 331-228-3300
Leave messages 24 hours a day
Give reason for child's absence & clearly speak student’s name & grade/teacher
Call every time your child is absent or is more than 45 min. late
Vacation? Submit the prearranged absence form
Fall I-Ready Diagnostic Pre-Test
i-Ready is an online program that will help us determine your child’s strengths and areas for growth, provides for personalized learning, and monitors their progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child where they are and provides staff with data to inform instruction.
Please open and read this letter to learn more about the i-Ready Reading and Math diagnostic.
3rd and 4th Grade Families...
Here are the basics:
- Students choose to play either the violin, viola, cello or bass
- During the school year, orchestra meets two times a week: one 40 minutes small group lesson during the school day and one 45 minute full group before school rehearsal.
- During the school day lessons will start the week of August 28th. Lesson day will be announced soon.
- Before school rehearsals will be Wednesday from 7:15-8:00am at Anderson. First before school rehearsal will be September 27.
Steps for enrollment:
1. Fill out the online form: D303 Elementary Orchestra Enrollment Form
2. Reserve a rental instrument from either Austin's Violin Shop or Quinlan and Fabish. Violin, viola and cello should order a 1/4 size (12" if ordering a viola from Austin's), bass players should order an 1/8 size. When ordering make sure to include the Essential Elements Book 1 and a folding music stand with your order. Have the instrument delivered to Anderson- your child will receive their instrument, book and folding music stand during their first orchestra lesson with me!
*If a student can not financial afford to rent an instrument, please contact Mrs. Mezera. There are options available.
3. Purchase a 1 inch 3 ring binder, pencil pouch, and 3-4 sharpened pencils. These will be part of the orchestra supplies.
4. Pay the $50 activity fee on Pushcoin
Any questions? Visit our website D303 Elementary Orchestra Website or contact me, Mrs. Mezera.
Looking forward to a great year in orchestra!
--Elisabeth Mezera
Elementary Orchestra Teacher
Anderson and Lincoln Elementary
Attention 5th Grade Families!
We are starting band lessons very soon and we want your child to be part of the D303 Band Family! Not only is band fun, collaborative, and creative but Band is so good for your child's brain development. Check out this 5 minute video on how and why!
For more information check or the D303 Elementary Band website or contact Ms. Rice, 5th grade band director: marianne.rice@d303.org
To enroll your child in the band program complete the Band Enrollment Form
Elementary Handbook and Discipline Procedures
Parents can access the electronic version of the Elementary Handbook on the D303 website. Please note that you will not be receiving a paper copy this year. It is the responsibility of each family to review both handbooks with their children. Thank you for your support.
News from the Anderson PTO
St Charles Water Polo Clinic
Anderson Families! We need more Lunchroom Supervisors!
We are in need of more help in our cafeteria each day. You get to help kids have a safe and organized lunch. You get to supervise recess! Contact Patrica Burton at 331-228-5242 or email her at patricia.burton@d303.org
Anderson Elementary School
Email: nathan.jarot@d303.org
Website: https://anderson.d303.org/
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300