The Synapse
Updates from the Sciences at Loyola University Maryland
December 2022 | Issue 50
Season's Greetings!
As we are approaching the end of the fall semester 2022 and the upcoming winter break, I would like to express my gratitude for the commitment of our NAS faculty, staff, and the hard work of talented NAS students, and my appreciation for our engaged alum, advisory board members, and the friends of NAS programs, as well as the support by the university for our thriving NAS programs. I wish each of you a joyful and peaceful holiday season and a pleasant and safe winter break spent in the company of friends, family and loved ones.
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Share your news, photos, inspiring stories, and upcoming events for a future issue. Please send any feature suggestions to Bahram Roughani at broughani@loyola.edu
Ashley Dwyer Named Patriot League Volleyball Scholar-Athlete of The Year
Physics senior Ashley Dwyer was named the Patriot League Volleyball Scholar-Athlete of the Year, in recognition for her achievements on the court and in the classroom.
Dean's Supplemental Fund supporting faculty development is due January 11, 2023
Dean's office currently is accepting proposals for the January deadline of the Dean’s Supplemental Fund. The links to the relevant Dean’s Supplemental Fund for both Tenured and Tenure Track faculty as well as teaching faculty are shown below. The deadline for submissions is January 11, 2023.
T/TT Faculty: https://loyola.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dcKd53P71upjS5M
Teaching Faculty: https://loyola.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bfTnVKciJjoGM5M
2023 Hauber Summer Research Fellowship Applications Due Friday February 3, 2023
Each summer since 1988, a top-quality group of undergraduate NAS majors are selected as Hauber Fellows to conduct research with faculty mentors on projects in their area of interest during the summer. This 10-week prestigious summer research program is culminating with research presentations for the Loyola community, research posters, and scientific papers. Participation has been a pathway for many students to campus and national awards, publications, and admission to graduate programs. The fellowship carries a $5,000 stipend with discounted on-campus housing available with the possibility for applying for no cost housing. It runs from the first week of June through mid-August. If you are interested in applying, now is the time to identify faculty who may be interested in mentoring you this summer.
NAS faculty, if you are interested in mentoring a Hauber fellow this summer, please email your department chair and Sciences@loyola.edu with a brief description of your research interests.
For details and application, visit www.loyola.edu/hauber. Applications are due February 3, 2023, which is the 3rd Friday of the Spring semester.
2023 Haig Scholars Program Applications Due Friday February 3, 2023
The Haig Scholars Program is an academic excellence and leadership program for students majoring in Natural and Applied Sciences. The program recognizes the accomplishments of highly motivated students. Admission is competitive. Scholars are selected during the spring semester of their sophomore or junior year based on demonstrated academic achievement, leadership experience and potential, commitment to service, community engagement, and personal essay. Scholars will participate in the fall Haig Scholars seminar course which will have a strong emphasis on innovation and innovative mindset and incorporate guest speakers in leadership roles.
For a complete list of eligibility requirements and application, visit the Haig Scholars Program page and complete 2023 Haig Scholars Program Application
Haig Scholar 2022 cohort are shown in the group picture. If you are eligible to apply for Haig Scholars program and like to learn more about it firsthand from a former Haig Scholar, you may contact one of the Haig Scholars 2022.
Applications are due February 3, 2023, which is the 3rd Friday of the Spring semester.
National Fellowship Opportunities
Loyola’s National Fellowships Office has various opportunities for STEM sophomores and juniors including DAAD-RISE offering paid summer research internships in science and engineering in Germany, and the Goldwater Scholarship offering up to $7,500 in scholarship funds per year toward your remaining years of undergraduate study. For more information visit the National Fellowship web page or Contact the Director of National Fellowships, Dr. Ryan at tmryan@loyola.edu.
YouTube Grand Seminar Lectures Playlist
Planet Mars, get ready for your next explorers
For fourteen of our Loyola engineering juniors December 7, 2022 marks the last day to work on their Mars Rover Replicas project, which is the backbone of the newly offered course called Engineering Design Fundamentals. The course centers around taking an existing design and introducing a significant modification to add new capabilities. The basic platform is an open-source model of the Mars Perseverance rover (https://youtu.be/NOZZMsMAGh0). Learn more about the new junior engineering projects through the following link.
IEEE Club in Action
Reminders, Resources & Events of Interest
The Bridge
Visit The Bridge for upcoming campus meetings and events.
Training and Development Opportunities for Employees and Students
Academic Calendar
Coronavirus Resources
- Loyola Coronavirus Updates - General university information for all students, faculty, staff including reopening plans, COVID-19 dashboard, FAQs, policies, and resources
Student Support Resources
Employee Support Resources