PARENT EDITION | August, 2022
WPUSD eNews: August 2022
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year
It is my honor to welcome you and your child(ren) to the 2022-2023 school year. I am elated to announce that we anticipate a "normal" school year for the first time in nearly three years. Staff has been busy preparing for students and we are ready and eager to educate, feed, and care for each and every one.
As you will see in the content of this newsletter, which will come to you on the first Friday of each month, the safety of our students is a top priority. We have been working in collaboration with community agencies to improve our efforts to support our student's physical, emotional, and cultural safety. We are proud of the skills and resources our schools have to support students and families.
In addition to safety, we believe every student who graduates from WPUSD should be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to go to college, trade school, or to enter directly into a stable career. To that end, we continue to expand our supports and services throughout the District to ensure students are achieving and prepared for college and career.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. We will work hard every day for their success. Hats off to a great school year. #WPUSDCARES.
Kerry Callahan, Superintendent
Email: kcallahan@wpusd.org
Website: wpusd.org
Phone: 916-645-6350
Board Meeting Schedule August 2022
August 2nd
August 16th
August 20th
In This Section
🏫Back to School Information
🤒COVID Protocols
⚠️School Safety
📞District & School Communication
🥗Food Service Information
👨🏫We're Hiring!
Back to School Information
Teacher Information, Bell Schedules & More!
Back to school time can be stressful, particularly for new families. It is our hope we can ease some of those anxieties by giving you the tools to feel prepared and informed.
Who is my student's teacher? When can I get their schedule?
Teacher information is not released until:
- The school site hosts a teacher reveal (elementary)
- Makes it available on Schoology in the days leading up to the first day of school (middle/high school)
- Verifies that the family completed their Annual Emergency Contact Update (information on this is located in the Action Items portion of this newsletter).
- Schedules are picked up on designated days, as noted by the school site (high school only)
School Offices are Open on Monday
Starting Monday, August 8, 2022, all school offices are open regular hours (7:30-4). They will be busy trying to prepare for students' return, but are happy to assist you in anything you may need.
Bell Schedules
Bell Schedules are available on each school's website. A full list is located here. If they are not updated for the 2022-2023 school year, please reach out to your child's school. The information will be updated soon.
School Supply Lists
Each site handles this a bit differently. Some have them posted on their website, some include it in their first day syllabus overview, and some have sent it out through site communications. If you have questions about your child's school supply needs, please reach out to the school office starting next week.
School Bus Transportation
Applications & Pricing
Bus pass applications are open for the 2022-2023 school year. New this year: income-qualified families will now receive a free bus pass. We are no longer offering reduced price bus passes.
Bus Routes & Times
Bus routes and times are still being finalized. They will be posted on the transportation site sometime next week.
COVID Protocols for 2022-2023
As we return to likely the most 'normal' start to a school year we've seen in over 2 years, we are simplifying our COVID protocols. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recently published an updated document (HERE) for guidance for COVID response for schools for the 2022/2023 school year. In addition, we created a FAQ document (HERE) to help answer questions you may have about this updated guidance and our district response to COVID for the upcoming school year.
CDPH's most recent guidance shifts the majority of requirements to a set of recommendations. The only remaining requirement, from CDPH, is that students who are ill, must be fever free for at least 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medication before returning to school. This requirement is in alignment with the standard practice we exercised prior to COVID when students were ill. Our district requires that students who are ill, especially students who have any kind of fever, are kept home until they are well and fever free for at least 24 hours. In addition, while not required, we encourage families to strongly consider the recommendations from CDPH when making decisions regarding their child's attendance to support us in minimizing the spread of COVID throughout our schools.
Mike Maul, Director of Personnel Services & COVID Response
Phone: 916-645-5293
Email: mmaul@wpusd.org
School Safety in Mind
One of our district's main focus for the 2022 - 2023 school year is safety. Each year, the District reviews and updates each school's as well as the district's Comprehensive Site Safety Plans. These plans are robust, reviewed annually and approved by Law Enforcement and school safety professionals. Beyond these plans, the district has implemented additional measures to begin the 2022-2023 school year. Bullets points in bold are highlighted below with more detail.
- We have updated all school emergency maps in connection with LPD
- We are working with LDP and the Central California Intelligence Center to update school safety plans
- Schools have or will have threat assessments completed - this information will be used to make schools safer, by adding safety measures at all school sites based on specific needs
- We will implement STOPit, the anonymous reporting app, at all school sites
- We are increasing our frequency of emergency drills
- LPD is hosting active threat training on two campuses (not during school sessions).
- Staff training will focus on creating safe schools for both physical and mental health
- All classrooms have bleed kits and staff have been trained to use these kits in an emergency
- We will continue to use the Standard Response Protocol for school safety through the "I Love U Guys" foundation
Stop-it Implemented District Wide
According to the Department of Homeland Security, data shows 67% of school shooters mention their plan to a friend or classmate and 42% tell more than one person or post on social media. While some of our schools are currently using an anonymous tip reporting system, the District feels the implementation of Stop-it district-wide is prudent in putting student and staff safety at the top of our priority list. As parents/guardians of students in the district, help your student(s) understand that reporting something when they see or hear something is completely anonymous and will help keep our schools safe learning environments. It could even save lives. Each site, in concert with the District Office, our mental health specialists, and the Lincoln Police Department, will work collaboratively to ensure issues are handled with care and students are receiving the services they need.
Lincoln PD Hosts Active Threat Training at LHS
Our commitment to providing safe learning environments remains at the forefront of our global district goals for the 2022-2023 academic year. As we continue to work collaboratively with the Lincoln Police Department, we strengthen our efforts toward the safety and well-being of our school community.
In collaboration with Lincoln PD, there will be an active threat training session held at Lincoln High School on August 9, 2022 and at Carlin C. Coppin on August 11, 2022. Some aspects of the training may be visible from the streets around campus. Please do not be alarmed if you see increased police presence on campus those days.
On August 9, 2022, the LHS main entrance will be open to the public with access to the office and athletic facilities. Carlin C. Coppin will be closed to the public from 7am to 12pm on Thursday, August 11, 2022.
For any questions regarding the training sessions, please reach out to Officer Collins, WPUSD School Resource Officer, at wcollins@wpusd.org.
Standard Response Protocol (SRP) - What is it?
Reno Penders, Director of Educational Services and Safety Manager
Email: rpender@wpusd.org
Phone: 916-645-6350
School Communications
Parent Communication: What To Expect
District Communication
The district will send monthly newsletters through ParentSquare containing important information and various action items. By reading through the monthly communication, you are helping your student(s) stay on top of any pressing issues, updates and information. ParentSquare is also an app you can download on your phone and set up your personal communication preferences. Seeing too many emails? You can adjust your notification preferences to digest mode and only receive one email from both your child(ren)'s school and the district in one readers digest format (click here to see how!). You can also enable text and push notifications (which we recommend in case of emergency).
The district also uses social media to share positive stories and happenings throughout the district, in addition to important dates and reminders. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
School Communication
School site communication varies depending on site and grade level. However, all sites will send out either weekly or monthly newsletter-style communication through ParentSquare. In addition, teachers, administrators and support staff will send out supplemental emails through ParentSquare, Schoology (middle and high school only), or their District Gmail account. For questions related to school site communication, please reach out to the site directly!
ParentSquare Resources
Here is a link to more information and resources related to ParentSquare. See the contact information below for assistance with your ParentSquare account.
Emma Oehler, Communications Coordinator
Phone: 916-645-6350
Email: eoehler@wpusd.org
Food & Nutrition Services
Meals 101: Understanding Our Food Service Program!
There have been quite a few changes brewing in our Food Services Department, including our transition to the Universal Meals Program, which allows us to offer free breakfast and lunch to ALL students.
Check out these videos to learn more about what's new for Food Service this year and gain a better understanding on what our meal program can offer your student(s)!
Food & Nutrition Services Launches New Website
Healthy School Food Pathway Program
The WPUSD Food Service department is also excited to partner with the Chef Ann Foundation.
The Chef Ann Foundation has partnered with California Community Colleges to launch the Healthy School Food Pathway Program, currently offering a pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship, and program that will support education and workforce development for healthy school food in California.
The programs will provide California’s Community College students, incumbent school food service staff, and displaced or transitional workers in related industries with education and paid hands-on experience in operating healthy K-12 school meal programs. They are currently accepting applications for the pre-apprenticeship with an application deadline of September 9, 2022 and the program starting in October 2022.
Learn more about this exciting opportunity and share with your networks today by clicking HERE.
See the attached flyer for more details!
Christina Lawson, Director of Food Services
Phone: 916-645-6373
Email: clawson@wpusd.org
Get Involved with your Child's Education - APPLY NOW!
Personnel Services
Phone: 916-645-5293
Review/Update Your Emergency Contact Information
Online access is now LIVE!
If your child is returning to WPUSD for the 2022-2023 school year, you will need to review your child’s emergency contact and health information for any updates before your child starts the school year. When reviewing and updating your child’s information you will also be electronically signing your child’s 2022-2023 Technology Use and Waiver Agreements, Student Health Insurance option, and Photo Release Opt-Out Forms.
Please contact your child's SCHOOL office if you have any questions. School offices open August 8th! If you've already completed this process, no action is needed. If you have not completed this process, it may impact your child's ability to get their schedule or attend school events.
**If don't have a Parent Portal account you should have received an email or letter with information and instructions to set up your account. If did not receive an email or letter or you forgot your student’s Access ID/Password, please contact your child’s SCHOOL and we can help.**
If you need technical assistance, please email HelpDesk@wpusd.org.
Annual Household Income Form
Families: Please Complete a 2022-23 Household Income Form to Help Your School Maximize Its Funding!
A portion of every school's funding is determined by the needs of its students. Extra funding is usually distributed to schools based on free/reduced meal applications but they are not required this year. For the 2022-2023 school year all students are eligible for FREE meals, so extra funding will be distributed differently. Please complete this Household Income Form to help us maximize our schools' funding!
- additional support staff for schools, like Instructional Aides, Intervention Support Providers, and after school tutors
- more resources for classrooms and teachers - additional health and wellness services
- fee waivers for college applications
- fee waivers for college admissions exams (i.e. SAT/ACT/AP)
It’s a quick process and only needs to be completed once for each household. By taking the time to fill out this form, you are taking part in a process that might provide thousands of dollars in funds to the school your student attends.
Click Here to fill out Household Income Form - English
Click Here to fill out Household Income Form - Spanish
*You only have to fill this form out per household.*
You can also request a paper copy of the form from your school office or the District Office, 600 Sixth Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, CA 95648. If you need assistance in completing this form please contact your child's school office or the District Office (916) 645-6350 and we can help!
2022-2023 Meal Program: Apply Now!
Even though school meals are free this year, parents still need to fill out a meal application! In doing so, we can secure additional dollars to improve our school lunch program.
Meal applications are available online starting 8/4.
Western Placer Unified School District
Website: www.wpusd.org
Location: 600 6th Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916-645-6350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WPUSD/
Twitter: @WPUSD
See ways we can improve our monthly newsletter? Let us know here!