Welcome Back Families!
Back to School Newsletter
In addition to the bus registration form completed earlier this year, all families must complete the Student Transportation Form for your child's dismissal plan as soon as possible.
Bus Tags will be given to students on the first day of school.
The PickUp Patrol App will be used for changes to your students plans throughout the year. New families will receive an email with login information.
Aspen the MPSD Parent/Student Portal Workflows
Click here for instructions on our Aspen portal
Update Student Emergency Information
View parent/guardian contact information (Complete the separate Parent Information Update to change parent/guardian contact info) - for new families this is in addition to what was completed at registration
Update secondary emergency contacts (These contacts are different from the primary contacts)
Sign off on the student handbook, photo consent, and Computer/Internet policy
Update physician/health, home language, and military family information
Specify permissions for SEPAC/PTO emails and class lists (elementary)
Electronically sign off (parent and student)
All student workflows must be updated each year
Both parents/guardians should complete the workflow
If you are having difficulty or do not know your password, please do not hesitate to contact aspen@mpsd.org.
Pop ups need to be allowed in order for the form to open.
Please, double check the information before submitting it.
Make sure that if you have the autocomplete feature turned on in your device, it won't override what you have entered.
School Supplies
- Water bottle - Every day a student should have a water bottle they can fill at one of our refill stations as needed. Please make sure all water bottles have students first and last names.
- Headphones - The headphones should compatable to plug into the student chromebook.
A Message from our Nurse
Medication Drop Off Dates!
Thursday, August 24, 2023 / 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Monday, August 28 / 4:00 - 6:00 PM
If your child has an EpiPen, inhaler, daily pills, or any other prescription medication they may need during school hours, please plan to attend one of the medication drop off dates listed above.
Please bring the following:
Medication in original container with pharmacy label attached
Parent Consent Form filled out and signed. Click here for the form.
DOCTOR’S ORDER: Please either call your pediatrician’s office and ask them to “fax an order for _________” to the school nurse at: FAX: 339-244-2197 (you can do this anytime, the sooner the better) You may also obtain an order in person from your pediatrician’s office and hand deliver it to the school nurse.
There will be another form to fill out while here. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
Thank you ,
Julie Stiles, SRS Nurse
Calendar Highlights For Your Refrigerator or Phone!
Parent Volunteers - CORI Form
Please click here for the form and submit by bringing this to the front office with your license. You do have the option to have the form notarized and sent in with a copy of your license if you cannot come to the school.
District News
South River Elementary School
Email: jnoyes@mpsd.org
Website: https://www.mpsd.org/o/srs
Location: 59 Hatch Street, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: 781-834-5030
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarshfieldPublicSchools/photos/a.10161441860092216/10161614343117216
Twitter: @MPSDRams