August 4
Contact Ozaukee High School
Kristin Petersen - Secretary
Please email or call ahead as office hours may vary.
Summer Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday
Closed Fridays.
Email: kpetersen@nosd.edu
Website: www.nosd.edu
Location: 401 Highland Drive, Fredonia, WI, USA
Phone: 262-692-2453
- July 1-August 7 Returning Student Registration
- August 17 -Student parking permits available for purchase
- August 29 - Back to School Picnic
- September 5 - First day of School
- September 11 - School pictures
Returning Student Registration
FOR RETURNING STUDENTS ONLY (4K & NEW families you have already registered, no need to register again)
Registration will be extended until Aug 7th. The district had waived the convenience fee for E-Funds only through the month of July. August 1st if you pay through E-Funds there will be a convenience fee added to your total. You may also pay by check or cash at any of the school offices.in Skyward Family Access.
Click Skyward Family Access to register. If you do not know your user information contact your school secretary.
Current information is very important since our district utilizes family email addresses and phone numbers for communication. Update student and family information: contact phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contacts.
Any health or medication changes contact the District Nurse, Lori Loof by e-mail lloof@nosd.edu. If medication will be administered at school please fill out Authorization for Prescription Medication Form. Remember to get a physician signature. It is required before medication can be dispersed.
The Chromebook Policy Handbook is part of the process. You will need to read this handbook and then proceed to the document page for your signature. This identifies that you have read and understood the terms and agreement.
Pay fees: Electronic payments (debit or credit card) will be accepted through E-Funds. Your login information is the family ID or student lunch pin number. If you do not know either of these contact your school secretary.
The district has waived the convenience fee for E-Funds July 1st - July 31, 2022.
Check payment can also be mailed or dropped off at any school office.
OUTSTANDING FEES – Any outstanding fees from the past school year(s) will be rolled over into the 2023-24 school year.
SCHOOL PICTURES – OHS, OMS and OES school pictures - along with OHS & OMS student ID photos will be taken on Monday, September 11th.
BUSSING – Riteway Bus Services will mail bus route information home late August.
OHS STUDENT PARKING PERMITS - Parking permit information will be emailed to OHS parents. Please note that a student parking permit will not be issued to any student having an outstanding Fee Management balance with the district.
2023-24 Student Parking Permits
Student Parking Permits can be purchased starting August 17th.
- The cost for a parking permit is $90.00
- Registrations and any other prior fees must be paid before payment will be accepted for a parking permit.
- Students must have a parking permit to park on school grounds during the school day.
- A parking spot is a privilege.
- The system will work the same as in the past. Your student will have a permit number that corresponds with a numbered parking spot.
- Please bring in the color, make, model and license plate number of the vehicle(s) you intend to park at school. All of this information is needed before a permit tag will be issued.
- This year's student parking permits will be assigned on August 17th to those who purchase them. Senior students can pick their spot in the OHS office from 8:00-11:00 a.m. on August 17th and all other students may come in after 11:00 a.m. All spots are given on a first come, first served bases. (Student Parking Lot Map can be found in button below)
- To speed up the process and to avoid lines please have all registrations and fees paid prior to August 17th. A parking spot can be paid for through e-Funds.
How to Obtain a Work Permit
The Department of Workforce Development's Equal Rights Division has developed a new online work permit application tool. The application improves accessibility for minors who live in rural or underserved areas and eliminates the difficult logistics involved in working parents having to take off work to make a trip to a work permit office.
The application is live now. A parent can access the site using these instructions. Payment is made directly to the department through the application, using a credit or debit card or by ACH direct withdrawal. Once the permit application process is complete, the Department mails a paper copy of the permit directly to the employer.
In addition, they have reorganized the employment of minors web pages. The information you may need is linked, including a guide to hazardous and prohibited work, the hours and times of day restrictions for minors, and links to the appropriate statutes and codes.
Medication Pick up
We still have a few students that have yet to pick up their medications from this past school year. Any over the counter or prescription medications need to be taken home for the summer. New paperwork will need to be filled out for the up coming school year if it is to be administered in the office.