May Newsletter
Spokane Valley Learning Academy
Elementary Author's Tea
Elementary students shared the writing they've been working on while they sipped apple cider and enjoyed one another's company.
Polish Easter Experience
K-8 students enjoyed learning about Polish culture, eating Polish delicacies, and making Easter eggs with beeswax and dye.
Middle School at the MAC
Students toured the Campbell House, the permanent exhibit of artifacts, and the temporary exhibit featuring the work of 33 glass artists.
Enrollment Survey
Please take a moment to fill out a survey regarding your child's enrollment for next year.
Middle School Presentations
Middle school students are eager to present the results of their first round of PBL (Project-based Learning) the week of May 6. Please see the schedule to find out when your child is presenting. Presentations begin at 10:40 will be completed by 11:30.
State Testing
Elementary students in grades 3 through 5 will test during regular school hours the following Thursdays: May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (5th grade only for the science assessment).
Middle school students will test during regular school hours the following Wednesdays and Fridays: May 15, 17, 22, and 24. 8th graders only will take their science assessment Tuesday, May 21.
Tips for Success
- Make sure your child gets an ample, normal amount of sleep the night before the test.
- Mark testing days on your calendar to help remind you and your child when the testing will take place and plan your preparations.
- Students should eat a nutritious and filling breakfast.
- Make sure your student is on time on the day of testing.
- If your child is sick, please contact the school immediately at 509-558-5700.
Event Information
K-8 Celebration Picnic
Please join us to celebrate the end of our year of adventure! Bring your own food, beverages, plates/utensils, and picnic blanket. Students who ordered yearbooks will receive them on this day so they can collect autographs!
11:30 - Family Picnic
12:15 - Awards and Short Program
12:45 - A Sweet Goodbye
Questions? Please email Mrs. Ward.
Wednesday, Jun 5, 2019, 11:30 AM
Spokane Valley Learning Academy, North Barker Road, Spokane Valley, WA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
SVLA Adventure Academy
Snack Policy Reminder
Snacks will be provided during testing days. During school hours, only water is permitted in classrooms. Please dispose of your coffee cups at the door and save your snacks for after school!
Dates to Note
- Monday, May 27 - No School (Memorial Day)
- May 28-31 - Elementary WSLP Meetings with Paula
- June 13 - Last Day of School for Elementary
- June 14 - Last Day of Middle School (8-10 a.m.)
Mark these dates for the 2019-2020 school year:
- September 4-6 - Elementary WSLP meetings/material checkouts and Middle School WSLP Meetings
- September 6 - Middle School Orientation
- September 9 - Regular School Schedule Begins
- September 11 - PAC Meeting
- October 21 - Family STEAM Night