Crusader Times
February 2018
Words From Our Principal
Dear Bonita Vista Families,
As we approach the Spring Break and prepare for testing season, I would like to take a moment to celebrate some of the great things that are happening at our school. We at BVM take great pride in our students and their accomplishments and I would like to share their success with you. During the Presidents’ Day Weekend, the BVM Choir received a Superior rating at their festival, which is the highest possible achievement. One of our students, Brio Hurd, has been selected to represent BVM at the state level in the arts by the PTSA for his talent in singing/rapping. Twenty nine BVM students were selected for the district science fair and all of those students placed at the district level, which qualifies them for the county science fair. The Knowledge Bowl Team finished a successful season, being edged out at the very end by Rancho del Rey. They played a difficult and impressive match. And just this weekend, the BVM girls’ soccer team won the championship match for the Metro League banner. These are truly accomplishments to celebrate.
Your student received the first progress report of the semester on January 26th. Please take a moment to review the grades and contact teachers immediately if you have any questions or concerns about the grades. BVM offers multiple opportunities to achieve success. Be sure to work out a plan with each teacher to ensure the success of your child.
Finally, we acknowledge that this is a difficult and scary time when it comes to school safety. The safety committee attended a full day training at the district recently. Plans are being developed for drills and continued communication between the site and the district to ensure the safety of our students. Small modifications have already been implemented to improve safety, including securing the campus during 7th period, a new evacuation policy regarding fire alarms, and the addition of traffic control on Ridgeback Road after school. On any given day you might see me or Mr. Quintero directing traffic and helping student cross Ridgeback safely. We will continue to work as a team to make safety a priority at BVM. BVM could benefit greatly from parent volunteers during morning and afternoon supervision. If you are willing to donate your time, please contact Mrs. Martha-Irene Garza to sign up!
Your continued support and input is greatly appreciated. I want you to know we are listening and we hear you. The academic success, safety and happiness of your child is our priority. I am proud to be a member of the Bonita Vista Middle School family.
Teresa Kramer
Bonita Vista Middle School
Metro League Champions
We would like to congratulate Mr. Martinez and the girls’ soccer team for winning the Metro League Championship on Saturday, February 24th! They were presented with a banner that we will proudly display at BVM for the first girls’ soccer champions. Please take a moment to congratulate Mr. Martinez and the girls when you get chance. And thank you, Mr. Martinez, for the countless hours you spent developing skills and teamwork in our girls. Their performance on Saturday was impressive! Congratulations!
SUHSD Science Fair Results
All Students have been asked to compete at the GSDSEF/County Level in March!
First Place
Natalie Crane - Animal Science
Cyan Schiele - Physics & Astronomy
Kaitlyn Bernardo - Physics & Astronomy
Lannah Garcia - Plant Science
Sam Evans - Product Test & Consumer Science
Second Place
Patrick Piazza - Animal Science
Roxanne Hernandez - Animal Science
Mathew Davis - Animal Science
Gianna Picart - Behaioral & Social Science
Ella Morales - Chemistry
Dorien Geske Wilson - Computer Science
Carlos David Rodriguez - Microbiology
Gabby Apsay - Physics & Astronomy
Kailea Vickers - Product Test & Consumer Science
Third Place
Nicco Brambila - Chemistry
Noah Burke - Chemistry
Pablo Shimizu - Engineering, Energy, & Transport
Sofia Parra - Environmental Science & Managment
Madison Almodovar - Environmental Science & Managment
Aailyah Campbell - Plant Science
Dahlia Navarro - Product Test & Consumer Science
Fourth Place
Samantha Godshall - Medicine & Health
Lauren Endaya - Medicine & Health
Makaylah Cirignario - Product Test & Consumer Science
Audrey Fernandez - Product Test & Consumer Science
Reflections Art Winners
7th grader, Sofia Parra, won at the Council Level for her Visual Arts piece called Reach for Star. Her piece was sent to the District level which includes all of San Diego County and it got Honorable Mention.
8th grader, Brio Hurd, won at the council level and got Award of Excellence at the District level. Only one student in each category gets this award. It is the equivalent to 1st place. His piece goes on to the state level! His music piece is called Sweet Dreams.
Knowledge Bowl
Congratulations to the BVM Knowledge Bowl Team for an outstanding season. These students worked daily in advisory to study and learn the “National Academic Quiz Tournament” questions, and went above and beyond to work as a team at all meets. In addition, all students on the team participated at every competition and demonstrated leadership skills. They have shown that knowledge is power! Someday, you’ll see them on Jeopardy. They will always be champions to BVM.
Mrs. Heredia
State of the District
The student speakers included Student Board Representative Isaiah Irizarry (BVH), ASB VP Shaylee Clark (OLH), student with exceptional abilities Marissa Blagtas (CVH) who delivered her speech using American Sign Language, SYH graduate (2013) and MISTI Tutor Brenda Melendrez, and RISE teacher at SoH Stephanie Balbaneda. Over 130 student facilitators helped solicit feedback and input on our four LCAP Goals from our different stakeholders. It was a great day for students, families, and staff in Sweetwater.
Science and Technology Fair
On January 26th a group of students attended a science and technology fair at the Activity Center near Balboa Park. The students saw some real life applications of what they are learning in the classroom. They were able to visit several booths where they got the opportunity to learn about engineering, Newton’s laws of motion, light and electricity and even got to learn about the brains of different animals.
Exploring Arts
Chula Vista Library and Heritage Museum Field Trip
Staff of the Month
Counselors' Corner
You and your parents/guardians are invited to attend an important informational meeting about the entire College/University process. Please sign up for the “College Making It Happen” event that is taking place on Thursday, March 1st from 6-7pm in the cafeteria. You must turn in a registration form to attend. Counselors have done presentations in your advisory class and issued a registration form sign up that should have been given to your advisory teacher. You may also look on the school website for another copy. Any new 8th grader to the school or 8th grader that did not attend last year can register for this event. Our presenter will be the Compact for Success District Counselor. Booklets with a wealth of information on the college process will be given as well as an opportunity drawing for gift bag prizes donated by the ASB. We hope students/parents are able to attend to set goals about your student’s academic future!
Counseling Team
Digital Citizenship Essentials
I've been blogging for a few years now and think it is a great way to communicate online. There are different tools available for creating blogs, and I happen to use Wordpress, an open source resource used to make websites and blogs.
So, ‘why blog?’, you ask. People blog about the topics they are interested in. According to Quora author Shirpra Sinha, "The purpose of writing blogs could be promotion of a product or service, awareness about social issues, information sharing about any subject or purely passion for writing." Some bloggers blog professionally, and yes, they get paid for doing so.
Often teachers assign blogging as a way to engage students and improve writing skills. Blogging allows students to experiment with different kinds of media and online tools to create their own style, while developing an online presence, voice, tone and subject expertise. Students often respond to one another’s blogs and by so doing, become aware of audience, and different points of view.
As your school librarian, I read many of the new books that come to the library so that I know more about them and can recommend a particular title when students ask about what to read. I am something of an expert on new books in our library. In the last month, I've read about 15 new titles. So to give you insight into what’s on the shelf I’ve decided to start my own blog that describes new books. Here’s my first post: https://wp.me/P3NVCG-3z
Terry Funk
Teacher Librarian
Technology Corner
Your iPad is a tool given to you by the school district to help you achieve success in your learning career. It allows you to access information that otherwise would be unavailable to you, create content using different types of media, and show your teachers what you have learned in a variety of formats. In order to be successful with your iPad it is important to remember a few things:
The following are not permitted during class time unless it is part of the curriculum:
● App or internet games
● Videos
● Messaging
The following are never permitted:
● Harassing or bullying
● Inappropriate content
● Inappropriate use of online materials
The following are permitted:
● Protecting your personal information and the information others
● Properly using and citing online materials
● Encouraging others in proper tech use
Following these guidelines will help you manage your iPad use and increase your level of success in the classroom.
Brian Dougherty
Science Teacher
Blended Learning Specialist
Important Dates
03/01 - College Making it Happen
03/03 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
03 05 - 03/08 - Incoming 8th Grade Registration with Counselors
03/08 - Principal's Round Table
03/09 - AVID College Trip
03/10 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
03/12 - 8th Grade Panoramic Picture
03/15 - School Site Council Meeting
03/19 - 03/30 - Spring Break
04/02 - Students Resume
Bonita Vista Middle School
Email: Teresa.Kramer@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: http://bvm.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, United States
Phone: (619) 397-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonitavistamiddleschool