MiOTA Newsletter
Winter 2021
In This Edition...
- Letter from the Leader of the Executive Committee
- MiOTA Scholarship Winner
- Election Results
- 2021 Conference Updates
- Financial Report
- MiOTA Regional Chapters
- Membership Update
- Advocacy During a Pandemic
- A Letter to the Supervisors of Occupational Therapy Practitioners & Students
- Special Education Advisory Committee Update
- Compact Act
- A Note to Our Student Members from Our Student Volunteers
- Upcoming Events
- Job Openings
Happy New Year to all MiOTA members!
I welcome in the new year hoping for health and safety of the consumers we care for as well as for all of you.
It is hard to believe we are coming on a year into this health care emergency known as the COVID -19 pandemic. I am however extremely proud of how this organization adapted and adjusted our practices to continue to uphold our mission of advocating for the profession of occupational therapy within the state of Michigan and act as a communication vehicle for the members.
How did we adjust?
By holding a very successful, engaging virtual conference was held in this fall with great speakers, fun engagement activities and continued recognition of members for their contributions. THANK YOU to the conference committee led by Denise Justice!
When many members took on alternative roles in healthcare, our organization communicated the rationale and expressed the capacity for OT to be essential during the throws of the pandemic.
We explored, educated, and advocated for telehealth type service delivery in venues where consumers needed their OT services. Rallied and lobbied to legislators to recognize the need for all insurance carriers to recognize virtual services; their value and effectiveness especially in times where many consumers were isolated and quarantined.
Continued on with engagement and education activities addressing pertinent clinical and practice issues that are facing us today and in the future.
We adapted, compensated and in many ways restored practices during this past year. Many of you are back to work and have become proficient treating patients while wearing PPE, using gestures and effective body language and eye contact to communicate, and have become experts in infection control practices.
Now is the time for OT to put our foot in the door and educate on our essentialness, how we can address how consumers safely and effectively reengage in community work, volunteer, and life roles for their health and overall well-being.
Think about how you can exude the essential and distinct capacity of our profession in your interactions on a day to day basis with your friends, supervisors, co-workers, and community.
Cathleen Johnson, OTD, OTRL – Leader of the Executive Committee
MiOTA Scholarship Winner!
The 2021 MiOTA Student Scholarship Committee included clinicians, a past MiOTA student scholarship winner, academic faculty members, OTs and OTAs. The volunteer committee selected Michelle Roldan as the winner!
Michelle is a second year OTD student at the University of Michigan-Flint. She graduated from Grand Valley State University (GVSU) with her bachelor of science in psychology. During her time at GVSU, she founded and ran the It’s On Us as Lakers student organization, which aimed to educate and spread awareness on sexual assault, domestic violence, consent, and bystander intervention, and co-developed a consent-ed/sex-ed curriculum for 11th and 12th graders. Now at UM-Flint, her special interest area is studying occupational therapy’s role in working with survivors of abuse and trauma, and Michelle hopes to continue to shine light on this emerging practice area of occupational therapy.
Michelle is the former Vice President of the Student OT Association at UM-Flint. Michelle has a strong passion for cultural competence and social injustice pertaining to racism and ableism. Michelle is dedicated to learning what we can do to create true, long-lasting change at individual, communal, and systemic levels. Michelle is a member of a volunteer faith-based racial reconciliation small group whose members volunteer both at a local warming shelter and with disadvantaged 2nd and 3rd graders facing poverty advancing their literacy skills.
MiOTA has been a space where Michelle truly feels like she can learn so much about the broad field of occupational therapy, including specialty and emerging practice areas! Michelle has had the privilege to speak at two conferences for MiOTA. In April of 2020, Michelle co-presented on “Recognizing Signs of Abuse” at the Flint Chapter meeting, and in September of 2020 she presented on “Recognizing Signs of Abuse and What We Can Do About It” at the MiOTA annual conference. Michelle is incredibly grateful for the support she has received from MiOTA, and looks forward to continuing to advance her knowledge and abilities in research, education, and advocacy to inspire authentic change.
Election Results
92 total voting
- Jeannie: 67 (W)
- Karen: 24
- no vote: 1
- Sonny and Cathleen: 91 (W)
- no vote: 1
- Jayne: 91 (W)
- No Vote: 1
Greetings from the Conference Committee
I think it has been said far too often, 2020 has been an unprecedented year of change, uncertainty, and a total and utter uproot of the familiar comforts that our pre-pandemic usual routine we were accustomed to. Occupational Therapists know and understand all too well how disruptions in habits, routines, and the daily rhythm of our lives can be difficult to adjust.
The MiOTA Fall Conference planning committee rose to the challenge to provide a sense of continuity and normalcy by ensuring the networking opportunities, best practice highlights, and high-quality continuing education seminars you’ve come to expect continued by hosting MiOTA’s first virtually delivered annual conference.
This year’s conference hosted over 100 speakers, 101 sessions, 24 posters, 12 Special Interest Section conversations, and 158 attendees. This is the year when “Finding Balance for a Healthy Practice” couldn’t be more timely. Nor could the need be greater for advocacy efforts to ensure our continued seat at the “table” as the forefront leader connecting function with creative interventions that facilitate “participation and engagement in occupations, the meaningful, necessary, and familiar activities of everyday life.”
Rest assured you can rely on your state association to continue to provide timely dissemination of health innovation, emerging policies and changes affecting practice, and advocating for our Occupational Therapy profession. Your registration fees helped generate income for MiOTA ensuring continued access to resources that protect Occupational Therapy practice in the state of Michigan. Thank you for your continued support.
Missed the excitement? No worries – recorded sessions are available for purchase in the near future.
With great optimism we are planning for next year’s conference to be held in-person at the Radisson Hotel in Kalamazoo from September 30, 2021 to October 2, 2021. If we learned anything this last year it is to plan ahead and create multiple solutions or alternative plans. Therefore, we are considering a hybrid option and a fully virtual format depending upon the state of the state or virus.
Be on the lookout for information on the 2021 conference “Call for Presenters” in February. If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities and would like to provide input as we prepare and plan for next year’s conference, we are accepting new committee members. Please email Denise Justice at djustice@umich.edu, to express interest and receive additional information.
Onward and upward colleagues!
Stay safe and be well this holiday season and into the new year.
Denise Justice and the Fall Conference Committee members
I would like to thank our membership for your support during the very challenging 2020 year. MIOTA members have kept our association going through membership, conference and supporting each other throughout the year. Through the challenges of 2020 we ended with a negative balance of $2,472.11. This negative balance was offset through a very positive balance in our checking account left from 2019.
Our finances as of December 31, 2020 are as follows:
Income: $63,403.31
Expenses: $65,875.42
MIOTA Checking Balance: $36,353.78
MIOTA Savings Balance: $14,508.63
MIOTA Scholarship CD: $23,602.05
Submitted by, Cindy Klinger, MIOTA Finance Director
SW Chapter
Next meeting:
Topic “Fostering a Culture of Occupational Justice, Part 2”
A special THANK YOU to Christine Vlietstra for her many years of service as the SW Chapter Leader since 2013!!
Detroit Chapter
Congratulations on a successful Inaugural meeting 2/21/2021!!
The topic was: “Michigan Auto Reform Law and The Effect on Reimbursement.”
Special thanks to Chapter Leader, Andrea Washington for putting everything together to restart the Detroit Chapter.
Reach out to Andrea at Awashing2@dmc.org if you are interested in joining and participating in the Detroit chapter.
Chapter Leader - Open Positions:
Greater Lansing
SW (after February 2021)
Contact Cheri Ramirez if you are interested in filling an open position and/or supporting MiOTA in your region. communications@miota.org
Detroit Chapter! Congratulations on a successful Inaugural meeting 2/21/2021!! The topic was: “Michigan Auto Reform Law and The Effect on Reimbursement.”
I am so excited to have Sonny Grendel as the co-director for the wonderful Membership Committee comprised of Nancy Hock, Ray Roche, Jennifer Schank, Latoya Thomas, and Cydne Johnson. Sonny has worked on the membership committee for many years supporting on-site student education about MiOTA for colleges and universities as well as attending many conferences sharing the benefits of association membership.
Welcome Sonny Grendel to the Co-Director role of Membership Director! Well-deserved. I am excited for your leadership of this committee.
Cathleen C. Johnson, co-director of Membership and Leader of the Executive Committee
Senate Bill 898
Throughout the pandemic, MiOTA has been working to make sure telehealth has a reimbursed future in our great state. To that end, we have been supporting SB 898 (introduced by Senator Adam Hollier), a proposed bill to ensure telehealth is equitably reimbursed by private insurance companies beyond the current public health crisis. MiOTA Executive leadership and members used Zoom meetings to meet with legislators to discuss the impact telehealth has had on their practice and clients. MiOTA leadership and members met with the following legislators over Zoom:
Senator Adam Hollier
Representative Bronna Kahle
Representative Angela Witwer
Senator Paul Wojno
Senator Sylvia Santana
Senator John Bizon
Senator Winnie Brinks
Legislators were supportive and grateful to hear how occupational therapists supported our clients throughout the government shutdown and beyond. MiOTA continues to support the efforts for Senator Hollier to pass SB 898.
To review the legislation, go to the following link:
If your practice has been impacted by telehealth, please reach out to your legislator and let them know of your experience throughout the stay-at-home orders:
House Representative: https://www.house.mi.gov/mhrpublic/frmFindaRep.aspx
Senate Representative: https://www.senate.michigan.gov/fysbyaddress.html
Virtual Lobby Day 2021
Have you always wanted to participate in Lobby Day but couldn't take the time off? Now is your chance to advocate for our profession from the comfort of your own home or the convenience of work!
MiOTA's first Virtual Lobby Week will be held throughout the week of February 22-26 through online teleconferences. The meetings should take no more than 30 minutes with your representatives. Our goal is to meet with every district in the state of Michigan! Our focus will be on several pertinent issues this year, such as telehealth, mandatory reporting, interstate licensure, and of course, What is OT?.
Although we’d prefer to be in-person to meet all of you, we hope this will open new advocacy opportunities for our members who have not been able to attend previous in-person lobby days due to work schedules, child care, and other personal/professional conflicts.
Sign-up through the MiOTA Website at https://miota.org
When: February 22-26, 2021
Where: Wherever you are - work or home!
What: Meetings should take no more than 30 minutes with your representatives.
Our goal is to meet with every district in the state of Michigan!
This year, we will be educating members of the legislature on What is OT, telehealth, mandatory reporting, and interstate licensure.
Who: You! OTs, COTAs, OT students, and COTA students!
We hope to “see” you there!
Interstate Legislative Compact
MiOTA is moving forward in support of an Interstate Legistative Compact to support therapists hold licenses in multiple states. At this time, MiOTA Advocacy Team members are scheduling meetings with the Tri-Alliance to determine how Michigan’s Allied Health Care Professionals can work together to educate our legislators on the value of such a compact.
Jeannie Kunz, MOT, OTRL, BCP
MiOTA Advocacy Director
MiOTA has sent a delegate to the Michigan Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) for three years.
All states are required to have a special education advisory committee as part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Donna Case has been the MiOTA delegate and Kirsten Matthews the alternate for the past three years. Donna is the chairperson of the Executive Committee of SEAC this year having been the vice chairperson last year.
SEAC’s priorities for this year are:
- Priority 1: Advise our members to speak with their constituents to ask Congress to fully fund (40%) costs for students with disabilities. (They generally fund between 15-17% of the costs of special education.)
- Priority 2: Assist SEAC members by locating and cultivating special education resources for sharing with their constituents and posting on SEAC’s website. (All information regarding COVID are found at https://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6598_35706-524932--,00.html .)
SEAC is also providing feedback to the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report which spell out what data Michigan will be collecting and reporting to US Department of Education. This year we are required to update a significant number of our indicators instead of the 2-3 in a normal year cycle.
For questions about school based practice and SEAC please contact Donna Case at casedon@umich.edu.
Dear Rehab Managers, Leaders or Directors of Rehabilitation Departments,
The Michigan Occupational Therapy Association (MiOT ) would like to extend an invite for you and your occupational therapy practitioners to consider membership of our professional organization. MiOTA is a comprised of volunteer leaders that work to advocate for the profession of occupational therapy in the state of Michigan. We act as a communication vehicle for its members to through lobbying, attendance at Michigan OT Board meetings, and collaborating with AOTA.
Our vision is that MiOTA is acknowledged by occupational therapy practitioners and all stakeholders as a premier resource of knowledge, information, and expertise for the profession of occupational therapy in the state of Michigan.
During this past year, MiOTA has served its members by advocating and lobbying for the essentialness of occupational therapy during a pandemic while also providing a great deal of information about telehealth practices due to the public health emergency. We receive a number of questions on a regular basis regarding practice issues, billing, reimbursement, and practice acts. These questions are responded to by our volunteer leadership on a regular basis.
As a leader in rehabilitation, we hope that you encourage your staff members to be a part of their professional organizations to help them as individuals and a department of staff to be informed and apprised of any potential threats to practice or changes in rules or regulations.
Your Membership Committee of MiOTA
COMPACT ACT – Yes Michigan OT Practitioners Are Interested!
As an association, we had the great opportunity to learn about the Compact Act via a monthly webinar facilitated by Jennifer Schank and led by our partners from AOTA – Meghan Pudler and Christine Talbot. This presentation outlined to members the benefit of a compact act between states to support the capacity for licensed professionals to cross state lines in a compliant manner to provide occupational therapy services. It was apparent by the number of questions and the acknowledgement by the participants that the recognition of the benefits of a compact act agreement with Michigan’s involvement can benefit both consumers of OT services as well as support professional opportunities for OT practitioners within the state.
We will continue to reach out to AOTA for support of the evolution of the Compact Act for OT and inform our membership of the status.
Students make up a great portion of our overall membership! MiOTA is excited that so many students and educators find value in membership as a part of their occupational therapy education. Since you are a member you are receiving this newsletter; hopefully you are finding informative details about the profession.
Share with your fellow cohort the fact that you are a member and the many associated benefits of membership. MiOTA offers many opportunities for resume building, development of your professional identity as a future OT, as well as understanding how you can advocate for the profession!
Some of the many benefits of MiOTA include…
Opportunities to attend continuing education webinars
Attend regional chapter meetings to encourage networking within the profession
Learn of other occupational therapy specialties, as well as joining special interest sections to expand your knowledge of a specialty
Gain access to new job openings within Michigan and surrounding states
Find awesome student scholarship opportunities!
Explore a variety of research opportunities
Identify resources to secure housing for your Level II Fieldwork
The ability to attend the annual fall conference!
Gain access to these resources and benefits for only $30 a year – this includes your first two years as an OT practitioner!
If you think that a MiOTA membership could benefit you and your student cohort, members of the MiOTA membership team can further introduce you to our organization! MiOTA can meet with any cohort or students of an occupational therapy program, which includes meeting with those in your student occupational therapy association.
Please contact either Cydne Johnson @ Cydne.c.johnson@wmich.edu or Toya Thomas @ thomlato@mail.gvsu.edu to schedule a time to discuss sharing information about MiOTA!
Implicit Bias Training - Public Hearing
It is anticipated that healthcare professionals in the state of Michigan (as well as many other states) will be required to participate in an implicit bias training in order to address the issue of unconscious favoritism or prejudice against others.
Kristen Neville, Manager of State Affairs from AOTA informed MiOTA that new rules have been proposed to require implicit bias training for all licensed healthcare workers, except for veterinarians. This results from an Executive Directive put out by the Governor to address healthcare disparities that have been highlighted during the pandemic. The requirement is, beginning 1 year after promulgation of the rule, an applicant for licensure or registration shall complete a minimum of 2 hours of implicit bias training within 5 years immediately preceding issuance of the license or registration. Beginning 1 year after promulgation and for every renewal cycle thereafter, in addition to completing CE for renewal, an applicant shall complete a minimum of 1 hour of implicit bias training for each year of the applicant’s license or registration cycle.
A public hearing will be held on March 9th, 2021 @ 1 p.m. via a Zoom meeting. Please check out the MiOTA website for the Zoom meeting link.
Changes to the OT General Rules from the Board of Occupational Therapy
MiOTA and the State Affairs group from AOTA have closely kept an eye on the proposed changes to the language of the general rules for occupational therapy in the state of Michigan. The biggest change that we have identified is the clarification regarding synchronous, live training that is interactive in contrast to those trainings that are asynchronous and not interactive. The proposed rules clarify how many hours can be counted toward re-licensure for each category of professional development.
See below the highlighted changes. MiOTA will inform the membership of adoption in rules and requirements for re-licensure.
Tuesday, Mar 9, 2021, 01:00 PM
APTA Spring Conference & Pain Summit
MiOTA Member Discount for APTA Michigan Spring Conference and Pain Summit – Featured national speakers: Adriaan Louw and Cathy Ciolek
MiOTA members should register as non-members and then use this promo code which will take $35 off the registration fee so the final cost is just $50 (the APTA Michigan member rate): MIOTASpr21
Saturday, Mar 27, 2021, 08:30 AM
MiOTA Annual Conference
Radisson Plaza Hotel & Suites
100 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Website: https://www.radissonhotels.com/en-us/hotels/radisson-kalamazoo-center
E-mail: reservations@ghgkz.com
We hope to see you in September! Safe travels.