February Newsletter
BCMS Community Newsletter
Note from Mr. Schill
Dear Ballenger Creek Middle Families,
I hope that you and all of your loved ones are well. As I write this, my attention is both firmly planted in the present in addition to looking ahead to the 2022-23 school year. Schools are in the middle of articulation--the time of the year when we begin to develop schedules for your students for next year. We look at how students have been doing in classes this year (grades, assessment scores, teacher feedback, and when needed, parent feedback) to recommend classes for next year and to have your students (and you) begin to register for classes for the new year. Please see our counseling office section of this newsletter for more information.
I find that the development of students at the different grade levels has progressed significantly every year at this time:
Many of our sixth graders, who came to us still looking and responding like elementary students, are now confident and comfortable as middle school students. They may still allow school to “happen” to them, but many are beginning to advocate for themselves and be more purposeful with their efforts in learning.
Many of our seventh graders, who began the year still in a sixth grade mindset, have now started to take ownership of their school experience--while straddling the line between wanting to be treated like the fun-loving kids they still are and a more independent (sometimes serious, sometimes moody) teenager who is starting to take control of their own learning.
Many of our 8th graders, who were still thinking like seventh graders at the beginning of the year, are no longer acting like typical middle schoolers. They are now very concerned and aware of how others perceive them and are looking ahead to high school, which is only a few months away for them. Well more than half of our 8th graders are taking ownership of their learning at this point of the year.
Whenever I get the chance, I try to tell our students that if they make good choices and work hard in class, they will be able to make more choices on their own when it comes to their schedules for next year--particularly our high school-bound 8th graders. I ask them, “Do you like it when people tell you what you have to do?” The answer is inevitably, “No!” My reply is, “Then be sure to stay focused and on top of your work so you finish the year strong.” Please feel free to reiterate this point with your students.
If your child doesn’t quite fit into the developmental patterns I described above, no need to panic. Experience has shown us that most children hit these milestones when they are ready. Should you want to talk about your child’s development as a person or a student, however, our counselors and administrators are always here for you.
Take care, everyone--please stay well.
Jay Schill
Principal, BCMS
Grade Level Annoucements
Wow! We can’t believe it’s already February! The school year seems to be flying by. We are seeing tremendous growth in our students, socially and academically. Here are a couple of reminders as we head into Term 3:
The cut off day for students to turn in work for Term 3 Midterm is Wednesday, February 16 at 11:59pm.
Please have your student contact your teachers directly (in person and/or through Schoology) if they would like to be pulled for ELT (Extended Learning Time).
If your student needs help with an assignment outside of school hours, they can use the Tutor Me site. This allows students to get live access to a tutor. If you would like more information, please click this link.
To cut back on the environmental waste of providing plastic cups and students in the hallways, we ask that students bring a refillable water bottle to school. If your child needs help acquiring a water bottle, please reach out to the school counselors.
Students are required to sign out with the BCMS hall pass form when they leave class for water, the bathroom, visiting the media center, etc.
Students need to follow BCMS school rules and policies while in the hallways and bathrooms, including keeping hands to themselves and keeping phones/earbuds away.
Thank you for your support!
No Phones or Headphones
No Hats and No Hoods
Students are prohibited from wearing head gear unless an exception is provided
Face Coverings Required
FCPS Teacher of the Year Nominee for Ballenger Creek Middle School
Mr. Sam Buppert (pronounced “byou-purt”) is the real life Energizer Bunny. He arrives at Ballenger Creek Middle School every day--when weather permits, by bicycle, when it doesn’t, by car--to teach some of our most lovable and challenging students who are enrolled in our Pyramid Program. He uses humor and a calm affect to engage with his students and build relationships, which the students enjoy and appreciate. It is no surprise that his students love his class and the energy he brings to his lessons. Mr. Buppert is also a great colleague. He is willing to go above and beyond to support team members if there is a crisis or to provide helpful information. In addition, Mr. Buppert is a lifelong learner who is not afraid to ask questions and who regularly seeks further knowledge in order to improve his effectiveness. He manages to make all that he does look easy--even when it’s not--and he does it all with a smile and a dash of his trademark humor. Ballenger Creek Middle is honored to name Mr. Sam Buppert as our Teacher of the Year representative!
Math Department
January and February is when we start to plan for classes students will take next year. Current 8th grade students have already received recommendations for high school. Current 6th and 7th graders should keep an eye out on schoology as recommendations for them will be happening soon.
If you have any questions regarding recommendations for next year’s classes, please feel free to reach out to our Math Specialist, Laura Boyer, via email (Laura.Boyer@fcps.org).
Please remind students to continue to work on their ALEKS assignments weekly. These are personalized lessons for each student to address each student's specific needs.
To access ALEKS:
*Click FCPSBOOKS when signed into the students google account
*Click CLEVER Portal
*Click to login to Active Directory (Four different color squares)
*Click on the red MCGRAW HILL icon
This will take you directly to ALEKS and they can select “Continue My Path”
Fine and Practical Arts
What is happening in Fine and Practical Arts?
Students in the Life Skills class have not only learned basic cooking skills, but they also learned what it takes to run a food truck. The cupcake wars was a great competition to wrap up their concepts. Congratulations to the winners chosen by our own staff judges. What a tasty treat to end the week.
The Creative Arts and Arts classes are collecting thin cardboard boxes, cardboard egg cartons, and small boxes for upcoming construction projects. Please contact Amanda.robinson@fcps.org or Katherine.kelley@fcps.org for more details.
The Drama Club is looking for donations to help build sets, props, and purchase costumes. Any amount can help. You can use the donation link: https://FrederickCounty.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/27577/82/False/True
Yearbook Information
8th Grade Baby photos for the yearbook Then and Now section can still be submitted.
English Language Arts
In 6th grade ELA, students are In 7th grade ELA, students are analyzing fictional stories and poems with the guiding question, “Can you change your identity?” The texts that we are reading include “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan, “Growing Up” by Gary Sota, “A Voice” by Pat Mora. Students have also examined these texts with a focus on how authors use figurative language and develop the perspectives of different characters, as well as how all this contributes to the theme. In a few weeks, we will be starting curriculum cycle six which returns to informational texts and asks, “What’s fair in the workplace?” The texts we will be reading and analyzing will be based on children’s and workers rights during the industrial revolution. We will be looking at author’s craft of imagery and tone as well as situational impacts, author’s purpose, and point of view.
In 7th grade ELA, students are analyzing fictional stories and poems with the guiding question, “What makes people who they are?” The texts we have read explore the ideas of trying to fit in or being comfortable standing out. Students have also examined these texts with a focus on how authors use figurative language and develop the perspectives of different characters, as well as how all this contributes to the theme.
In a couple weeks, we will be starting curriculum cycle six, which returns to informational texts and asks, “What can people learn from tragedies?” We will start this cycle by reading texts about the sinking of the Titanic and exploring how authors develop their point of view and central idea.
8th grade students have been developing their narrative writing techniques through a series of writer’s workshop activities. These techniques include characterization, consistent plot elements, purposeful dialogue, and descriptive details. They will finish their narratives during the first week of February. After they have completed their narratives, students will take some time to learn question decoding strategies and make revisions to their Boston Massacre Analysis analysis assignments.
Community Relations
Hello families and friends of BCMS. It is so unbelievable that half the school year is behind us. I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know the families here. I just want you to know that I am here for you. Reach out to me and let me know if you need anything. With that being said, below is the upcoming event for BCMS.
Clothing Giveaway and Raffle
Hope to see you all at our upcoming “CLOTHING GIVEAWAY and Raffle”
Hello families. I would like to say thank you to all those who participated as a part of the Winter community clothing drive (GIVEAWAY). Due to the success of the event, Ballenger Creek Middle School will be holding another event on Monday, April 11, 2022 for summer items. Time 5:30pm to 7:30 pm.
I am asking for gently used, clean clothing items that could be someone else’s treasure. I know we start shopping for our summer outfits as soon as the sun starts sticking around a little longer. So, let’s put the old items to good use, bring them neatly folded to me in a box (preferably) and in good condition.
There are a lot of needs out there and YOU can make a difference to someone who needs help.
I will start receiving clothing items on February 7th and will receive clothing until March 25th, as I need time to sort.
If you are interested in helping in any way, from donations, to sorting clothing items, to helping the night of the event, please contact me at 240-236-5773.
On the evening of the CLOTHING GIVEAWAY”, I am holding a raffle drawing, 10 families will be the recipient of a ham for the holiday weekend and a gift card to accommodate the ham. Who knows, one of those families could be yours! I hope to see you here.
Thank you
Ms. Rogers
Community Liaison
Ballenger Creek Middle School
Science Department
6th grade: We are beginning our new unit on Our Extreme Planet. Our first topic will cover the six factors that influence climate.
7th grade: Students have begun the Flow of Energy unit. The first topic will cover kinetic and potential energy.
8th grade: In Term 3 students will explore the Interactions of the Solar System. The first topic will require students to analyze data to determine the scale of our solar system.
Special Education Department
Special Education Department
6th grade case managers- Athena Fream and Roxann Evans
7th grade case managers- Elissa Grimm and Caroline Hunley
8th grade case managers- Emily Pemrick and Chad Steiner
Program Assistant- Cathy Burdette
Speech therapist- Divya Bhakta
Julie Kaufhold- school psychologist
CASS- Sally Jornlin
PPW- Michele Wilms
Pyramid staff
6th grade- Jessica Price
7th grade- Abigail Rogers
8th grade- Sam Buppert (Nominated for BCMS teacher of the year!!)
Behavioral support- Jacqueline Mahalchick
Coordinator- Karen Hess
Therapist- Kaitlin Kennedy and Lindsay Griffler
History Department
6th Grade History
Sixth grade is finishing up their unit on ancient India. Students have been learning about different religious aspects about this civilization as well as their society as a whole. Moving forward, the next major civilization students will explore is ancient China.
7th Grade History
In 7th grade, students are finishing Unit 5, which looks at medieval Mesoamerica. Students are in the process of completing a four-paragraph essay where they are examining the primary factor for the fall of the Incan Empire.
Afterwards, students will be completing an assignment to honor Black and African American History Month. Then students will begin Unit 6, which focuses on the history of medieval Europe.
8th Grade History
This week we will start Unit 5: Causes of the Civil War. This unit focuses on the expansion of slavery in west and the increase in sectionalism in the US. We will also explore some of the major events that ultimately led to the Civil War.EL Department
As of this week, all of our English Learner (EL) students have started the WIDA ACCESS test.
They are working hard to finish the first few sections.
In the second week of February, ELs will begin on the Speaking section of the test. This test can bring some additional test anxiety as students have to record their responses in English on the computer. To make students feel more comfortable, we did some recording practice during ELT in January. Please remind them to bring their own headphones with a microphone to help ease some of the anxiety. You may also remind them that the speaking test will be taken in very small groups.
Counseling Office
Use your grade level counseling page on Schoology and select "Student Support Request Form." Your grade level counselor will speak with you as soon as possible.
Mr. Webber: johnny.webber@fcps.org
Ms. Reese: rebecca.reese@fcps.org
Mr. Ledyard: david.ledyard@fcps.org
Next Year Registration for Current 6th and 7th Graders:
Mr. Webber and Ms. Reese will be going into history classes on Wednesday, February 16th to discuss the registration process for next school year. On February 16th, your child will be given their recommendations for ELA and Math. They will also receive information about possible elective courses available to them in 7th and 8th grade. Students will be given directions to complete a google form with their parents by Wednesday, February 23rd.
Next Year Registration for Incoming 6th Graders (Current 5th Graders):
Mr. Ledyard will be meeting with 5th grade students sometime during the 3rd week of February to discuss 6th grade registration. 5th graders will be given their recommendations for ELA and Math. They will also receive information about possible elective courses available to them in 6th grade. Students will be given directions to complete a google form with their parents by Wednesday, February 23rd.
Save The Date
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Information Night
Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:00 PM
This will be a virtual event.
More information will be sent out in a separate Find Out First
Enrichment Opportunities
The Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) program at Fort Detrick brings local students to the cutting-edge world of science for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC). The program is designed for current 4th through 12th grade students of all academic abilities in the 2021-2022 school calendar. GEMS promises a hands-on experience that will excite. The applications for students opens March 1, 2022.
For complete program information visit: https://www.usaeop.com/program/frederick/Registration is now open for the 41st Annual Frederick County Secondary Science and Engineering Fair. This is an International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) regional event, which will be virtual again this year. Registration closes March 13 at 11:59 p.m. The event is open to all (middle and high) students who live or go to school in Frederick County. FCPS hosts two divisions, one for middle school and one for high school students.
The fair will be held April 2; high school students will participate in virtual interviews from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. All awards will be announced the following week. FCPS winners will advance to national and international competitions. All registered projects must be submitted by March 27.
For more information on this year’s FCPS Secondary Science and Engineering Fair, please contact Secondary Science Curriculum Specialist Colleen Beall at (301) 644-5259, e-mail colleen.beall@fcps.org or visit the event website: https://sites.google.com/fcps.org/fcsef/home
Smart Start Kits - available at the Frederick County Public Library - www.fcps.org
Educational enrichment kits for pre-k through 5th grade offer a hands-on approach for at-home enrichment in early literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) and social/emotional wellbeing. These kits are made to spark excitement and learning through play, giving children and caretakers all the necessary tools for an afternoon of activities.
Virtual Program: Dungeons & Dragons (Ages 13-18)
https://frederick.librarycalendar.com/events/virtual-program-dungeons-dragons-lets-play-ages-13-18-16Virtual Escape Room Adventures through FCPL
https://www.fcpl.org/programs-events/virtual-programming/virtual-adventuresFor the full FCPL Calendar of Events visit: https://frederick.librarycalendar.com/events/month
If you have any questions about enrichment programming, please contact:
Advanced Academics Specialist
Ballenger Creek Middle School
Media Center and Tech Support
Book Checkout: Students in each grade level have the opportunity to come to the Media Center to check out books on their assigned days during ELA.
Monday - 8th Grade
Wednesday - 6th Grade
Friday - 7th Grade
Books are checked out for 3 weeks at a time and can be returned to the blue bins in the ELA classrooms.
Lunch in the Media Center: Starting November 1st students will have the opportunity to sign up to come to the Media Center during the second half of lunch. More information about this and how to sign up can be found on our BCMS Library Media Center group in Schoology.
BCMS Library Media Center group in Schoology: Information and updates are shared frequently on our group in Schoology. The code for this group can be found in grade level Guidance courses on Schoology and the Media Center doors.
Technology Reminders:
Students are responsible for their assigned devices and chargers.
Students are required to keep their devices in their case at all times.
Damage to an FCPS device or charger will incur fees for repair.
Lost devices, cases, and chargers will result in a fee.
Any fees for repairs will be issued and paid through School Cash Online.
Technology Tips:
Do not slam lids closed as this will break the screen!
Do not store items in your Chromebook or case.
Close your Chromebook while charging to ensure a full charger.
Important Dates in February
February 18 (Friday) 2-Hour Early Dismissal for Students
February 21 (Monday) Schools and Offices Closed
Community Resources
FCPS Meals to Go
Please use this link with up-to-date information : https://www.fcpsnutrition.com/
Frederick Community Action Agency, George L. Shields Foodbank
Phone: 301-600-1506
14 E. All Saints St. Frederick, MD 21701
Food Bank: Mon thru Friday 2:00 - 4:00 pm Call for Appointment
Soup Kitchen: daily 5:30 - 6:30 pm.
Carry-out only. Can deliver food to family if a family member has Covid-19.
Frederick Rescue Mission
Phone: 301-695-6633
419 South St. Frederick, MD 21701
Food Pantry: Bring Photo ID Tue and Wed 1:30 - 3:30 pm and Thu 2:00 - 6:00 pm.
Food Pantry Closed Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Mental Health Association of Frederick County
Phone: 301-663-0011
226 South Jefferson St. Frederick, MD
Crisis walk in Mental health services.
Local Resource Guide-https://sites.google.com/view/covid19frederick/home
Student Homelessness Initiative Program (SHIP)Phone: 240-415-8971
Email: info@shipfrederick.comProvides hygiene, clothing, shoes, youth activities and experiences, and emergency shelter for Homeless Students in Frederick County. Please email info@shipfrederick.com
Frederick Community Action Agency
Phone: 301-600-1506 or 301-600-3955
Frederick County Department of Social Services
Phone: 301-600-4555
Homeless Prevention Program - if eleigible could help pay rent to prevent eviction
Call 301-909-6362
Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs
Phone: 301-631-2670
Phone: 240-446-9649
https://www.thereligiouscoalition.org/Help with eviction assistance not due to Covid-19, Security Deposits, Energy Assistance Program, Emergency Family Shelter
Crisis Services
Dial 211