¡Somos La Familia Sullivan!
We are the Sullivan Family!
Bilingual Newsletter
Informe semanal bilingue
Oct 18 - Oct 22
"El ayer es historia. El mañana es un misterio. El día de hoy es un regalo. Por eso lo llamamos "el presente" " - Eleanor Roosevelt
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it "the present” - Eleanor Roosevelt
Newsletter para las Familias de la Escuela Sullivan (Newsletter for Sullivan Families)
Todos los domingos estaremos enviando este boletín de noticias (Newsletter) para mantenerlos informados con los eventos importantes que estarán ocurriendo en nuestra escuela.
Every Sunday we will be sending out this Newsletter to keep you informed with the important events that will be happening in our school.
Un recordatorio... (A reminder...)
Hora de Entrada y Salida de la Escuela (School Arrival and Departure Time)
Grado PK:
AM - 8:35- 11:30
PM - 12:45- 3:40
Grades K-8: 8:35AM - 3:40PM
Grade PK:
AM - 8:35- 11:30
PM - 12:45- 3:40
Estudiantes que lleguen luego de las 8:36AM deberán pasar por la entrada principal y tomar un pase de tardanza para evitar que sea marcado Ausente en el sistema.
Students arriving after 8:36AM must go through the main entrance and take a late pass to avoid being marked Absent in the system.
Uniformes Escolares (School Uniforms)
It is important that students attend school in uniform every day. Click here to review the Sullivan School uniform policy.
Eventos Familiares (Family Events)
Oct 20
We are inviting 10 family members to be part of a family panel on Wednesday, Oct. 20 to gather your voices about our school community. The meeting will be in-person but you can also join via Zoom. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Adriana Colon at the school at 413-534-2060 or email adcolon@hps.holyoke.ma.us to sign up and we will send you the details.
Sullivan Fall Festival
5:00pm - 6:00pm Come join us at the Sullivan Fall Festival! We will have an activity for the whole school community in the schoolyard. Food, games, music, raffles and lots of fun. Parents and family members are welcome to bring their children.
Thursday, Oct 21, 2021, 05:00 PM
400 Jarvis Avenue, Holyoke, MA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Servicios para las Familias
(Family Services)
Programa de Mochilas del Fin de Semana (Weekend Backpack Program)
Este programa está disponible para cualquier niño que asista a las Escuelas Públicas de Holyoke.
Si está interesado, debe llenar este formulario antes del martes de cada semana. La mochila será entregada en la oficina de la Coordinadora de Familias todos los viernes al momento de la salida de la escuela. Este enlace será enviado todas las semanas como recordatorio por si desean participar esa semana.
Formulario: https://forms.gle/cCcRHJTYYyAma8Gm7
The Weekend Backpack Food Program provides nutritious, non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food to children to ensure they have enough food on weekends and holidays to prevent hunger when they cannot rely on school meals.
This program is available to any child attending Holyoke Public Schools.
If you are interested, you must fill out this form by Tuesday of each week. The backpack will be delivered to the Family Coordinator's office every Friday at dismissal time. This link will be sent out each week as a reminder if you wish to participate that week.
Noticias sobre la asistencia de Sullivan
(Sullivan Attendance News)
Meta de asistencia- 96% (Attendance goal - 96%)
Cualquier grado que tenga un 92% de asistencia mejor cada día de la próxima semana ganará un día de vestimenta sin uniforme el viernes. Recibirá una llamada y mensaje de texto el jueves antes para notificar el grado ganador de la semana. Este incentivo comenzará la semana de Oct.18
Any grade that has a better than 92% attendance each day next week will earn a dress down day on Friday. You will receive a call and text message the Thursday before to notify you of the winning grade for the week. This incentive will begin the week of Oct.18.
Esta semana... (This week...)
Una gran asistencia conduce a un gran aprendizaje y progreso
Great attendance leads to great learning and progress!
Felicidades a los dos grados que son nuestros ganadores de esta semana - ¡sigan así!
Muchas felicidades a los ganadores de esta semana que son:
Congratulations to the two grades below who are our winners for this week - keep it up!
A big well done to this week's winners who are:
2do grado: 98%
2nd grade: 98%
4to grado: 96%
4th grade: 96%
La asistencia de toda la escuela para la pasada semana fue: 92.74%
Whole school attendance for the past week was: 92.74%
Bien hecho, y gracias a todos por su continuo apoyo para asegurar que los niños lleguen a la escuela todos los días y a tiempo.
Well done everyone and thank you all for your continued support in ensuring that the children come to school everyday and on time!
Sigue siendo importante que todos trabajemos para mejorar nuestra asistencia. Por favor, recuerden que nuestro objetivo escolar es el 96%.
It is still important that we all work to improve our attendance. Please remember that our school target is 96%.
Importantes Fechas (Important dates)
- Nov. 2 - No hay clase - Talleres para maestros/ No School - Teacher PD
- Nov. 11 - No hay clase- Dia de Veteranos/ No School - Veteran's Day
- Nov. 19 - Retire de Retratos / Picture Retakes
- Nov. 24 - 26 - No hay clase - Acción de Gracias/ No school -Thanksgiving Break
Enlaces de interés (Useful links)
Escuela Sullivan (Sullivan School)
Enlace del menú del almuerzo (Lunch menu link): https://www.hps.holyoke.ma.us/families/cafeteria-menu/
Email: adcolon@hps.holyoke.ma.us
Website: https://www.hps.holyoke.ma.us/schools/sullivan-school/
Location: 400 Jarvis Avenue, Holyoke, MA, USA
Phone: 413-534-2060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HolyokeSullivanSchoolStallions/