EJMS Jaguar Weekly Feb. 5 - 9
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families,
This week is school counselor appreciation week - we hope that you will take a moment and share your appreciation for all that our counselors do to help support our students:
Mrs. Montgomery - 6th grade
Mr. Joe - 7th grade
Mrs. White - 8th grade
Mrs. Byers - Youth Service Center Coordinator
iReady Data reports
Each student will be updating their iReady data binders based on their Winter diagnostic growth sometime this week. They will also bring home a copy of their math and reading diagnostic scores one day prior to Thursday, February 8th.
Speak Up Survey
The annual Speak Up Survey is open for teachers, students, and parents. What is a Speak up survey you ask? The purpose of the survey is to inform our technology plan, and Ed Tech initiatives across the district. We will use the data to help district leaders and teachers better understand the student perspective and situation with technology. This will give us a scope of where a teacher may have misconceptions or struggles in technology in hopes to remove barriers for students and teachers inside the classroom. The goal is to leverage technology as a tool as it actually relates to students. Please complete the survey as soon as possible: https://projecttomorrow.questionpro.com/a/TakeSurvey?tt=qq/Xi6MPzt0ECHrPeIW9eQ%3D%3D
Important Upcoming Dates:
Friday, February 2nd - Midterm Reports available on Infinite Campus
School Counselor Appreciation Week February 5-9
We appreciate our Counselors!
Joni White, 6th grade counselor
Ms. White is one of the most caring people you will meet. Her office is a safe space for our 6th graders and often a refuge for staff as well when we need a calm moment. Joni has been a part of our EJMS family for a long time and we are so blessed to have her to support students and staff at our school.
Betsy Montgomery, 7th grade counselor
Ms. Montgomery is one of the most gentle and creative people you will meet. Ms. Montgomery is the sponsor of our student-led sources of strength group, currently they are working on the daunting task of creating a kindness gram for every student in our building. This year, she often has a canine companion with her, and we all love Billy (or as he's known on his social media, Dr. Bill the therapy dog).
Joe Brannen, 8th grade counselor
Mr. Joe is one of the spunkiest and fun-loving people you will meet. But he knows how to have the tough conversations with kids too. You'll often see him walking through the hallway with students to make them comfortable and keep them moving as he checks in or helps them deal with some concern or stress. Joe's the new kid on the block of our counseling team, but he's not that new anymore. We are so thankful to have him among our EJMS Jaguar Family.
We ❤ Ms. Byers
One more member of our counseling crew is our Youth Services Coordinator, Ms. Byers. She's a familiar face to all of our students and staff and most of our families as she often makes home visits to check in on families and students or to address any concerns or support needs. She also works directly with our PTO and the district to ensure that students needs at our school are met. She forges strong and lasting connections with so many of our students and is the sponsor for our EJMS Jaguar student ambassadors.
News from Nurse Erin
6th grade parents:
I have been going through all of the 6th graders immunization and physicals over the past couple of days again. There are still several students missing their updated 6th grade immunizations and physicals. We are currently sitting at 41 kiddos missing their updated immunizations and 89 students missing their 6th grade physicals. Please get these in asap.
If you are not sure if your student is up to date you can contact your child doctor to find out. You can also send me an email to see if I have your childs up to date records. It is very important that these be done asap and turned in. This is a state law that these be done.
7th and 8th grade parents: I am going to be going through these students' immunizations and physicals as well to see what all is missing. Please make sure your child is up to date in their immunizations and has an up to date physical as well.
My email is....
erin.banks@jessamine.kyschools.us if you have any questions.
For Kindness Week
As we continue to focus on kindness among all in the Jessamine County School District, we wanted to extend the offer to our families to order this beautiful shirt designed by Jessamine County Arts students. Shirts are $20. Please fill click on the button below this article to fill out the form if you and/or your student(s) would like one. Shirts will be delivered to the school entered at Checkout. Additionally, if you would like to pay by card without visiting JPP, please use the website link to purchase.
In EJMS Athletics
Introducing the 2024 EJMS Jaguar Baseball Team
Connor Areaux
Jack Banks
Kainan Bietz
Sam Bruner
Kaleb Conkwright
Christian Dartt
Antonio Flora
Hayden Hamblin
David Harrison
Preston Hibbard
Cash Jones
Ryder Knight
Grant Lee
Logan Moberly
Nolan Muncy
Luis Ovando
Danny Romero
Rush Sandlin
Adrian Terrazas
Peyton Warfield
Will Wyman
What's Happening at EJMS this week?
Mon., Feb. 5 - Be sure to wish Mr. Pickerill a happy birthday!
🦁 4:00 - 5:30 Lion King practice
🏐 5:45 vs. Lincoln County (home game)
Tues., Feb. 6 -
🦁 4:00 - 5:00 Lion King Practice
🏐 5:45 vs. Anderson County (home game)
Wed., Feb. 7 -
🌟 4:15 - 5:15 National Junior Beta Club (for ALL members)
Thurs., Feb. 8 -
✝ 8:20 FCA Meeting
🦁 4:00 - 5:00 Lion King Practice
🌍 6:00 Informational Meeting for Galapagos Island trip (see below for rsvp link)
Fri., Feb. 9 -
Be sure to check out the new district and school webpages!
All of the Jessamine County school webpages have had a makeover. The goal is to make them more user friendly and a more effective resource for all in our district. If you haven't had a chance yet, be sure to check out the new district and school pages (the images below are linked to the page).
Jessamine County Schools New Webpage
EJMS New Webpage
We hope to see you soon!
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool