H & M Potter News
April 2016
Kevin Waldron, Interim Assistant Principal
From the Desk of Ms. Cimino
I am thrilled to have been selected as the new principal of the H & M Potter School. As many of you know I grew up in Berkeley Township, therefore working in this community is a dream come true. Having worked at Potter School for almost four years now I consider myself incredibly fortunate to work with such a dedicated group of educators, students and families who make up our Potter Family! I would like to thank everyone for giving giving me such a warm welcome back after my maternity leave. I am happy to be back and looking forward to the many fun activities that we have planned for the spring.
Congratulations Mrs. Boyles Teacher of the Year!
Mrs. Boyles is H & M Potter School's Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Boyles has worked in the Berkeley Township School District for over 20 years with much of that time being at Potter School. She currently teaches first grade Basic Skills and Tech 2. Mrs. Boyles is also involved in many extra curricular activities including organizing drama productions such as this year's Lion King Kids. Mrs. Boyles is loved by the students and staff, and is very deserving of this honor. She will be formally recognized at the May Board of Education Meeting.
Congratulations Mrs. Boyles!
Thank You for Your Support of the Potter Gift Auction!
This year the H & M Potter Gift Auction brought in over $22,000 in profit. Thank you Ms. Walstrom and the Potter PTA for your dedication to making this event successful. So many people helped through providing donations, assisting in set-up and attending the event. All of that hard work truly pays off through being able to provide amazing experiences for our students. Thank you for your support!
PARCC Testing
- 4th Grade will be testing ELA from Mon. April 18th - Wed. April 20th
- 3rd Grade will be testing ELA from Tues. April 19th - Thurs. April 21st
- 3rd & 4th Grade will be testing MATH from Mon. April 25th - Thurs. April 28th.
Mix It Up Day
A Look Back at March Fun!
Fire Prevention Poster Contest
Healthy Paws
Hat Parade
Kindergarten Registration
If you need to register your child for kindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year, please visit the CST Office at 62 Veeder Lane, just outside of H & M Potter School, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Children must be 5 years old by October 1, 2016 in order to register.
Schoolhouse is a homework and academic skills program that is funded by the Berkeley Township School District. Schoolhouse runs Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 PM at 235 Magnolia Ave. South Toms River.
Dates in April are 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, and 28.
Beyond Bandaids
Potter School will recognize Food Allergy Awareness Week May 8-May 14
Food Allergies
We have many students with life-threatening food allergies in our school!! If you are unsure whether or not your child is in a classroom with a food allergy, please check with the teacher or the nurse. Prevention is the best way to avoid an exposure to a life threatening food! Foods containing peanuts and nuts are ok to eat at lunch but please do not send in for classroom snack.
There are 8 common food allergies: peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, milk, eggs, wheat and soy. BUT, at Potter, we also have students with uncommon food allergies to vegetables, fruits and latex. AGAIN, if you are unsure of what foods you may send in with your child, always check with the teacher or school nurse.
Medication in school
Any medication given to your child in school needs a doctor's order. This includes cough drops. All medication must be brought in to school by an adult. The medication should be in its original container with the child's name labeled on it. Please do not send medication to school in your child's back pack!!
Potter Student Section
Irish Step Dance
April Important Dates
- April 4: Wear Blue for World Autism Day
- April 8: Marking Period Ends
- April 11: 4th Marking Period Begins
- April 11: PTA Meeting 7PM
- April 13: Lion King Kids 7PM in the APR (You must have a ticket to attend)
- April 15: Report Cards Posted to the Parent Portal
- April 15: Lion King Kids 7PM in the APR (You must have a ticket to attend)
- April 18-29: PARCC Testing Grades 3, 4
- April 22: Spirit Day, Wear Green for Earth Day/Arbor Day
- April 26: Board of Education Meeting 6:30PM @ BTES
- April 29: Spirit Day, Dress like your Favorite Super Hero
Congressman MacArthur's Reading Challenge!
Certificates for this accomplishment were sent directly to the student's home. If your third or fourth grade student received a Congressional Certificate and you would like it to be presented to him/her at the end of year awards ceremony in June please send the certificate in to the Main Office.
Student Council Update
Recycle Rally
School Play Update - The Lion King
We hope to see you there!
Jokes of the Month
A: They are always stuffed!
Q: Why are cats good at video games?
A: Because they have nine lives!
Follow us on Instagram BerkeleyPotter!
H & M Potter School
Website: www.btboe.org
Location: 60 Veeder Lane Bayville, NJ 08721
Phone: 732-269-5700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Berkeley-Township-School-District-180358508765847/
Twitter: @berkeleypotter