Device Pickup Information
3rd - 5th grade Students- Please Pick Up Your Device
Dear Shark Families,
SES is highly encouraging students in 3rd -5th grade to come to SES and pickup their device unless they have one to use at home. Digital learning is engaging to students. Also, Google Classroom is a great format for sending assignments as well as teacher to student communication. Students are used to daily using their iPad for learning. Digital content is familiar and important. We want to keep this option available to them. Please come and pick up your child's device during one of the following times:
Thursday, March 19, 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Friday, March 20, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
A $12.00 technology fee will be available for students that did not pay the $25 technology fee at the beginning of the year. Please bring a check, credit card, or the exact amount of the fee. We will not have change. The technology fee will save you a significant amount of money if your child’s iPad is accidentally lost or broken. Without the technology fee, you will be responsible for the full price of the iPad. Thank you for your help!
Mrs. Finklea
SES es muy alentador para que los estudiantes de 3 ° a 5 ° grado vengan a SES y recojan su dispositivo a menos que tengan uno para usar en casa. El aprendizaje digital es atractivo para los estudiantes. Además, Google Classroom es un excelente formato para enviar tareas, así como la comunicación entre maestros y alumnos. Los estudiantes están acostumbrados a usar diariamente su iPad. Queremos mantener esta opción disponible para ellos. Venga y recoja el dispositivo de su hijo durante uno de los siguientes horarios:
Jueves 19 de marzo, 7:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.
Viernes 20 de marzo, 1:00 p.m. - 16:00.
Una tarifa de tecnología de $ 12.00 estará disponible para los estudiantes que no pagaron la tarifa de tecnología de $25 al comienzo del año. Traiga un cheque, tarjeta de crédito o el monto exacto de la tarifa. No tendremos cambio. La tarifa de tecnología le ahorrará una cantidad significativa de dinero si el iPad de su hijo se pierde o rompe accidentalmente. Sin la tarifa de tecnología, usted será responsable del precio total del iPad. Gracias por tu ayuda
La señora finklea
Socastee Elementary
Email: Kfinklea@horrycountyschools.net
Website: https://www.horrycountyschools.net/
Location: 4223 Socastee Boulevard, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Phone: (843)-650-2606
Facebook: facebook.com/@hcssocasteeelementaryschool
Twitter: @socastee_sharks