Chesterbrook Academy
November News
Letter from the Principal
The Thanksgiving feast was a huge success and we are getting ready for the holidays. I also want to let you know that we will be doing our Toys for Tots collection again this year. We will also be doing a pajama collection as well. I know we have a lot to do this time of year but it is also a time to be thankful for all that we have and to share what we have with those less fortunate.
We are looking forward to a festive Holiday season!
Holiday Show times - Save the Date
Holiday Show is on Wednesday, December 19th.
Beginners - 4:15 Miss Stephanie and Miss Katelyn
Intermediates - 3:00 - Miss AlyssaPre-K - 10:30 - Miss Meagan
PK2 - 1:30 - Miss Monica
Kindergarten - 12:15 - Miss Karen
November 27th - Quiver Farms visit - Kindergarten and PK2
2nd - Hanukkah Begins
18th - Holiday Show
24th - Christmas Eve - closing early
25th - Christmas - CLOSED