Warrior Life
Volume 3, Issue 36
Staff Spotlight: Ms. Lisa Hawkins (Exceptional Learner Instructional Assistant)
Final Exam Schedule
- Tuesday, May 25th (GOLD DAY) - 7th Period Final
- Wednesday, May 26th (BLACK DAY) - 7th Period Final
- Thursday, May 27th (GOLD DAY) - 1st thru 6th Period Finals (Early Release @ 1:20 PM)
- Friday, May 28th (BLACK DAY) - 1st thru 6th Period Finals (Early Release @ 1:20 PM)
Please do not schedule any appointments and vacations during a student's scheduled exam day. In addition, students please begin working with your teachers to prepare for your final exams.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: 2021-2022 K-8 Virtual and 9-12 Online Learning Program
Important Dates to know
File Your FAFSA by May 15th
Filing the FAFSA is one of the most important steps in the college-going process and can help students and families better afford college and other higher education opportunities. Students must have a current FAFSA on file to qualify for state and federal financial aid and many merit-based scholarships also require a completed FAFSA.
Academic Assistance
Did you miss your Cohort Newsletter?
Warren News
Graduation Commencement Information
- June 3rd - Last Names A-K
- June 4th - Last Names L-Z
Check out the Senior Newsletter (link in "Academic Assistance" section) for more information!
Moorhead Community Resource Center
Chartwells Information
- 100% VIRTUAL families can pick up food on Tuesday from 8:00-9:30 a.m. or 4:00- 6:00 p.m. at Moorhead Community Resource Center located at 8400 East 10th Street.
- All hybrid in-person students will have the opportunity to pick up meals while in-person to take home for the following school day. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this opportunity!
Vaccinations - Ages 16 and Older
- Families making appointments for teens who are 16 or 17 years old will need to make sure they are selecting a location offering the Pfizer vaccine.
- Anyone younger than 18 who wants to get vaccinated will need permission from a parent or guardian.
WCHS Mask Mandate Update
Important Links
Warren Central High School
Website: https://wchs.warren.k12.in.us/
Location: 9500 East 16th Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 532-6200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Warren-Central-107351531164344
Twitter: @WCHS_Warriors