Falcon Flyer
October 11, 2018
Thursday, October 11
6:00 PM Football Game at Aubrey Bend Middle
7:00 PM Orchestra Concert at BV North
Friday, October 12
No School for Students
End of First Quarter
Staff Professional Learning
Monday, October 15
3:00 PM Girls Basketball Begins
3:00-4:00 PM Soccer and Cricket intramurals
Wednesday, October 17
No Math Lab this morning
3:00-4:00 PM Soccer intramurals
Friday, October 19
3:00-4:00 PM Cricket intramurals
Monday, October 22
4-6:00 PM Last chance for picture retakes-Lakewood Middle
Wednesday, October 24
8th Grade PSAT testing in the morning
All School assembly in the afternoon
3:30-7:30 PM Drop-In Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 25
No School
7:45 AM- 9:15 AM Drop-In Parent Teacher Conferences
9:30 AM- 6:00 PM Pre- scheduled Conferences
Friday, October 26
No School
Monday, October 29
No School -Staff Professional Learning
NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! (& other dates in October)
October 12, 25, 26 and 29.
New Buzz-In Entry System Will Begin Monday, October 15
OTMS is excited to implement a buzz-in entry system, which provides another layer of security as we work to foster a safe and positive learning environment. Beginning, Monday, October 15, all exteriors doors will be locked during the school day and all visitors, including families, will need to use the buzz-in entry system. Adults will be asked to use the outside intercom and security camera to show their ID and share the purpose of their visit before being “buzzed in.” Once inside, adults will continue to sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge while in the school.
We realize this system will require a change in practice from staff, families and visitors. Thank you in advance for your support as we implement the buzz-in system and procedures to create the safest learning environment possible.
Q: What forms of ID are acceptable for entrance into the building?
A: Adults will be asked to show identification at the outside intercom/security camera. Acceptable forms of identification include government issued photos IDs like a driver’s license.
Q: Will family members, visitors, volunteers, staff members and vendors at the school need to follow the same procedures?
A: Yes. All family members, visitors, volunteers and vendors will need to follow the buzz-in procedures in order to enter the building. If a group of visitors arrives at the same time, each individual will go through buzz-in system process separately. This means that while we appreciate the welcoming community at OTMS, we will ask that you not hold doors open for other visitors. Instead, let each person complete the buzz-in process independently.
Q: How will school staff determine whether to grant access into the building?
A: School staff may use a list of clarifying questions to determine whether the visitor has a legitimate reason to enter the building. If there is any concern about granting access into the building, school administration will be contacted.
Q: How will visitors who are unfamiliar with the new buzz-in procedures know where to enter the building?
A: Information on how to access the intercom/security camera will be posted at the main entrance of the school.
End of Quarter Information-Canvas Courses
At the end of each quarter, most courses in Canvas will conclude and will no longer be visible on the Canvas app. A concluded course is only visible through the Canvas website, by selecting All Courses on the Courses tab. Courses for this quarter will conclude on October 11th at 5 p.m. Grades will be updated by teachers on Oct 12th and reviewed for accuracy the following week. Reports will be generated and viewed on ParentVUE sometime after Oct 17th. Each new quarter, teachers will publish new courses. As courses are published, students and families will again be able to see current courses on the Canvas app and Canvas website. For Canvas parent resources, visit www.bluevalleyk12.org/canvas.
*CANVAS TIP: Be sure you have downloaded the latest version of the Canvas Parent App (download in iTunes and Google Play). All earlier versions of the Canvas Parent App will no longer function beginning Oct. 27.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Drop-in conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 3:30-7:30 pm and Thursday, Oct. 25 from 7:45-9:15 am. Teachers will be available to visit with families at your convenience. Electives teachers will be available in the commons, grade 6 in the library, grade 7 in the 7th grade pod, and grade 8 in the 8th grade pod.
Beginning at 9:30 am until 6:00 pm on October 25, this time is reserved for scheduled conferences and is NOT available for drop in. Please contact the school with questions.
Yearbooks 2018- 2019
Please consider the long-term value of a yearbook! If you haven’t ordered your yearbook yet, there is still time. Don’t miss out on the memories and the fun of yearbook distribution. Order a yearbook today by logging into Parent Vue and completing the purchase online, or you can send a check/cash in the amount of $25.00 to our Bookkeeper, located in the office. Checks need to be made out to Otms.
Make sure your student doesn’t miss out on this opportunity! We are not ordering extra yearbooks and selling them like we have in past years.
Picture Retakes-Final Opportunity
The last day for picture retakes is October 22 from 4-6pm at Lakewood Middle.
New Intramural Opportunities
Any student interested in YOGA intramurals, please sign up in your grade level pod. Yoga will be from 3-3:45 Tuesdays and Thursdays starting Tuesday November 6th through December 13th. If you are interested, stop by Mrs. Ash's room (5) to get a permission form. A brief Yoga meeting will be held November 1st after school from 3-3:15.
Reminder from the Nurse
Friendly Reminder to OTMS Families: Blue Valley Policy states that students must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications before returning to school. Blue Valley’s definition of a fever is a temperature of 100*F or above. The same policy applies for the following: vomiting and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Brittany Petrich RN, BSN
School Nurse
Overland Trail Middle School
Overland Park, KS 66209
(913) 239-5413
Fax (913) 239-5421
TDaP Booster Vaccine Required for 7th Grade Students
Drug Take Back Day
Online Registration
Online Registration opened last spring. It will close in the next few weeks. If you haven't already done so, we need you to complete the Demographic and Consents portion of Online Registration, as soon as possible, to avoid having to complete this process via several different paper documents. Please log into your ParentVue account and click Online Registration. Follow the steps all the way to the end. Any changes you make will need to be saved by clicking the picture of the disc next to the field you are changing. When you are finished, you will have updated all demographic information as well as consents/acknowledgements for your student. The system will then generate an automatic email about paying fees. Please disregard that email, if you have already paid school fees.
Why do you need to complete the Online Registration?? If these forms are not filled out your student will not be able to participate in all of the educational programs and activities offered here at OTMS.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Melanie Rockers
Registrar/Student Services
Overland Trail Middle School
Please Pay Course Fees Now!
Please be sure to check you have completed registration by paying your child’s course fees.
Remember - Course fees are assigned based on the master schedule and your child’s enrollment. While you may have already paid required district fees during registration in the spring (i.e. learning resource, technology and activity programming fees, etc.), please take a moment to log in to ParentVUE to see if your child owes any course fees that were assigned after schedules were created. Please note,
· Not all courses will have associated fees. To check if your child is enrolled in a class with associated course fees, log in to ParentVUE.
· Course fees are posted for both first and second semester.
If you have any questions regarding course fees, please contact our bookkeeper at 913-239-5408. Thank you for your continued support of OTMS.
Musical Information
Willy Wonka Show Tickets are Available for purchase Now Buy Tickets Here show Dates Nov 7th & 8th at 7:00pm
Willy Wonka Show Shirts are Available for purchase Now Buy Shirts Here (Look for the OTMS Willy Wonka Shirts)
For more information please visit Link Here
Flyers from the Blue Valley Community
Flight Time (time to get help with school work)
3-4:00 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays (unless otherwise noted)
· 6th grade meets in the 7th grade computer lab
· 7th/8th in the 8th grade lab.
Spanish lab in Spanish classrooms on Tuesdays from 3-4:00 PM
Chinese lab in 8th grade computer lab on Tuesdays from 3-4:00 PM
Math Lab—room 25 on Monday through Thursday mornings from 7-7:30 AM.
NO Math Lab this Wednesday, October 17.
Students staying must remain in Flight Time until picked up promptly at 4:00.
Busses do not run at this time!
Principal-Dr. Trent Stern Asst. Principal - Lisa Stolper
Website-Otms1.org Twitter-@OTMSFalcons
Office Phone-913-239-5400 Attendance 913-239-5401