Madison Moments
Family Engagement Workshop - December 3rd
Dear Madison Families,
At Madison we value the unique perspectives and experiences our families have and bring to our school community. Last year we had two "listening sessions" to get input from you. This year, we would like to invite you to what we are calling our family engagement workshop. This workshop will be held on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:00 pm.
At this workshop we will:
- review our district and building goals
- engage you in similar learning to that of school staff around equity and culture in an effort to realize our goals
- offer you an opportunity to give your input as it pertains to our goals and work
Right at School will be providing free child care services for school-aged children (ages 4-12). If you would like to take advantage of this service, please register via this link by Monday, December 2nd.
If you have any questions regarding this workshop, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Mrs. Marble
Student Advisory Group (SAG) Spirit Week- Next Week!
The Student Advisory Group (SAG) has organized a Spirit Week for next week! As always, participation in spirit week is optional. This was an idea that the students had to bring some fun and excitement to the building next week!
Please see the video announcement from SAG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVmpOpHpLsE
Hawaiian Beach Day (Monday 18th)
Twinning Day (Tuesday 19th)
Career Day (Wednesday 20th)
Crazy Hair Day (Thursday 21st)
Color Wars Day (Friday 22nd)
Kindergarten (JK and SK)-Red
First Grade-Yellow
Second Grade-Green
Third Grade-White
Fourth Grade-Black
Fifth Grade-Blue
Updates from the PTA
Spirit Wear is on Sale! Show your support for Madison Elementary by wearing your Mustang gear around Tosa. Orders will be accepted online until November 20. Great options for teacher gifts! https://madisonholiday19.itemorder.com/sale
Our next PTA meeting is Thursday, November 21 at 6:30 PM in the school library.
Milwaukee Bucks Attendance Matters Program
Winter Concerts
- SK - 2nd Grade @ 11:00 (doors open to guests at 10:30)
- 3rd - 5th with Band/Choir/Orchestra @ 2:00 (doors open to guests at 1:30)
Important Dates
- Wednesday, November 27th through Monday, December 2-No School
- Friday, December 6 - Winter Concerts (Grades SK - 2nd @ 11 ; Grades 3-5 with band/choir/orchestra @ 2)
Winter Attire
As the weather continues to become colder and we begin to see more and more snow, please make sure that your students are being sent to school with proper winter attire. Students are sent out for recess unless it is 5 degrees below zero. Please be sure to send students with boots, snow pants, winter coats, gloves, hats and scarves to ensure warmth and an enjoyable outside recess.
Lost and Found - Please Claim!
Have any of your student's items gone missing since the start of the school year? If so, please stop in at Madison's front lobby to check the lost and found bins. Many items have been collected since the start of this school year.
Items remaining in lost and found not claimed by Tuesday, November 27th will be donated. Thank you!
Congratulations Mrs. Smith!
Visitation and Volunteer Reminders
All visitors who come into the building must be buzzed in at our main entrance on W. Glendale Ave. Upon entering the building, all visitors should report directly to the main office to be checked in via our Raptor system and put on a visitor's badge before proceeding to their destination. Anyone planning to visit a classroom during school day must make arrangements in advance with the student's classroom teacher.
Also, any person planning to volunteer (including field trip chaperones) must complete the district's volunteer form which is linked here. The background check takes approximately 3 to 5 business days to complete. An individual will not be able to volunteer and/or chaperone until they have received approval notification according to school district policy.
Mustang Shout Outs!
Soren K, Rhiannon L, Xavier W, Kendall F, Lilah S, Micah W, Elizabeth K, Makiayah T, Logan V, Eli F, Logan L, Kadan M, Edison H, Aziah S, Evelyn A, Zoie DL, Modesty J, and Preston X.
Library News
The Design Challenge for December will require empty toilet paper or paper towel tubes that will be used to make musical instruments. Please save these items and send them with your students. There is a box in the library where the tubes can be dropped off.
Thanks for helping to make this activity a success!
Lynn Kath
Library Assistant
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
School Goals for 2019-2020
1. All students have a strong academic foundation and critical thinking skills.
2. All students feel welcomed and supported.
Right At School Fall Enrollment is OPEN
Madison Elementary School
Mrs. Sherwood, Administrative Assistant - 414-773-1405
Mrs. Heinecke, Educational Assistant - 414-773-1406
Attendance Line - 414-773-1402
Main Office - 414-773-1400
Email: marbleni@wauwatosa.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.wauwatosa.k12.wi.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=15
Location: 9925 W Glendale Ave Wauwatosa, WI 53225
Phone: 414-773-1400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madison.tosa.3
Twitter: @madisontosa