Cavalier Newsflash
Work HARD! Dream BIG! Believe in YOURSELF! Never GIVE UP!
Volume 2 - Issue 38 - May 25, 2020
Message from the Principal
Good evening Cavaliers,
Today we honor and remember those who have served and currently serve in our armed forces. Especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave all, so that we and our children can enjoy freedom. Join me this Memorial Day in sending a heartfelt THANK YOU to those who made that ultimate sacrifice
As we begin our sixth week of distance learning, we also begin to wind down the school year. You will be receiving important year-end information that you will need to close out the year and prepare for next year. Thank you for those students that were able to pick up their PE and Dance attire last week. Tomorrow we will continue with our drive-up PE pick ups service for 8th grade students. Please see the attachment with detailed information below.
The last day of Distance Learning for 8th grade students will be Friday May 29th. We will begin the 8th grade check-out process on this date. Students moving on to ninth grade and those students that will not be returning to CVM next year will need to turn in their iPad on Friday May 29th. I have attached instructions for you to follow. Again, this is only for 8th grade students and those students who will not be returning to CVM next year. All other 7th grade students that will return to CVM next year will keep their device through the summer.
Starting on May 1st, we will begin textbook, instrument and Club TC uniform collection. Details on the procedures will be sent later this week. The last day of Distance Learning for 7th graders will be Thursday June 4th, and final grades will be available through Infinite Campus on Friday June 5th..
Finally, we will continue with our SUHSD Free Meal Service for students. Please see the information in the flyer below.
Thank you for your continued partnership during these difficult times. I appreciate you entrusting us with your student's education and I know that we will continue to be #cvmstrong!
Go Cavaleirs!
Julio Alcalá
Chula Vista Middle School
PE Item Pick-Up
iPad Return Procedures
Paper Copy Turn-In Procedures
The last day for 8th grade students to turn in paper copies will be Friday May 29th. The last Day for 7th grade students to turn in paper copies will be Wednesday June 3rd.
If you have been experiencing any tech issues please report these details on the form link below for our school to help you as parent or student.
Virtual Coffee with the Principal Moved to Thursday
Tentative Agenda:
- Welcome
- 8th Grade Check-out
Last Day of School
Eight Grade Virtual Recognition Ceremony
- iPad Collection
- Textbook, Instrument & Club TC Uniform Collection
- Questions
We will do our Presentation in both English and Spanish at 5:00 pm
Meeting ID: 932 6968 3503
Password: 4rhZP9
Distance Learning Survey/Encuesta de Aprendisaje a Distancia
Greetings Sweetwater families,
The survey below is being sent to all parents/guardians to obtain your input on Distance Learning and reopening of school for 2020-2021. We are asking that you log-in using your child’s sweetwaterschools.net account so that we can connect your responses to your child’s school.
Survey link: https://bit.ly/ParentDL2020
Saludos a las familias de Sweetwater,
La encuesta a continuación se envía a todos los padres / tutores para obtener su opinión sobre la educación a distancia y la reapertura de la escuela para 2020-2021. Le pedimos que inicie sesión con la cuenta de sweetwaterschools.net de su hijo para que podamos conectar sus respuestas a la escuela de su estudiante.
Survey link: https://bit.ly/ParentDL2020
8th Grade Class of 2020 Virtual Celebration
Current Student Registration
Returning Student Registration
Chula Vista Middle School Parents/Guardians,
The online registration window for 2020-2021 school year is now open. Please log into Infinite Campus Parent Portal submit your applications as soon as possible.
Chula Vista Middle needs your 6th or 7th grader’s current student information (e.i. current school, parent/guardian contact and address) to generate a GUID number (Activation Key). Please click HERE for more information.
We Are CVM!
Chula Vista Middle School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: www.cvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 415 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 498-6800
Twitter: @CVM_Principal