Coaching Corner
Volume 2 / Issue 3: Inclusive
The 21st Century Educator
For this Coaching Corner we will be focusing on being Reflective.
It is important that in education and innovation, we sit down and reflect on our process.
By: George Couros
What worked? What didn’t? What could we do next time? If we started again, what would we do differently? What can we build upon? It is important that in education and innovation, we sit down and reflect on our process. This last point is definitely lacking in many aspects of education as we are always “trying to get through the curriculum”, yet reflection is probably the most important part of education as the connections we make on our own is where deep learning happens.
What's your purpose again? What's the impact you want to have with your life? What's one thing you can do every day to bring you closer to honoring that purpose? - Anese Cavanaugh
Reflective: Purpose
I recently started waking up 15 minutes earlier so that I could squeeze a small workout in the morning. Taking time and honoring myself has allowed me to be better at being me, so that I can be in service of others.
A lot of scientific evidence suggests that the difference between those who succeed and those who don't is not the brains they were born with, but their approach to life, the messages they receive about their potential, and the opportunities they have to learn. - Jo Boaler
Reflective: Exit Tickets in Math
As we make reflection more apart of our practice, it is important to incorporate this in the classroom as well. Jo Boaler writes about using exit tickets in math in order for students to reflect and really think about math. Check out the video above about the key messages students need to have in order to learn math.
Math Exit Tickets <-----resource
Reflective: ELD
Reflective: Readers and Writers Workshop
Reflective: Makerspace and Design Thinking
Keepin' It Real
Check out past issues here.
Kristy Andre
Twitter: @kristyandre