SDSL's Cornerstone Newsletter
South Dakota State Library's e-newsletter
September 28, 2023
A New Learning Platform for Librarians and Other Educators
The Department of Education, of which the SD State Library is a division, has adopted a new professional learning platform. Instructure Canvas will allow users to register for offerings, participate in learning experiences, and access records of training completed through this system. All items are considered "courses" within the platform even if they are webinars, workshops, conferences, or in-person events.
Department of Education Catalog: https://sded.sd.gov/
SD State Library Specific Catalog: https://sded.sd.gov/browse/division-of-the-state-library/
- To enroll in a “course” in the catalog, you will first log-in to the system at one of the above URLs, find the course for which you would like to register, click on it, and then click the “Enroll Now” button.
- If you have a K12 email account, you will login using the same login information you use for your K12 account.
If you do not have a K12 email account,
- First, try to login with the email you use for library purposes. There is a chance that you may have been provisioned into the system.
- If you receive a message saying that you don’t have an account, then you will need to request to be provisioned into Instructure Canvas. *Do not try to use the “Sign up now” option on the login page. After you have requested to be provisioned in, you will then (please wait 24-72 hours) need to create a matching mySDaccount. This mySD account email and "request to be provisioned..." email must match exactly.
Canvas Course Dashboard: https://sded.instructure.com/ (this is where you will find your courses after you enroll; alternatively, you can click on your name in the top right corner of sded.sd.gov and select "Canvas" from the drop-down menu.)
DOE Canvas Help Page: https://doe.sd.gov/sded/
For enrollment help, contact Scottie Bruch: scottie.bruch@state.sd.us or 605-295-3152.
About SDSL
Email: library@state.sd.us
Website: library.sd.gov
Location: 800 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD, USA
Phone: 6057733131
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LibrarySD
Twitter: @LibrarySD
The SDSL does not endorse any service or product listed in this newsletter.