Gator News! Mayde Creek Jr. High
Second first day of school information.
First Day of Face to Face Instruction - Tuesday September 8th
For students who will be returning to face – to – face instruction on Tuesday, September 8th, please see the following information:
Campus doors will open at 8:30AM.
When you arrive to school – you will report directly to first period. Classroom numbers will be posted throughout the hallways to assist students locating their 1st period. It is highly recommended that students view their schedule from the Home Access Center (click on “classes”, then click on the “Schedule” tab) and know their 1st period teacher and room number when they arrive to school. All students will be given a copy of their schedule during first period.
Face-to-Face and KVA Schedules for September 8th
Note: Starting September 8th, schedules will NOT follow the same times and order as the first three weeks of school.
Click below to watch a video from our Principal Dr. Paz that will explain your face-to-face and KVA schedules located in HAC.
Student Health Protocols
- · All students are required to complete a daily self-screening for symptoms prior to arriving to school or boarding school transportation
· Students that arrive late to school will be required to have a temperature screening.
- · All students are provided daily guidance on proper hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and social distancing
- · All students, grades 4 through 12, are required to wear a facial covering upon arrival to school and dismissal, when riding a bus, in hallways, common areas, and in classrooms
- · All facial coverings should cover the nose and mouth
- · All students must be up-to-date with state required immunization compliance
- · All students are provided sanitizing wipes to clean work space before classroom instruction begins and ends
- · All students are encouraged to use hand sanitizer before classroom instruction begins and ends
- · All students are seated with as much separation as feasible during the instructional day
Non-Compliance with Mask Requirement
Katy ISD is offering parents the option of in-person or virtual instruction. Students who do not comply with safety protocols in place for in-person instruction will be transitioned to Katy Virtual Academy for the duration of the school year. KVA students participating in in-person school related activities before and after the start of the instructional day must also follow the same safety protocols. Students who do not wear masks/face coverings as required will not be allowed to participate in school related activities. Should a student have a medical condition that would preclude him/her from wearing a mask, the parent is requested to provide the campus nurse documentation from their medical provider. Facial coverings must meet the Katy ISD dress code requirements. Mayde Creek campus procedures for non-compliance with the mask requirement can be found on our website.
Covid-19 Reporting System
Katy ISD has developed and implemented a staff and student reporting system to report a lab confirmed positive case of COVID-19. The reporting system is available on My Katy Cloud. The report provides essential information such as last date on campus and locations visited. The report also provides an area to list known people who were in close contact with the reporting person. This confidential report facilitates the District’s ability to effectively track and investigate cases of COVID-10 in the district and provide prompt notification to anyone exposed. This also allows for maintenance and operations personnel to quickly begin the disinfectant procedures for the school and areas exposed.
- · Students and staff with a lab confirmed positive case should fill out the COVID-19 report on MyKaty
- · Report will include test date, district facilities visited within the last 14 days, and any known individuals with close contact
- · This information, including the name of the staff or student, will be kept confidential
- · Staff and students with a lab confirmed positive should not return until they have met TEA criteria for return or otherwise been advised by a medical professional
- · Individuals identified as having close contact will be individually notified of potential exposure
- · Staff and students confirms as having close contact shall follow TEA guidelines for self-isolation and meet criteria to return
- · All students and staff assigned to that campus will receive an emailed notification of a lab confirmed positive case on the campus
- · Maintenance and operations will ensure all exposed areas are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
- · The District Director of Health Services will notify the County Health Department as required.
Covid-19 Dashboard
With safety being the number one priority for Katy ISD, we have launched our new ‘COVID-19 Case Dashboard.’ As a District, we want to ensure that you have access to the information and tools you need in order to make timely decisions about your child’s schooling, health and well-being as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Dashboard provides daily updates on the number of overall self-reported COVID-19 positive cases throughout the district, and by campus. Families and staff can review the Dashboard at any time by visiting the Katy ISD website homepage and clicking on the COVID-19 Case Dashboard icon.
The Dashboard is populated by data that is submitted by students and staff who have self-reported a positive COVID-19 test result through Katy ISD’s COVID-19 Self- Reporting App in the MyKaty Cloud.
COVID-19 Survey
Please complete the following questions to help us know about your needs and better understand how we can offer support to your student. We understand that these are unusual times and we care very much about our students and families during this pandemic. Please know that completion is voluntary and any information shared will remain confidential among those who need to know in order to support your child. Our campus support staff may contact you, to discuss additional needs and available supports.
Por favor complete las siguientes preguntas para ayudarnos a conocer sus necesidades y comprender mejor cómo podemos apoyar a sus hijos. Entendemos que estos son tiempos difíciles e inusuales y nos preocupa mucho el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes y sus familias durante esta pandemia. Tenga en cuenta que leste cuestionario es voluntario y cualquier información compartida permanecerá confidencial. Solo aquellos que necesariamente deban conocer la información para poder apoyar a su hijo, estarán en conocimiento de lo que usted aquí comparta. Nuestro personal de apoyo de la escuela puede comunicarse con usted para discutir necesidades adicionales y ayudas disponibles.
Campus Visits
Parents/visitors are required to conduct campus visits by phone, virtual, or by pre-scheduled appointment only.
School Supplies
Please make sure to bring your own supplies as students will not be allowed to share supplies this year. School supply lists are attached.
Food Deliveries
No food deliveries will be accepted. If a student forgets their lunch, they will be able to purchase lunch from the cafeteria.
Bus Routes
Find bus routes by clicking here.
Transportation Information
The Katy ISD Transportation Department is excited to communicate that all 2020 – 2021 route buses are equipped with GPS systems. With the GPS systems, parents, campuses and transportation personnel are able to track buses in real-time through a downloadable application from Edulog. For parents and patrons having children who are eligible for transportation services in Katy ISD, the link below contains information on how to download the application. Your campus code is: 24388537. http://www.katyisd.org/dept/transportation/Pages/Bus-Track.aspx We look forward to working with our parents and campuses as we continue to find new ways to improve safety, efficiency, and responsiveness within the Transportation Department. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Landis at PaulELandis@katyisd.org, Ashley Peveto (East) at AshleyLPeveto@katyisd.org, Bobbie Ramirez (South) at BobbieJRamirez@katyisd.org or Lisa Clark (West) at MelissaLClark@katyisd.org
Checking a student out early?
Changing to and from KVA or In-Person Instruction
On September 8th Students who have chosen to learn either in-person or virtually through KVA must stick with their chosen mode of learning until the end of the six-week grading period on September 25th.
In-person students who do not report to school will be counted absent. In addition, KVA students who arrive on campus will be housed in our LGI room until a parent picks them up. They will also be counted absent until they log online to their class.
The deadline to switch your mode of learning for the second six weeks has been extended until September 18th. If you wish to change your mode of learning, please click on the link below:
For other questions/concerns please email KVA@Katyisd.org
KVA Curbside “Grab and Go” Meals - beginning Monday, September 7
Students enrolled in Katy Virtual Academy (KVA) will be able to pick up breakfast and lunch meals, curbside from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, beginning Monday, September 7. Pick up is available at these four sites: Morton Ranch HS, Mayde Creek HS, Cinco Ranch HS, or Seven Lakes HS. Meals are packaged to be heated and eaten at home. Meals are to be picked up a day prior to the intended use. A breakfast and lunch picked up on Tuesday evening, for example, would be consumed Wednesday morning/ afternoon. Meals are charged based on the student’s eligibility (free, reduced, or full pay).
· Breakfast: $1.25 ($.30 reduced) Elementary Lunch: $2.25 ($.40) Secondary Lunch: $2.75 ($.40 reduced)
· Parents/students may pick up meals at any of the four sites. Student ID or current proof of enrollment is needed for meal service.
· Meals may also be pre-ordered through SchoolCafe.com. Parents/students who pre-order will need to pick up their meals at the site assigned to them on SchoolCafe.com during the online pre-ordering process.
· Menus and nutritional information are available on SchoolCafe.com.
· Cashless payment is encouraged using Pay N’ Go.
Campus Advisory Team
In an effort to continually improve Texas public schools, the legislature requires that each school have a site-based decision making process. In Katy I.S.D. one major vehicle for site-based decision making has been the Campus Advisory Team (C.A.T.). This committee is responsible for assisting the principal in decision making in six areas – planning, curriculum, budgeting, staffing patterns, staff development, and school organization for the purpose of improving achievement for all students. Most committee time and discussion involves issues that influence student achievement.
If you would like to commit your time to site-based decision making at Mayde Creek Junior High and would be able to attend the meetings listed below, please nominate yourself to serve and complete the link below. You may also nominate other Mayde Creek parents or community members. Please submit all nominations to the school by September 18, 2020 and those individuals drawn will be notified. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.
Nomination Link: https://tinyurl.com/y2g952fv
September 29, 2020
November 10, 2020
February 23, 2021
April 27, 2021
Mayde Creek Junior High
At MCJH, we follow the C.A.R.E. creed. Students who commit to their education and strive to achieve in all their endeavors will find success. Furthermore, students who respect everyone including themselves will enjoy their interactions not only in school, but in life. Finally, our students empower each other to do the right thing, which is a strong characteristic for leadership. All of our students can and will be leaders for our school! C.A.R.E. is not just a cute acronym, it is truly what guides our students to a successful and enjoyable junior high experience!
Email: DavidFPaz@katyisd.org
Website: www.katyisd.org/campus/MCJH/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 2700 Greenhouse Road, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-237-3900
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MaydeCreekJuniorHigh/
Twitter: @MCJHGators