Superintendent Newsletter
October 2021
New Science Curricula Pilot
New Science Curricula Pilot
The Los Altos School District is piloting a new science curriculum across all grade levels in select classrooms to determine the best curriculum for student success. As a data-driven school district, our instructional team is analyzing Twig Science and the McGraw Hill Inspire Science curricula to best align our classroom instruction with the Next Generation Science Standards.
Inquiry and Phenomenon Based
Both curricula are inquiry and phenomenon based to facilitate both hands-on learning and the grounding of scientific education in the key concepts all students need for a strong science foundation. In an inquiry-based curriculum, students are given a problem to solve through independent, hands-on experimentation and exploration. Phenomenon-based curriculum allows students to explore a phenomenon or natural occurrence, and then learn how it works or explain how it works using key scientific concepts.
Fermentation in a Bag: An Experiment
The photo shows an example of the kinds of hands-on activities that may be part of our new science curriculum. In the “Fermentation in a Bag” activity, students are witnessing fermentation in action using yeast cells. Students collect qualitative and quantitative observations to measure the carbon dioxide gas being produced.
The Path Forward
After piloting these two curricula in Fall and Spring, our science pilot cohort of educators will evaluate student performance and engagement. Once the pilot team makes a recommendation, the materials will be reviewed by the curriculum council and other LASD parents. The school board will then consider adopting the new curriculum to implement for all students next year.
Los Altos Safe Routes to Schools
Safer streets are a team effort. To help create safer streets in our community along school routes, the Los Altos Safe Routes to School Program is creating "Drive Safely" neighborhood signs to encourage drivers to slow down.
Interested in placing a sign in your yard? Please complete this form of interest before November 8, 2021.
Would You Like to Be a Substitute Teacher?
Do you enjoy working with kids?
Do you have a flexible schedule?
If so, you might enjoy becoming a substitute teacher in our local Los Altos School District classrooms!
Learn More About Becoming a Substitute Teacher
On Thursday, November 18, our local elementary and junior high schools in the Los Altos School District will be hosting an in-person substitute information session and training.
When: November 18, 9:00am-11:30am
Where: 201 Covington Road in the Board Room
What: Stephanie Tyson, a retired mentor teacher, will share information, tricks, tips, and strategies for successfully substituting in Kindergarten through eighth grade classrooms. All are welcome.
To RSVP, email Erin Green at egreen@lasdschools.org
Requirements to Substitute Teach
A BA/BS college degree
CBEST exam
Fingerprinting and background check
If you are interested in learning about sub permit requirements, please contact Marlene Revelo mrevelo@lasdschools.org for the quick steps to take to become a certified substitute in LASD.
Health and Safety Protocols
Our students have been SAFELY back in classrooms since September 2020 with strict adherence to all state and local public health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Learn more at www.lasdschools.org on our COVID Safe Schools webpage.
Thank you for considering joining our substitute teaching team!
Los Altos School District
Website: lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: 650-947-1150