The Ocean Courant Staff Newsletter
Carelot Children's Center ~ July 2022
A message from Holly Bevilacqua, COO
Wow, it is hard to believe Summer is in full swing already. I am so excited about this summer as we can get back to our regular curriculum, field trips, programs, and activities.
While summer is a time for relaxing, we must all start thinking about Fal! Take the time to start your fall planning, and share ideas for the 2022/2023 school year with us. We love to hear from all of you in regards to events, theme ideas, ideas to improve your classrooms or centers, and so much more!
With that said, I have already begun our Fall planning. Please do me a huge favor and check your classrooms thoroughly. Do you need books, toys, posters, name tags, furniture items, playground supplies, arts and crafts supplies, etc? Please include it on your August Wish lists.
ENROLLMENT has increased and we are seeing more tours come into the buildings. Please clearly communicate any maintenance items that may need attention. Check your walls, cabinets, furniture, floors, doors, ceilings, fences, windows, etc, and PLEASE COMMUNICATE WHAT NEEDS REPAIR So I can arrange for it.
Our Staff Appreciation Picnic was so much fun!! What a great gift from Carelot and the PTO. Staff enjoyed an afternoon of Great Food, Cornhole, Volleyball, Horseshoes, DJ Ricky, Moonbounce and visiting with each other. Thank you to the Haversham's SHAMLOT for hosting this event!
I would like to thank all of our staff who have contributed to our Staff Facebook Group! We all love to see your creativity and all the exciting activities you are doing with your kiddos! Great Collaboration!!! I would love to see more participation from all of our classrooms! This is your time to shine!!! If you cannot post something, have your co-worker or site manager post it for you!!!!
I want to also remind you that the monthly incentives and Facebook posts are part of our curriculum and programming. I take what has been planned by your sites and enhance the activity with fun incentives for you to win or just have fun with and show each other ideas on your interpretation of the activity!!!!
Thank you for your dedication!
2 years - Kyah - Waterford
1 year- Nishel- East Lyme
Celebrate you!
7/10- Michelle- WAS and East Lyme Camp
7/13-Donna- East Lyme
7/17- Shai- East Lyme
7/30- Sokie- East Lyme
A little humor!
- Please do your best to keep the playground clean and tidy. Toys should always be put away in their proper places, garbage should be picked up, water jugs should be taken inside at the end of every night, and wood chips and rocks should be swept and cleaned up to provide a safe environment for the children.
- We know that it is very hot outside during these last summer months, so please be sure that you and your class are staying hydrated. Bring a spray bottle with water outside to cool off and don’t forget to be using the hose and sprinkler to engage in some fun water play. It is recommended that you bring a pitcher with cold water and some cups outside so that both you and the children are staying hydrated while running around in the heat.
- Please make sure you keep up with the center cleaning and decorating. I know that it is summer, but remember that fall enrollment is right around the corner and first impressions are everything! Please be sure your rooms are cleaned up before going outside, taking a walk, etc. You never know when a tour will walk in. Thank you for your help!
- CLEANING products: It has been noted that several cleaning products have been left in the reach of children. Please make sure all Bleach bottles are completely out of the reach of children in a cabinet or shelf- ALL clorox wipes/spray, lysol etc are to be kept in a locked cabinet. These are regulations and policies that must be adhered to at all times.
Hot News
Click the link to submit your answer! The winner will receive $20!
WINNER: Chrissy was our only entry for June! Congrats on winning $20!
How are those portfolios going?
CHAPLIN- The visit is coming SOON! Please complete your classroom portfolios and have them ready for review by July 30th.
CHECK OUT the blocks in the picture. Great idea for your classrooms!
ALL sites: Please make sure you review all the requirements for NAEYC so when they do make a visit you are in compliance. You can find lots of detailed information on
East Lyme - good til June 1, 2023
Killingly - Annual report is due 10-1-2022
Brooklyn- Annual report is due 8-1-2022
Waterford- Application is under review still- waiting for confirmation of dates for a visit.
Shared spaces!
Please pick up after yourself, Don't put things you don't want anymore from your classroom into an empty room, or stuffed in the art closet, put items away that you are returning to the art closet, clean up the staff or kitchen area if you did a project, planned, or just had lunch. These quick fixes saves lots of time in the future!
While these spaces are not always the major focus to families in the center, they do walk by them. Let's all take pride in our spaces - the ones we use daily or the ones we use on occasion.
When someone sees that our spaces are being cared for, then it shows awareness and how much you care. Please take the time if you see something to help fix it or notify someone so it can get taken care of effectively and efficiently.
Take Pride!
Summer is upon us, please follow the dress code at all times- All staff must wear something with the Carelot logo on it. Aprons are always a great way to keep your clothes clean and follow the dress code at the same time!
Remember to close your room down at the end of the day. That includes taking your trash out, locking the doors and windows, and bringing in the first aid kits from outside, and floors clear of toys, and anything left on the floor.
All opening and closing staff need to sign off on the checklist and hand it into the office daily. At this time frame, we have families coming in for tours and we need the center to be spotless. Parents look at everything, so please have boards updated, artwork hanging up, counters cleared, cubbies cleared off and nice and neat.
Flyers and Family postings should be placed neatly on your parent boards and on the main family board located at the entrance of the building. Do not cover your entry doors or walls with these flyers. 1. it is a fire hazard and 2 it looks messy. You can ask the main office to print you one in a smaller size to suit your needs if necessary. Be sure you are pointing out what you are posting to your families. Verbal Communication is key and many families rush in and out and don't necessarily read what is posted. Remind them to check out the Family Board in your classroom with upcoming events.
Classroom materials: The classroom is a reflection of you as a teacher! Please know that it is ok to replace items that have broken or become worn. It is our goal to provide you with teaching materials that reflect a respectful, caring, and educational-based environment. If you have an item that is in this condition, please send Holly a request for new by getting her a picture of what needs to be replaced (cell: 860-460-8465 or or post it right on the staff Facebook page!) or speak directly to your site manager.
Books: These get worn faster than some classroom supplies. Many books that are overly loved (torn edges, ripped pages, curled covers, etc) need to be replaced. We have tons of books in all the sites and we should have books in our classrooms that are all in tip-top shape!
Lesson plans: I know as a teacher we get very excited to plan activities for the children. However, remember that we should be individualizing these lessons according to the assessments and interests of each child. Not all children are on the same level! Also, it is important to listen to the children as well. If they are interested in a topic, they will learn more and be more apt to participate. It is ok to take their lead sometimes and change your plans. Our theme list is just a guide for your lessons!
Some fun dates for the month of July
15 Cow Appreciation Day- Go out and give a cow a hug
This month's incentive- Win !!!
Pink Party- Best party events, decor, dressed in pick goes to The Waterford Center! They won a pizza party for their center!
Cooperative Garden - EL Campers and Brooklyn Frogs won an ice cream party for their kiddos
NO Cooking submissions to win a pizza party for your class
Wish lIsts and supplies
Our fundraising events are a great way to add extra funds to purchase such items. Help out and make sure you are aware of when they are happening and encourage your families to get involved and why!
Details- Wish list items are best when the most detail is given- size, color, description or even a photo helps out a lot! Please be descriptive!
CHECK- please check the supply and art closets before asking for items- it may just be tucked away or someone may know where to find something we already have!
Have you completed your STATE REQUIRED TRAINING? Mandatory for all staff - 1 time training
Carelot Children's Center
Location: 315 Flanders Road, East Lyme, CT, United States
Phone: 860-739-1993